Makefile 851 B

  1. # This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
  2. # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
  3. include ${TOPDIR}/rules.mk
  4. PKG_NAME:= speex
  5. PKG_VERSION:= 1.2rc1
  6. PKG_RELEASE:= 1
  7. PKG_MD5SUM:= c4438b22c08e5811ff10e2b06ee9b9ae
  8. PKG_DESCR:= an open source patent-free speech compression codec
  9. PKG_SECTION:= libs
  10. PKG_URL:= http://speex.org
  11. PKG_SITES:= http://downloads.us.xiph.org/releases/speex/
  12. include ${TOPDIR}/mk/package.mk
  13. $(eval $(call PKG_template,LIBSPEEX,libspeex,${PKG_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE},${PKG_DEPENDS},${PKG_DESCR},${PKG_SECTION}))
  14. CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --without-ogg --disable-oggtest --enable-fixed-point
  15. XAKE_FLAGS+= bin_PROGRAMS=""
  16. post-install:
  17. ${INSTALL_DIR} ${IDIR_LIBSPEEX}/usr/lib
  18. ${CP} ${WRKINST}/usr/lib/libspeex.so* ${IDIR_LIBSPEEX}/usr/lib/
  19. include ${TOPDIR}/mk/pkg-bottom.mk