
silo: add new package

Waldemar Brodkorb 7 年之前

+ 28 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+# This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
+# material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
+include $(ADK_TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+PKG_NAME:=		silo
+PKG_HASH:=		add sha256 checksum of package here
+PKG_DESCR:=		sparc bootloader
+PKG_SECTION:=		base/boot
+PKG_BUILDDEP:=		e2fsprogs
+PKG_SITES:=		https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/davem/silo.git
+PKG_ARCH_DEPENDS:=	sparc sparc64
+include $(ADK_TOPDIR)/mk/package.mk
+$(eval $(call PKG_template,SILO,silo,$(PKG_VERSION)-$(PKG_RELEASE),$(PKG_DEPENDS),$(PKG_DESCR),$(PKG_SECTION)))
+CONFIG_STYLE:=		manual
+	$(INSTALL_BIN) $(WRKINST)/sbin/silo \
+		$(IDIR_SILO)/sbin
+include $(ADK_TOPDIR)/mk/pkg-bottom.mk

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+--- silo-git.orig/Rules.make	2017-10-14 10:02:18.000000000 +0200
++++ silo-git/Rules.make	2017-10-15 11:42:54.792574664 +0200
+@@ -3,12 +3,12 @@ IMGVERSION=0.99
+ SHELL=/bin/bash
+ RM=rm -f
+ # We want to force 32-bit builds
+-CC=gcc -m32
+-LD=ld -m elf32_sparc
++CC?=gcc -m32
++LD?=ld -m elf32_sparc
+ ELFTOAOUT=elftoaout
+ BIN2H=../common/bin2h
+@@ -18,7 +18,8 @@ LARGE_RELOC=0x380000
+ cc-option-yn = $(shell if $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(1) -S -o /dev/null -xc /dev/null \
+ 		> /dev/null 2>&1; then echo "y"; else echo "n"; fi;)
+-CFLAGS = -Os -Wall -I. -I../include -fomit-frame-pointer \
++CFLAGS += -Wall -I. -I../include -fomit-frame-pointer \
+ 	-fno-strict-aliasing -DSMALL_RELOC=$(SMALL_RELOC) \
+ HOSTCFLAGS = -O2 -Wall

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- silo-git.orig/common/Makefile	2017-10-14 10:02:18.000000000 +0200
++++ silo-git/common/Makefile	2017-10-15 12:33:57.564705193 +0200
+@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ include ../Rules.make
+ .S.o:
+ 	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $*.S
+-OBJS = sdiv.o rem.o udiv.o urem.o jmp.o printf.o console.o prom.o tree.o stringops2.o\
++OBJS = sdiv.o rem.o udiv.o umul.o urem.o jmp.o printf.o console.o prom.o tree.o stringops2.o\
+ 	stringops1.o ffs.o divdi3.o udivdi3.o
+ PROGRAMS = bin2h

+ 11 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+--- silo-git.orig/tilo/Makefile	2017-10-14 10:02:18.000000000 +0200
++++ silo-git/tilo/Makefile	2017-10-15 12:38:01.431265539 +0200
+@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ all: maketilo
+ OBJS_COMMON = ../common/printf.o ../common/jmp.o ../common/prom.o \
+ 	../common/tree.o ../common/console.o ../common/stringops1.o \
+ 	../common/urem.o ../common/stringops2.o ../common/udiv.o \
+-	../common/divdi3.o ../common/udivdi3.o
++	../common/divdi3.o ../common/udivdi3.o ../common/umul.o
+ OBJS = crt0.o tilo.o $(OBJS_COMMON) malloc.o
+ OBJS2 = crt0l.o tilol.o $(OBJS_COMMON) mallocl.o
+ OBJS3 = crt0sup.o tilosup.o $(OBJS_COMMON) mallocsup.o

+ 169 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+/* $Id: umul.S,v 1.1 2001/04/27 21:55:52 bencollins Exp $
+ * umul.S:      This routine was taken from glibc-1.09 and is covered
+ *              by the GNU Library General Public License Version 2.
+ */
+ * Unsigned multiply.  Returns %o0 * %o1 in %o1%o0 (i.e., %o1 holds the
+ * upper 32 bits of the 64-bit product).
+ *
+ * This code optimizes short (less than 13-bit) multiplies.  Short
+ * multiplies require 25 instruction cycles, and long ones require
+ * 45 instruction cycles.
+ *
+ * On return, overflow has occurred (%o1 is not zero) if and only if
+ * the Z condition code is clear, allowing, e.g., the following:
+ *
+ *	call	.umul
+ *	nop
+ *	bnz	overflow	(or tnz)
+ */
+	.globl .umul
+	or	%o0, %o1, %o4
+	mov	%o0, %y		! multiplier -> Y
+	andncc	%o4, 0xfff, %g0	! test bits 12..31 of *both* args
+	be	Lmul_shortway	! if zero, can do it the short way
+	 andcc	%g0, %g0, %o4	! zero the partial product and clear N and V
+	/*
+	 * Long multiply.  32 steps, followed by a final shift step.
+	 */
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 1
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 2
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 3
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 4
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 5
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 6
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 7
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 8
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 9
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 10
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 11
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 12
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 13
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 14
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 15
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 16
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 17
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 18
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 19
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 20
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 21
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 22
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 23
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 24
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 25
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 26
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 27
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 28
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 29
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 30
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 31
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 32
+	mulscc	%o4, %g0, %o4	! final shift
+	/*
+	 * Normally, with the shift-and-add approach, if both numbers are
+	 * positive you get the correct result.  With 32-bit two's-complement
+	 * numbers, -x is represented as
+	 *
+	 *		  x		    32
+	 *	( 2  -  ------ ) mod 2  *  2
+	 *		   32
+	 *		  2
+	 *
+	 * (the `mod 2' subtracts 1 from 1.bbbb).  To avoid lots of 2^32s,
+	 * we can treat this as if the radix point were just to the left
+	 * of the sign bit (multiply by 2^32), and get
+	 *
+	 *	-x  =  (2 - x) mod 2
+	 *
+	 * Then, ignoring the `mod 2's for convenience:
+	 *
+	 *   x *  y	= xy
+	 *  -x *  y	= 2y - xy
+	 *   x * -y	= 2x - xy
+	 *  -x * -y	= 4 - 2x - 2y + xy
+	 *
+	 * For signed multiplies, we subtract (x << 32) from the partial
+	 * product to fix this problem for negative multipliers (see mul.s).
+	 * Because of the way the shift into the partial product is calculated
+	 * (N xor V), this term is automatically removed for the multiplicand,
+	 * so we don't have to adjust.
+	 *
+	 * But for unsigned multiplies, the high order bit wasn't a sign bit,
+	 * and the correction is wrong.  So for unsigned multiplies where the
+	 * high order bit is one, we end up with xy - (y << 32).  To fix it
+	 * we add y << 32.
+	 */
+#if 0
+	tst	%o1
+	bl,a	1f		! if %o1 < 0 (high order bit = 1),
+	 add	%o4, %o0, %o4	! %o4 += %o0 (add y to upper half)
+	rd	%y, %o0		! get lower half of product
+	retl
+	 addcc	%o4, %g0, %o1	! put upper half in place and set Z for %o1==0
+	/* Faster code from tege@sics.se.  */
+	sra	%o1, 31, %o2	! make mask from sign bit
+	and	%o0, %o2, %o2	! %o2 = 0 or %o0, depending on sign of %o1
+	rd	%y, %o0		! get lower half of product
+	retl
+	 addcc	%o4, %o2, %o1	! add compensation and put upper half in place
+	/*
+	 * Short multiply.  12 steps, followed by a final shift step.
+	 * The resulting bits are off by 12 and (32-12) = 20 bit positions,
+	 * but there is no problem with %o0 being negative (unlike above),
+	 * and overflow is impossible (the answer is at most 24 bits long).
+	 */
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 1
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 2
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 3
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 4
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 5
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 6
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 7
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 8
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 9
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 10
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 11
+	mulscc	%o4, %o1, %o4	! 12
+	mulscc	%o4, %g0, %o4	! final shift
+	/*
+	 * %o4 has 20 of the bits that should be in the result; %y has
+	 * the bottom 12 (as %y's top 12).  That is:
+	 *
+	 *	  %o4		    %y
+	 * +----------------+----------------+
+	 * | -12- |   -20-  | -12- |   -20-  |
+	 * +------(---------+------)---------+
+	 *	   -----result-----
+	 *
+	 * The 12 bits of %o4 left of the `result' area are all zero;
+	 * in fact, all top 20 bits of %o4 are zero.
+	 */
+	rd	%y, %o5
+	sll	%o4, 12, %o0	! shift middle bits left 12
+	srl	%o5, 20, %o5	! shift low bits right 20
+	or	%o5, %o0, %o0
+	retl
+	 addcc	%g0, %g0, %o1	! %o1 = zero, and set Z
+	.globl	.umul_patch
+	umul	%o0, %o1, %o0
+	retl
+	 rd	%y, %o1
+	nop