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Merge branch 'master' of git+ssh://openadk.org/git/openadk

Waldemar Brodkorb пре 10 година
52 измењених фајлова са 2495 додато и 8 уклоњено
  1. 11 4
  2. 24 0
  3. 71 0
  4. 13 0
  5. 57 0
  6. 31 0
  7. 92 0
  8. 83 0
  9. 25 0
  10. 15 0
  11. 8 0
  12. 21 0
  13. 87 0
  14. 68 0
  15. 87 0
  16. 20 0
  17. 48 0
  18. 33 0
  19. 154 0
  20. 23 0
  21. 14 0
  22. 23 0
  23. 19 0
  24. 29 0
  25. 13 0
  26. 26 0
  27. 58 0
  28. 22 0
  29. 9 0
  30. 80 0
  31. BIN
  32. BIN
  33. 26 0
  34. 51 0
  35. 99 0
  36. 33 0
  37. 182 0
  38. 52 0
  39. 135 0
  40. 82 0
  41. 52 0
  42. 1 0
  43. 178 0
  44. 22 0
  45. 12 0
  46. 62 0
  47. 19 0
  48. 99 0
  49. 25 0
  50. 91 0
  51. 7 4
  52. 3 0

+ 11 - 4

@@ -1,9 +1,16 @@
-- more output for initscripts on bootup (fancy OK/FAIL with color?)
+- tzdata split + update
+- getty + serial rework
+- add daemon() function to functions.sh
+- add printing of OK/FAIL (optional verbose bootup)
+- fixup rework libgcc --export-symbols
+- libgcc static?
+- remove 32 bit kernel for 64 bit targets
+- static toolchain support
+- toolchain in /usr , check gcj
+- rework startup, maybe use init.c, start gettys after bootup ready
+- more output for initscripts on bootup
 - try Preset Loops per Jiffy for faster bootup via lpj=
 - port uuterm
-- move tools to package host infrastructure, 
-  resolve dependency handling for host tools
-- port uuterm
 - hash-style=gnu for non-mips and non-musl
 - add fb full screen logo
 - port opkg with gpg signing

+ 24 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+all:	pdf text html
+	mkdir .pdf pdf
+	cp *.txt .pdf
+	cp images/*.png pdf
+	a2x -v --dblatex-opts "-P latex.output.revhistory=0" -f pdf -d book -L -D pdf .pdf/manual.txt
+	mkdir .text text
+	cp *.txt .text
+	cp images/*.png text
+	a2x -v -f text -d book -L -D text .text/manual.txt
+	mkdir .html html
+	cp *.txt .html
+	cp images/*.png html
+	a2x -v --xsltproc-opts "--stringparam toc.section.depth 2" -f xhtml -d book -L -D html .html/manual.txt
+	rm -rf pdf .pdf text .text html .html

+ 71 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Infrastructure for autotools-based packages
+First, let's see how to write a +Makefile+ file for an autotools-based
+package, with an example:
+01: # This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
+02: # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
+04: include ${TOPDIR}/rules.mk
+06: PKG_NAME:=		libfoo
+07: PKG_VERSION:=	1.0
+08: PKG_RELEASE:=	1
+09: PKG_MD5SUM:=	ba526cd8f4403a5d351a9efaa8608fbc
+10: PKG_DESCR:=		foo library
+11: PKG_SECTION:=	libs
+12: PKG_BUILDDEP:=	openssl
+13: PKG_DEPENDS:=	libopenssl
+14: PKG_URL:=		http://www.libfoo.org/
+15: PKG_SITES:=		http://downloads.libfoo.org/
+17: include ${TOPDIR}/mk/package.mk
+19: $(eval $(call PKG_template,LIBFOO,libfoo,${PKG_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE},${PKG_DEPENDS},${PKG_DESCR},${PKG_SECTION}))
+21: libfoo-install:
+22:	${INSTALL_DIR} ${IDIR_LIBFOO}/usr/lib
+23:	${CP} ${WRKINST}/usr/lib/libfoo.so* ${IDIR_LIBFOO}/usr/lib
+25: include ${TOPDIR}/mk/pkg-bottom.mk
+The Makefile begins with line 4 with the inclusion of the top level rules.mk
+file.  After that the Makefile starts on line 6 to 15 with metadata
+information: the name of the package (+PKG_NAME+), the version of the package
+(+PKG_VERSION+), the release number of the package (+PKG_RELEASE+), which is
+used in OpenADK to mark any package updates, the md5 hash of the source archive
+(+PKG_MD5SUM+), the short one line description for the package (+PKG_DESCR+),
+the package section for the menu configuration system (+PKG_SECTION+), the
+package buildtime dependencies (+PKG_BUILDDEP+), the package runtime
+dependencies (+PKG_DEPENDS+), the package homepage (+PKG_URL+) and finally the
+internet locations at which the tarball can be downloaded from (+PKG_SITES+).
+Normally ${PKG_NAME}-${PKG_VERSION}.tar.gz will be downloaded. You can
+overwrite the default via the +DISTFILES+ variable. You can add more then one
+archive name in +DISTFILES+ via space separated. If you have no source archive
+at all, just use the boolean variable +NO_DISTFILES+ and set it to 1.
+On line 17 the +mk/package.mk+ file is included, which contains the PKG_template
+function, which is used in line 19.
+On line 21-23 we install the shared library into the package installation
+directory, which is used to create the resulting binary package or tar archive
+for the target.
+On line 25 we include +mk/pkg-bottom.mk+, which includes common functions used
+by the package fetching and building process.
+With the autotools infrastructure, all the steps required to build
+and install the packages are already defined, and they generally work
+well for most autotools-based packages. However, when required, it is
+still possible to customize what is done in any particular step.
+By adding a post-operation hook (after extract, patch, configure,
+build or install). See xref:hooks[] for details.

+ 13 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+As you can see, adding a software package to OpenADK is simply a
+matter of writing a Makefile using an existing template and modifying it
+according to the compilation process required by the package.
+If you package software that might be useful for other people, don't
+forget to send a patch to the OpenADK developer (see xref:submitting-patches[])!

+ 57 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+New package
+First of all, create a directory and Makefile under the +package+
+directory for your software, for example +libfoo+:
+ $ make newpackage PKG=libfoo VER=0.1
+This will create a sample Makefile for you, with a lot of comments and
+hints.  It describes how the package should be downloaded, configured,
+built, installed, etc.
+Depending on the package type, the +Makefile+ must be written in a
+different way, using two different infrastructures:
+* manual package configuration
+* automatic package configuration using autotools
+Dependencies on target and toolchain options
+Some packages depend on certain options of the toolchain: mainly the
+choice of C library and C++ support.  Some packages can only be built on
+certain target architectures or for specific target systems. 
+These dependencies have to be expressed in the Makefile. The given values
+are space separated and can be negated with ! as a prefix.
+* Target architecture
+** variable used PKG_ARCH_DEPENDS
+** allowed values are: arm, mips, .. see target/arch.lst
+* Target system 
+** variable used PKG_SYSTEM_DEPENDS
+** for allowed values see the output of ./scripts/getsystems
+* Target C library
+** variable used PKG_LIBC_DEPENDS
+** allowed values are: uclibc glibc musl
+* Host system
+** variable used PKG_HOST_DEPENDS
+** allowed values are: linux darwin cygwin freebsd netbsd openbsd
+* C++ support
+** variable used PKG_NEED_CXX
+** Comment string: `C++`
+Further formatting details: see xref:writing-rules-mk[the writing

+ 31 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Hooks available in the various build steps
+The infrastructure allow packages to specify hooks.  These define further
+actions to perform after existing steps.  Most hooks aren't really useful for
+manual packages, since the +Makefile+ already has full control over the
+actions performed in each step of the package construction.
+The following hook targets are available:
+* +post-extract+
+* +post-patch+
+* +pre-configure+
+* +post-configure+
+* +pre-build+
+* +post-build+
+* +pre-install+
+* +post-install+
+For example, to make some scripts executable after extraction,
+add following to your +Makefile+:
+	chmod a+x $(WRKBUILD)/build/make/*.sh
+	chmod a+x $(WRKBUILD)/build/make/*.pl

+ 92 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Infrastructure for host packages
+First, let's see how to write a +Makefile+ for an host only package, required
+by another target package to build, with an example:
+01: # This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
+02: # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
+04: include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+06: PKG_NAME:=              hostfoo
+07: PKG_VERSION:=           1.0
+08: PKG_RELEASE:=           1
+09: PKG_MD5SUM:=            291ba57c0acd218da0b0916c280dcbae
+10: PKG_DESCR:=             hostfoo utility
+11: PKG_SECTION:=           misc
+12: PKG_URL:=               http://www.foo.org/
+13: PKG_SITES:=             http://download.foo.org/
+17: include $(TOPDIR)/mk/host.mk
+18: include $(TOPDIR)/mk/package.mk
+20: $(eval $(call HOST_template,HOSTFOO,hostfoo,$(PKG_VERSION)-${PKG_RELEASE}))
+22: HOST_STYLE:=            auto
+24: include ${TOPDIR}/mk/host-bottom.mk
+25: include ${TOPDIR}/mk/pkg-bottom.mk
+The differences to a target package is the inclusion of +mk/host.mk+ in line 17 and
++mk/host-bottom.mk+ in line 24. Furthermore the HOST_template is called instead of
+the PKG_template. The last difference is the usage of +PKG_CFLINE_HOSTFOO+ to mark
+the package as host only package.
+Following mix between host and target package is possible, too:
+01: # This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
+02: # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
+04: include ${TOPDIR}/rules.mk
+06: PKG_NAME:=		foo
+07: PKG_VERSION:=	1.0
+08: PKG_RELEASE:=	1
+09: PKG_MD5SUM:=	032a7b7b9f1a6e278ccde73f82cec5c2
+10: PKG_DESCR:=		foo tool
+11: PKG_SECTION:=	lang
+12: PKG_BUILDDEP:=	foo-host
+13: PKG_URL:=		http://www.foo.org/
+14: PKG_SITES:=		http://download.foo.org/
+16: include ${TOPDIR}/mk/host.mk
+17: include ${TOPDIR}/mk/package.mk
+19: $(eval $(call HOST_template,FOO,foo,${PKG_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE}))
+20: $(eval $(call PKG_template,FOO,foo,${PKG_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE},${PKG_DEPENDS},${PKG_DESCR},${PKG_SECTION}))
+22: HOST_STYLE:=	auto
+24: foo-install:
+25:	${INSTALL_DIR} ${IDIR_FOO}/usr/bin
+26:	${INSTALL_BIN} ${WRKINST}/usr/bin/foo ${IDIR_FOO}/usr/bin
+28: include ${TOPDIR}/mk/host-bottom.mk
+29: include ${TOPDIR}/mk/pkg-bottom.mk
+It is important to have foo-host as package build dependency, see line 12, so that the order is always build the host package
+and then the target package.
+If you need to rebuild a mixed package, you are advised to use:
+ $ make package=<package> clean hostpackage package
+At the moment there is one limitation regarding the recursive dependency resolving. It is just not implemented, yet.
+So you always need to set +PKG_BUILDDEP+ to all host tools dependencies in the right order. If package foo needs host
+tool bar, and host tool bar needs host library libbaz, you have to use following +PKG_BUILDDEP+ variable:
+ PKG_BUILDDEP:=libbaz-host bar-host

+ 83 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Infrastructure for packages with specific build systems
+By 'packages with specific build systems' we mean all the packages whose build
+system is not the standard one, speak 'autotools'. This typically includes
+packages whose build system is based on hand-written Makefiles or shell
+01: # This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
+02: # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
+04: include $(TOPDIR)/rules.mk
+06: PKG_NAME:=		libfoo
+07: PKG_VERSION:=	1.0
+08: PKG_RELEASE:=	1
+09: PKG_MD5SUM:=	eade38998313c25fd7934719cdf8a2ea
+10: PKG_DESCR:=		foo library
+11: PKG_SECTION:=	libs
+12: PKG_BUILDDEP:=	openssl
+13: PKG_DEPENDS:=	libopenssl
+14: PKG_URL:=		http://www.libfoo.org/
+15: PKG_SITES:=		http://download.libfoo.org/
+17: include $(TOPDIR)/mk/package.mk
+19: $(eval $(call PKG_template,LIBFOO,libfoo,${PKG_VERSION}-${PKG_RELEASE},${PKG_DEPENDS},${PKG_DESCR},${PKG_SECTION}))
+21: CONFIG_STYLE:=		manual
+22: BUILD_STYLE:=		manual
+23: INSTALL_STYLE:=		manual
+25: do-configure:
+26:	${CP} ./files/config ${WRKBUILD}/.config
+28: do-build:
+29:	${MAKE} -C ${WRKBUILD} all
+31: do-install:
+32:	${INSTALL_DIR} ${IDIR_LIBFOO}/usr/lib
+33:	${CP} ${WRKBUILD}/libfoo.so* ${IDIR_LIBFOO}/usr/lib
+35: include ${TOPDIR}/mk/pkg-bottom.mk
+The Makefile begins with line 4 with the inclusion of the top level rules.mk
+file.  After that the Makefile starts on line 6 to 15 with metadata
+information: the name of the package (+PKG_NAME+), the version of the package
+(+PKG_VERSION+), the release number of the package (+PKG_RELEASE+), which is
+used in OpenADK to mark any package updates, the md5 hash of the source archive
+(+PKG_MD5SUM+), the short one line description for the package (+PKG_DESCR+),
+the package section for the menu configuration system (+PKG_SECTION+), the
+package buildtime dependencies (+PKG_BUILDDEP+), the package runtime
+dependencies (+PKG_DEPENDS+), the package homepage (+PKG_URL+) and finally the
+internet locations at which the tarball can be downloaded from (+PKG_SITES+).
+Normally ${PKG_NAME}-${PKG_VERSION}.tar.gz will be downloaded. You can
+overwrite the default via the +DISTFILES+ variable. You can add more then one
+archive name in +DISTFILES+ via space separated. If you have no source archive
+at all, just use the boolean variable +NO_DISTFILES+ and set it to 1.
+On line 17 the +mk/package.mk+ file is included, which contains the PKG_template
+function, which is used in line 19.
+On line 21 to 23 we define that the configuration step, the building and install
+steps are manually provided.
+On line 25-26 we implement a manual configuration step of the libfoo package
+by copying a manually created config file into the build directory.
+On line 28-29 we start the compilation process via make.
+On line 31-33 we install the shared library into the package installation
+directory, which is used to create the resulting binary package or tar archive
+for the target.
+On line 35 we include +mk/pkg-bottom.mk+, which includes common functions used
+by the package fetching and building process.

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Adding new packages to OpenADK
+This section covers how new packages (userspace libraries or
+applications) can be integrated into OpenADK. It also shows how existing
+packages are integrated, which is needed for fixing issues or tuning
+their configuration.

+ 15 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Advanced usage

+ 8 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:

+ 21 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Using +ccache+ in OpenADK
+http://ccache.samba.org[ccache] is a compiler cache. It stores the
+object files resulting from each compilation process, and is able to
+skip future compilation of the same source file (with same compiler
+and same arguments) by using the pre-existing object files. When doing
+almost identical builds from scratch a number of times, it can nicely
+speed up the build process.
++ccache+ support is integrated in OpenADK. You just have to enable +Use ccache
+to speedup recompilation+ in +Globale settings+. This will automatically build
++ccache+ and use it for every target compilation.
+The cache is located in +$HOME/.ccache+. It is stored outside of OpenADK
+directory so that it can be shared by separate OpenADK builds. If you want to
+get rid of the cache, simply remove this directory.

+ 87 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Daily use
+Understanding when a full rebuild is necessary
+OpenADK tries to detect what part of the system should be rebuilt when the
+system configuration is changed through +make menuconfig+.  In some cases it
+automatically rebuilt packages, but sometimes just a warning is printed to the
+terminal, that a rebuild is necessary to make the changes an effect. If strange
+things are happening, the autodetection might have not worked correctly, then
+you should consider to rebuild everything. If you are following development you
+should always do a full rebuild after fetching updates via +git pull+. It is
+not always required, but if anything fails, you are on your own.
+Use following to do a full rebuild without refetching distfiles:
+ $ make cleandir && make
+Understanding how to rebuild packages
+In OpenADK you can rebuild a single package with:
+ $ make package=<pkgname> clean package
+It will automatically remove all files added to the staging target directory
++target_*+. If you just want to restart compilation process, after making
+some fixes in +build_*/w-<pkgname>-<pkgversion>/+, just do:
+ $ make package=<pkgname> package
+If you are happy with your changes to the package sources, you can automatically
+generate a patch, which will be saved in +package/<pkgname>/patches and automatically
+applied on the next clean rebuild:
+ $ make package=<pkgname> update-patches
+The newly created patches will be opened in $EDITOR, so you can some comments to
+the top of the file, before the diff.
+Offline builds
+If you intend to do an offline build and just want to download
+all sources that you previously selected in the configurator
+then issue:
+ $ make download
+You can now disconnect or copy the content of your +dl+
+directory to the build-host.
+Environment variables
+OpenADK also honors some environment variables, when they are passed
+to +make+.
+* +ARCH+, the architecture of the target system
+* +SYSTEM+, the target system name
+* +LIBC+, the C library for the target system
+* +COLLECT+, the package collection, which will be used
+* +VERBOSE+, verbose build, when set to 1
+An example that creates a configuration file for Raspberry PI with all
+software packages enabled, but not included in the resulting firmware image:
+ $ make ARCH=arm SYSTEM=raspberry-pi LIBC=musl allmodconfig
+This is often used in the development process of a target system, to verify that
+all packages are compilable.

+ 68 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Cross-compilation toolchain
+A compilation toolchain is the set of tools that allows you to compile
+code for your system. It consists of a compiler (in our case, +gcc+),
+binary utils like assembler and linker (in our case, +binutils+) and a
+C standard library (either
+http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/libc.html[GNU Libc],
+http://www.uclibc.org/[uClibc] or
+The system installed on your development station certainly already has
+a compilation toolchain that you can use to compile an application
+that runs on your system. If you're using a PC, your compilation
+toolchain runs on an x86 processor and generates code for an x86
+processor. Under most Linux systems, the compilation toolchain uses
+the GNU libc (glibc) as the C standard library. This compilation
+toolchain is called the "host compilation toolchain". The machine on
+which it is running, and on which you're working, is called the "host
+system" footnote:[This terminology differs from what is used by GNU
+configure, where the host is the machine on which the application will
+run (which is usually the same as target)].
+The compilation toolchain is provided by your distribution, and
+OpenADK has nothing to do with it (other than using it to build a
+cross-compilation toolchain and other tools that are run on the
+development host).
+As said above, the compilation toolchain that comes with your system
+runs on and generates code for the processor in your host system. As
+your embedded system has a different processor, you need a
+cross-compilation toolchain - a compilation toolchain that runs on
+your _host system_ but generates code for your _target system_ (and
+target processor). For example, if your host system uses x86 and your
+target system uses ARM, the regular compilation toolchain on your host
+runs on x86 and generates code for x86, while the cross-compilation
+toolchain runs on x86 and generates code for ARM.
+OpenADK provides only one solution for the cross-compilation toolchain.
+The versions for binutils, gcc, gdb and libc are fixed. It is a combination
+of mostly the latest versions, which are known to work in this combination
+and are known to produce usable firmware images. You normally do not need to
+know the deep details, it is part of OpenADK policy to keep this part
+simple for the user.
+You can only choose between three C libraries:
+http://www.uclibc.org[uClibc], the
+http://www.gnu.org/software/libc/libc.html[glibc] and
+There are some minimal configuration options provided in +Toolchain settings+.
+You can enable or disable the building of following components and toolchain
+* GDB (enabled by default)
+* GNU C++ compiler (enabled by default, when disabled 
+  will prevent some packages to show up in the menu selection)
+* Stack Smashing Support (SSP) support for GNU C/C++ Compiler (experimental, some packages will fail to build)
+* Link Time Optimization (LTO) support for GNU C/C++ Compiler (experimental, some packages will fail to build)

+ 87 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Contributing to OpenADK
+If you want to contribute to OpenADK, you will need a git view of
+the project. Refer to xref:getting-openadk[] to get it.
+Currently a mail to wbx@openadk.org is the central place for contribution.
+Submitting patches
+When your changes are done, and committed in your local git view,
+_rebase_ your development branch on top of the upstream tree before
+generating the patch set. To do so, run:
+$ git fetch --all --tags
+$ git rebase origin/master
+Here, you are ready to generate then submit your patch set.
+To generate it, run:
+$ git format-patch -M -n -s origin/master
+This will generate patch files automatically adding the +Signed-off-by+ line.
+Once patch files are generated, you can review/edit the commit message
+before submitting them using your favorite text editor.
+Lastly, send/submit your patch set to the OpenADK developer:
+$ git send-email --to wbx@openadk.org *.patch
+Note that +git+ should be configured to use your mail account.
+To configure +git+, see +man git-send-email+ or google it.
+Make sure posted *patches are not line-wrapped*, otherwise they cannot
+easily be applied. In such a case, fix your e-mail client, or better,
+use +git send-email+ to send your patches.
+Cover letter
+If you want to present the whole patch set in a separate mail, add
++--cover-letter+ to the +git format-patch+ command (see +man
+git-format-patch+ for further information). This will generate a
+template for an introduction e-mail to your patch series.
+A 'cover letter' may be useful to introduce the changes you propose
+in the following cases:
+* large number of commits in the series;
+* deep impact of the changes in the rest of the project;
+* RFC footnote:[RFC: (Request for comments) change proposal];
+* whenever you feel it will help presenting your work, your choices,
+  the review process, etc.
+Reporting issues/bugs, get help
+Try to think as if you were trying to help someone else; in
+that case, what would you need?
+Here is a short list of details to provide in such case:
+* host machine (OS/release)
+* git version of OpenADK
+* target for which the build fails
+* package(s) which the build fails
+* the command that fails and its output
+* any information you think that may be relevant
+Additionally, you can add the +.config+ file.

+ 20 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Customizing the Busybox configuration
+http://www.busybox.net/[Busybox] is very configurable, and you may
+want to customize it. You can just configure it via +Package selection+,
++Base System+, +Busybox Configuration+. The menu based busybox configuration
+is mostly integrated into OpenADK. There are some options, which are not
+available and not supported. If you need to, you can change the defaults
+in +package/busybox/config+ and regenerate your OpenADK configuration.
+A change in the busybox configuration will rebuild the busybox package. If you
+choose another implementation of f.e. tar, which is provided by default from
+busybox, tar in busybox will be deactivated and the package will be
+automatically rebuilded, so that your resulting firmware images or archives
+will only contain a single tar program. Obviosly just the one you have

+ 48 - 0

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+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Customizing the Linux kernel configuration
+The Linux kernel configuration can be customized using +make menuconfig+.
+OpenADK uses a combination of Linux miniconfig feature and user defined
+features to generate a valid Linux configuration for your target.
+Some features and drivers are not selectable via +make menuconfig+, either
+because your choosen target system does not have support for it or the
+option is not implemented, yet. OpenADK uses some kind of abstraction
+layer between the real full featured and complicated Linux kernel configuration
+and you. It is not perfect and does include a lot of manual work in
++target/linux/config+, but it works in a acceptable way.
+If you just want to view the Linux configuration, which is actually
+used for your target, you can execute following command:
+ $ make kernelconfig
+Any changes here will get lost and will not be used to generate a kernel for
+your target. If you want to change the existing kernel configuration you need
+to follow these steps.
+The basic kernel configuration used for your choosen target is concatenated from
+following two files: 
++target/linux/kernel.config+ and +target/<arch>/kernel/<system>+.
+So if you would like to change any basic stuff, just edit the files and recreate your
+firmware via:
+ $ make
+OpenADK automatically recognizes any change and will rebuild the kernel.
+The base kernel configuration for your target generated by OpenADK is normally just enough to
+bootup the system with support for your board, serial console, network card and boot medium.
+(like a hard disk, sd card or flash partition)
+If you need to enable some new optional drivers or features, which are not available in
++make menuconfig+, you need to dig in +target/linux/config+. There is the abstraction layer
+for the real kernel configuration.

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+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
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+Customizing the libc configuration
+Just like xref:busybox-custom[BusyBox], http://www.uclibc.org/[uClibc]
+offers a lot of configuration options. They allow you to select
+various functionalities depending on your needs and limitations.
+OpenADK chooses automatically the best configuration regarding 
+resulting code size, standard conformance, portability and GNU 
+libc compatibility.
+If you still have the requirements to change the default, regenerate
+a new uClibc config from the existing one:
+ $ tar xvf dl/uClibc-x.y.z.tar.bz2
+ $ cd uClibc-x.y.z && patch -p1 <../toolchain/uClibc/patches/uclibc-git*.patch
+ $ cp ../target/<arch>/uclibc.config .config
+ $ make menuconfig
+Make all required changes. Then copy the newly created uClibc configuration back
+and rebuild your targetsystem, including the toolchain components:
+ $ cp .config ../target/<arch>/uclibc.config
+ $ cd .. && make cleantarget && make
+There are no customization options for GNU libc or musl available.

+ 154 - 0

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+// -*- mode:doc -*- ;
+Keeping customizations outside OpenADK
+The OpenADK project recommends and encourages upstreaming to the
+official OpenADK version the packages and board support that are
+written by developers. However, it is sometimes not possible or
+desirable because some of these packages or board support are highly
+specific or proprietary.
+In this case, OpenADK users are offered following choice using
+here own git repository.
+* Initialize your project
+Personalize your Git environment via:
+ $ git config --global user.name "Waldemar Brodkorb"
+ $ git config --global user.email wbx@openadk.org
+Get the latest version of OpenADK via anonymous git:
+ $ git clone --bare git://openadk.org/git/openadk myadk.git
+Use git-daemon to make the repository public to your developers. After that clone your new shared project repository:
+ $ git clone git+ssh://myserver.com/git/myadk.git
+ $ cd myadk
+Configure OpenADK remote git repository:
+ $ git remote add openadk git://openadk.org/git/openadk
+* Create your firmware
+Now you can either start with the latest version or use some older version:
+ $ git checkout -b stable_1_0 $sha1
+You can find $sha1 via git log. $sha1 is the hash after the keyword “commit”.
+Now build a firmware image for your target and test it. Fix bugs in the build
+environment or add new stuff. You can use the “extra” directory to add local
+unpackaged binaries and/or configuration files to overwrite packaged stuff.
+Check your uncommitted changes:
+ $ git status
+ $ git diff --cached
+ $ git diff
+Commit your git-added changes:
+ $ git commit 
+Or just commit all changes:
+ $ git commit -a
+It is a good style to make a lot of small atomic commits.
+Push your changes back to your git repository.
+For new local branches:
+ $ git push origin stable_1_0
+Or in regulary usage via:
+ $ git push
+* Working together with OpenADK
+You can generate patches from all your changes against the remote master:
+ $ git format-patch -s origin 
+Send all relevant patches to OpenADK author via eMail.
+Update your master with changes from OpenADK:
+ $ git checkout master
+ $ git pull openadk master
+If you want you can merge all changes to your branch:
+ $ git checkout stable_1_0
+ $ git merge master
+Or just cherry-pick some of the commits:
+ $ git cherry-pick $sha1
+* Releasing
+Tag your tested stable branch:
+ $ git tag -a stable_1.0
+Push your tag to your repository:
+ $ git push origin stable_1.0
+Checkout your tag and build your firmware:
+ $ git clone git+ssh://myserver.com/git/myadk.git mytag
+ $ cd mytag 
+ $ git checkout stable_1.0
+* Deleting unused branches
+Deleting branches remotely:
+ $ git branch -r
+ $ git push origin :branchname
+Deleting branches locally:
+ $ git branch
+ $ git branch -D branchname

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+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
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+Customizing the generated target filesystem
+Besides changing one or another configuration through +make menuconfig+,
+there are is a way to customize the resulting target filesystem.
+Create a new directory called +extra+ in the top OpenADK directory.
+Put there a tree of directories and files that will be copied directly
+over the target filesystem (+root_*+) after everything is build, but
+before the firmware images or archives are created.
+You can also point to another directory via:
+ $ make extra=/foo/bar
+You can start with the example configuration files from +root_*+.
+The +extra+ directory will never be deleted by any clean target to avoid
+loss of customized configuration data.

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+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
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+Storing the configuration
+When you have a OpenADK configuration that you are satisfied with and
+you want to share it with others, put it under revision control or move
+on to a different OpenADK project.
+You just need to copy your .config and extra directory to regenerate your
+firmware images on another system. The used config is, if not explicitely disabled,
+saved on the target in +/etc/adkconfig.gz+.

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+Customizing the toolchain
+There is no simple way to change anything for the toolchain.
+OpenADK chooses the best combination of the toolchain components to
+provide you with a working and recent system.
+If you like to change the version of a component, add patches or like
+to change the configure options, you need to dig into the +toolchain+ directory.
+For example to change the version of gcc, you need to change +toolchain/gcc/Makefile.inc+.
+Be aware of the fact, that this is used for the +package/gcc/Makefile+ and therefore for
+the gcc running on your target.
+OpenADK supports running a cross-compiled toolchain on your target. You can even use OpenADK
+buildsystem on your target. There is a package collection called +development+, which does 
+configure OpenADK to include all required software to use OpenADK on your target.

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+Debugging OpenADK
+To analyze any build problems, use verbose output:
+ $ make v
+To analyze any inter package dependency problems, use make debug output:
+ $ make --debug=b
+If you have a problem with a specific package, use following command
+to capture the output and send it to the OpenADK developer:
+ $ make package=<pkgname> clean package > pkgname.log 2>&1

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+Developer Guidelines

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+Location of downloaded packages
+The various tarballs that are downloaded by OpenADK are all stored
+in +ADK_DL_DIR+, which by default is the +dl+ directory. If you want
+to keep a complete version of OpenaDK which is known to be working
+with the associated tarballs, you can make a copy of this directory.
+This will allow you to regenerate the toolchain and the target
+filesystem with exactly the same versions.
+If you maintain several OpenADK trees, it might be better to have a
+shared download location. This can be achieved by pointing the
++DL_DIR+ environment variable to a directory.  If this is
+set, then the value of +ADK_DL_DIR+ in the OpenADK configuration is
+overridden. The following line should be added to +<~/.bashrc>+.
+ $ export DL_DIR=<shared download location>
+The download location can also be set in the +.config+ file, with the
++ADK_DL_DIR+ option. Unlike most options in the .config file, this value
+is overridden by the +DL_DIR+ environment variable.

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+Frequently Asked Questions & Troubleshooting
+Why is there no documentation on the target?
+Because OpenADK mostly targets _small_ or _very small_ target
+hardware with limited resource onboard (CPU, ram, mass-storage), it
+does not make sense to waste space with the documentation data.
+If you need documentation data on your target anyway, then OpenADK
+is not suitable for your purpose, and you should look for a _real
+Why is there no locale support on the target?
+OpenADK tries to create a simple and small Linux system, which
+has no fancy features enabled. Locale support on a headless system,
+like a router is not useful anyway. To avoid bloat, it is a design
+decision to not have any locale support. Developers and users
+still could add any kind of user interface with internationalization
+Why are some packages not visible in the OpenADK config menu?
+If a package exists in the OpenADK tree and does not appear in the
+config menu, this most likely means that some of the package's
+dependencies are not met.
+To know more about the dependencies of a package, search for the
+package symbol in the config menu (see xref:make-tips[]).
+Then, you may have to recursively enable several options (which
+correspond to the unmet dependencies) to finally be able to select
+the package.
+If the package is not visible due to some unmet dependency to another
+C library, either consider to switch to another C library or fix the
+package so that it works with your configured library. For this you
+need to add your C library to PKG_LIBC_DEPENDS in +package/<pkgname>/Makefile+.
+Why is there no web based configuration interface available?
+OpenADK provides a basic root filesystem for your embedded device.
+If you need a web based configuration interface for your own appliance,
+just write one. There are plenty of possibilities. You could use 
+Lighttpd with PHP or an C++ application server like Tntnet.

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+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
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+Getting OpenADK
+OpenADK does not have any releases. Only direct Git
+access is possible.
+To download OpenADK using Git just do:
+ $ git clone git://openadk.org/git/openadk
+Or if you prefer HTTP or using Git behind a proxy:
+ $ git clone http://git.openadk.org/openadk.git

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+Going further in OpenADK's innards

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+How OpenADK works
+As mentioned above, OpenADK is basically a set of Makefiles that
+download, configure, and compile software with the correct options. It
+also includes patches for various software packages and the linux kernel. 
+There is basically one Makefile per software package. Makefiles are split into
+many different parts.
+* The +toolchain/+ directory contains the Makefiles
+  and associated files for all software related to the
+  cross-compilation toolchain: +binutils+, +gcc+, +gdb+,
+  +kernel-headers+ and +libc+.
+* The +target/+ directory contains the definitions for all the processor
+  architectures that are supported by OpenADK. +target/linux+ contains
+  the meta-data for the Linux kernel configuration abstraction layer and
+  the kernel patches
+* The +package/+ directory contains the Makefiles and
+  associated files for all user-space tools and libraries that OpenADK
+  can compile and add to the target root filesystem. There is one
+  sub-directory per package.
+* The +mk/+ directory contains some globally used Makefiles with
+  the suffix +.mk+, these are used in all other Makefile via include
+* The +tools/+ directory contains the Makefiles and
+  associated files for software related to the generation of the
+  host tools needed for different tasks (compression tools, ..).
+There are three other directories in the top level directory of OpenADK:
+* The +scripts/+ directory contains shell scripts for the creation of
+  meta-data in OpenADK, install scripts and image creation scripts
+* The +config/+ directory contains the application used for the
+  +make menuconfig+ system
+* The +tests/+ directory contains some data for the +make check+ target,
+  to run the gcc testsuite
+The main Makefile performs the following steps before the configuration
+is done:
+* Call the +prereq+ target to check if the host system have all required
+  software installed. It creates the +prereq.mk+ Makefile. 
+* Compile and run the OpenADK tools to generate the meta-data for the menu
+  based configuration and creates the +package/Depends.mk+ Makefile to handle the 
+  dependencies
+* Starts the menu based configuration system via +make menuconfig+
+The main Makefile performs the following steps, once the
+configuration is done (it is mainly a wrapper for +mk/build.mk+):
+* Create all the output directories: +host_<gnu_host_name>+, +target_<arch>_<libc>+, +build_<arch>_<libc>+,
+  +pkg_<arch>_<libc>+, etc. 
+* Call the +scan-pkgs.sh+ script to find any needed optional host software, needed to compile
+  software the user has configured 
+* Call the +update-sys+ and +update-pkg+ scripts to generate some meta-data for 
+  available systems and package collections
+* Generate the host tools required for different tasks (encrypting passwords,
+  compressing data, extracting archives, ..)
+* Generate the cross-compilation toolchain (binutils, gcc, libc, gdb)
+* Compile the linux kernel
+* Compile all the userspace packages, the boot loader and external kernel modules
+* Generate the firmware images or archives



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+About OpenADK
+OpenADK is a tool that simplifies and automates the process of
+building a complete Linux system for an embedded system, using
+cross-compilation. ADK stands for appliance development kit.
+In order to achieve this, OpenADK is able to generate a
+cross-compilation toolchain, a root filesystem, a Linux kernel image
+and a bootloader for your target. 
+OpenADK is useful mainly for people working with embedded systems,
+but can be used by people playing with emulators (like Qemu, Virtualbox 
+or Aranym) or small netbooks (like Lemote Yeelong) needing a fast
+and small Linux system.
+Embedded systems often use processors that are not the regular x86
+processors everyone is used to having in his PC. They can be PowerPC
+processors, MIPS processors, ARM processors, etc.
+OpenADK supports numerous processors and their variants; it also comes
+with default configurations for some embedded systems and netbooks.
+(Raspberry PI, Sharp Zaurus, Lemote Yeelong, IBM X40 and more)

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+Legal notice and licensing
+Complying with open source licenses
+All of the end products of OpenADK (toolchain, root filesystem, kernel,
+bootloaders) contain open source software, released under various licenses.
+Using open source software gives you the freedom to build rich embedded
+systems, choosing from a wide range of packages, but also imposes some
+obligations that you must know and honour.
+Some licenses require you to publish the license text in the documentation of
+your product. Others require you to redistribute the source code of the
+software to those that receive your product.
+The exact requirements of each license are documented in each package, and
+it is your responsibility (or that of your legal office) to comply with those
+Complying with the OpenADK license
+OpenADK itself is an open source software, released under the
+http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html[GNU General Public
+License, version 2] or (at your option) any later version.
+However, being a build system, it is not normally part of the end product:
+if you develop the root filesystem, kernel, bootloader or toolchain for a
+device, the code of OpenADK is only present on the development machine, not
+in the device storage.
+Nevertheless, the general view of the OpenADK developer is that you should
+release the OpenADK source code along with the source code of other packages
+when releasing a product that contains GPL-licensed software.
+This is because the
+http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.html[GNU GPL]
+defines the "'complete source code'" for an executable work as "'all the
+source code for all modules it contains, plus any associated interface
+definition files, plus the scripts used to control compilation and installation
+of the executable'".
+OpenADK is part of the 'scripts used to control compilation and
+installation of the executable', and as such it is considered part of the
+material that must be redistributed.
+Keep in mind that this is only the OpenADK developer opinion, and you
+should consult your legal department or lawyer in case of any doubt.

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+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
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+'make' tips
+This is a collection of tips that help you make the most of OpenADK.
+.Configuration searches:
+The +make menuconfig+ command offer a search tool. 
+The search tool is called by pressing +/+;
+The result of the search shows the help message of the matching items.
+.Display all commands executed by make:
+ $ make v
+ $ make VERBOSE=1 <target>
+.Display all available targets:
+ $ make help
+There are different cleaning targets available. If a full clean is
+necessary, you normally will get a message from OpenADK.
+To delete all build products (including build directories, target, host
+and pkg trees, the firmware and the toolchain for all targets):
+ $ make cleandir
+If you only want to clean your specific configured target, just use:
+ $ make cleantarget
+If you even want to clean any downloaded source:
+ $ make distclean
+If you only want to clean the kernel build, because you added or
+removed some patch, just do:
+ $ make cleankernel
+This is automatically triggered if you change the kernel version in 
+your configuration.
+If you just want to clean all packages and wants to rebuild the firmware,
+(the tools/toolchain is not deleted) just use:
+ $ make clean
+.Resetting OpenADK for a new target:
+You can either delete the configuration and start from scratch:
+ $ rm .config*
+ $ make menuconfig
+Or you can save your existing configuration and switch to a new
+one with:
+ $ make switch
+Afterwards you can switch back to your old configuration, you just
+need to remember, which architecture and system you had configured:
+ $ make switch ARCH=<arch> SYSTEM=<system>
+OpenADK is designed to have multiple architectures and embedded system
+combinations configured and build without a need to rebuild everything
+from scratch. There is no limit, you just need to have enough disk space.

+ 33 - 0

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+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
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+The OpenADK user manual
+OpenADK usage and documentation by Waldemar Brodkorb.
+(based on the buildroot manual by Thomas Petazzoni. Contributions from Karsten Kruse, Ned Ludd, Martin Herren and others.
+See http://www.buildroot.net for the original text).
+:leveloffset: 1

+ 182 - 0

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+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
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+Network configuration 
+loopback devices
+Example for loopback device configuration:
+auto lo
+iface lo inet loopback
+static network configuration
+Example for an ethernet network card:
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet static
+  address
+  netmask
+  broadcast +
+  gateway
+The DNS resolver must be manually configured in /etc/resolv.conf.
+The plus for the broadcast value, will calculate the correct broadcast address for the network.
+dynamic network configuration
+Example for an ethernet network card:
+auto eth0
+iface eth0 inet dhcp
+bridge configuration
+Example for a network bridge with two ethernet network interfaces and an ip address:
+auto br0 
+iface br0 inet static
+        address
+        netmask
+        broadcast +
+        bridge-ports eth0 eth1
+Just a bridge without an ip address:
+auto br0 
+iface br0 inet manual
+         bridge-ports eth0 eth1
+You need to install either Busybox brctl applet or the bridge-utils package. The required kernel modules will be automatically selected.
+VLAN network interfaces
+Example configuration of a network interface with VLAN ID 8 without any ip configuration:
+auto eth0.8
+iface eth0.8 inet manual
+You need to install Busybox vconfig applet. The required kernel modules will be automatically selected.
+PPP over Ethernet
+Typical DSL configuration:
+auto ppp0
+iface ppp0 inet ppp
+	use-template pppoe
+	provider isp
+	ppp-mtu 1412
+	ppp-username foo
+	ppp-password bar
+	ppp-device eth1
+The provider can be used as argument for "pon" and "poff" commands.
+You need to install the ppp and ppp-mod-pppoe package. The required kernel modules will be automatically selected.
+wireless client configuration
+Example wireless client configuration, secured with WPA2:
+auto wlan0
+iface wlan0 inet dhcp
+        wireless-ssid myap
+        wireless-channel 11
+        wireless-mode sta
+        wireless-security wpa2
+        wireless-passphrase xxxxxx
+You need to install iw and wpa_supplicant packages. For older wireless drivers you
+need to install wireless-tools instead of iw and use the following variable to choose the right tools:
+wireless-extension 1 
+wireless accesspoint configuration
+To configure an access point use following example:
+auto wlan0
+iface wlan0 inet static
+        address
+        netmask
+        broadcast +
+        wireless-ssid myap
+        wireless-channel 8
+        wireless-mode ap
+        wireless-security wpa2
+        wireless-passphrase xxxxxx
+You need to install hostapd and iw/wireless-tools packages.
+hso umts modem
+If you have a HSO UMTS modem, you can use following to configure internet access:
+auto hso0
+iface hso0 inet manual
+	pin 1234
+	apn your.apn
+ATM configuration
+For example a configuration on a Linksys AG241 router with integrated DSL modem,
+you can configure two ATM devices to distinguish between Internet and IPTV traffic:
+auto eth0.1 
+iface eth0.1 inet manual
+auto eth0.8
+iface eth0.8 inet manual
+auto nas0
+iface nas0 inet manual
+auto nas1
+iface nas1 inet manual
+        atm-vpi 1
+        atm-vci 34
+auto br0
+iface br0 inet manual
+        bridge-ports eth0.1 nas0
+auto br1
+iface br1 inet manual
+        bridge-ports eth0.8 nas1
+More network setups can be implemented on request.

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+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
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+Package-specific _make_ targets
+Running +make package=<package> package+ builds and installs that particular package.
+Be aware of the fact, that no build dependencies are resolved using this method!
+For packages relying on the OpenADK infrastructure, there are
+numerous special make targets that can be called independently like
+ $ make package=<package> <target>
+The package build targets are (in the order they are executed):
+| command/target    | Description
+| +fetch+           | Fetch the source
+| +extract+         | Put the source in the package build directory
+| +patch+           | Apply the patches, if any
+| +configure+       | Run the configure commands, if any
+| +build+           | Run the compilation commands
+| +fake+            | Run the installation of the package into a fake directory
+| +package+         | Create a package or tar archive of the package files
+Additionally, there are some other useful make targets:
+| command/target    | Description
+| +clean+           | Remove the whole package build directory
+| +host-package+    | Build and install the host binaries and libraries

+ 135 - 0

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++package+ Reference
+The list of variables that can be set in a +Makefile+ to give metadata
+information is: 
+* +PKG_NAME+, mandatory, must contain the name of the package.
+* +PKG_VERSION+, mandatory, must contain the version of the package.
+* +PKG_RELEASE+, mandatory, must contain the OpenADK specific release of the package.
+* +PKG_MD5SUM+, mandatory, must contain the MD5 hash of the package, will be used
+  to check if a download of a package is complete.
+* +PKG_SECTION+, mandatory, must contain the OpenADK specific section, see package/section.lst.
+* +PKG_RELEASE+, mandatory, must contain an one line summary of the package description.
+* +PKG_URL+, optional, may contain the url to the homepage of the package
+* +PKG_SITES+, mandatory, must contain the download url for the package, multiple entries
+  with space separated, are allowed. Only HTTP/HTTPS or FTP URLS are allowed.
+  A backup site (http://www.openadk.org/distfiles) is always used, if the package site is
+  not available. There is no direct support for cvs/svn/git/hg/bzr repositories, because 
+  building OpenADK behind a HTTP proxy should be working without any configuration hassle.
+  There are also some predefined mirror sites in +mk/mirrors.mk+,
+  which can be used.
+  Example: PKG_SITES:=		${MASTER_SITE_GNU:=foo/}
+* +DISTFILES+ optional, may contain the name of the tarball of
+  the package. If +DISTFILES+ is not specified, it defaults to +PKG_NAME-PKG_VERSION.tar.gz+. 
+  Example: DISTFILES=		${PKG_NAME}${PKG_VERSION}.tar.xz
+* +NO_DISTFILES+ optional, may be set to 1, to disable fetching of any archives.
+  Provide the source code for the package in +package/<pkgname>/src+, which will be
+  automatically copied to the WRKBUILD/WRKSRC directory.
+* +PKG_BUILDDEP+ optional, lists the build time dependencies (in terms of package
+  directory name, see +package/+) that are required for the current target package to
+  compile. These dependencies are guaranteed to be compiled and
+  installed before the configuration of the current package starts.
+* +PKG_DEPENDS+ optional, lists the runtime dependencies that are required to
+  run the software package on the target. It conatins a list of package names,
+  which might be different to the package directory name. See what is used
+  in PKG_template, to find out the package name used here.
+* +PKG_NOPARALLEL+ optional, may be set to 1, to disable parallel building of the
+  package via make -jn, n=4 is default, but can be changed in +Global Settings+ in the
+  menu based configuration.
+* +PKG_OPTS+ optional, may be set to following values: 
+     +dev+ create a development package automatically, containing header files and +.pc+ files. 
+            Only useful for library packages, when you want to compile on the target.
+     +devonly+ only creates a development package with header files, normally not needed on
+   	      the target.
+     +noscripts+ do not automatically install *-config and other build related scripts into
+     +STAGING_TARGET_DIR/scripts+, required for automake/autoconf package
+     +noremove+ do not automatically remove package files from +STAGING_TARGET_DIR+
+* +PKG_NEED_CXX+ optional, package need C++ compiler
+* +PKG_CXX+ optional, package can use either `uClibc++` or `libstdc++`
+The recommended way to define these variables is to use the following
+PKG_VERSION:=		2.11
+Or for lines longer than 80 characters use:
+PKG_DEPENDS:=		foo bar baz
+PKG_DEPENDS+=		muh maeh
+The variables that define what should be performed at the
+different steps of the configure, build and install process.
+* +CONFIG_STYLE+ either manual, auto or minimal
+* +CONFIGURE_ARGS+ add --enable-foo/--disable-foo to configure
+* +CONFIGURE_ENV+ add additional environment variables to configure step
+* +HOST_STYLE+ either manual or auto
+* +HOST_CONFIGURE_ARGS+ add --enable-foo/--disable-foo to host configure
+* +HOST_CONFIGURE_ENV+ add additional environment variables to the host configure step
+* +AUTOTOOL_STYLE+ either autoreconf, autoconf or bootstrap
+* +BUILD_STYLE+ either manual or auto
+* +MAKE_ENV+ add additional variables to build step
+* +MAKE_FLAGS+ add additinal make flags to build step
+* +FAKE_FLAGS+ add additional make flags to fake install step
+* +XAKE_FLAGS+ add additional make flags to build and fake install step
+* +INSTALL_STYLE+ either manual or auto
+* +CONFIGURE_PROG+ overwrite default configure programm
+* +MAKE_FILE+ overwrite default Makefile
+* +ALL_TARGET+ overwrite default build target
+* +INSTALL_TARGET+ overwrite default install target
+The variables to add or overwrite preprocessor, compiler and linker flags:
+* +TARGET_CPPFLAGS+ flags for the preprocessor
+* +TARGET_CFLAGS+ flags for the compiler
+* +TARGET_LDFLAGS+ flags for the linker
+* +TARGET_CXXFLAGS+ flags for the C++ compiler
+* +CPPFLAGS_FOR_BUILD+ flags used for host preprocessing
+* +CFLAGS_FOR_BUILD+ flags used for host compiling
+* +LDFLAGS_FOR_BUILD+ flags used for host linking

+ 82 - 0

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+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Patching a package
+While integrating a new package or updating an existing one, it may be
+necessary to patch the source of the software to get it cross-built within
+OpenADK.  OpenADK offers an infrastructure to automatically handle this during
+the builds.  Patches are provided within OpenADK, in the package directory;
+these typically aim to fix cross-compilation, libc support, or other such
+Normally the patches are autogenerated via:
+ $ make package=<package> update-patches
+Otherwise they are manually generated via:
+ $ diff -Nur <pkgname>-<pkgversion>.orig <pkgname>-<pkgversion> > package/<pkgname>/patches/xxx-description.patch 
+The string +xxx+ should be substituted by a number starting with 001. The
+patches will be applied in numeric order.  You should either use the automatic
+patch generation or the manual patch creation for a package. Mixed usage is not
+Format and licensing of the package patches
+Patches are released under the same license as the software that is
+A message explaining what the patch does, and why it is needed, should
+be added in the header commentary of the patch.
+At the end, the patch should look like:
+add C++ support test
+--- configure.ac.orig
++++ configure.ac
+@@ -40,2 +40,12 @@
++AC_CACHE_CHECK([whether the C++ compiler works],
++               [rw_cv_prog_cxx_works],
++               [AC_LANG_PUSH([C++])
++                AC_LINK_IFELSE([AC_LANG_PROGRAM([], [])],
++                               [rw_cv_prog_cxx_works=yes],
++                               [rw_cv_prog_cxx_works=no])
++                AC_LANG_POP([C++])])
++AM_CONDITIONAL([CXX_WORKS], [test "x$rw_cv_prog_cxx_works" = "xyes"])
+Integrating patches found on the Web
+When integrating a patch of which you are not the author, you have to
+add a few things in the header of the patch itself.
+Depending on whether the patch has been obtained from the project
+repository itself, or from somewhere on the web, add one of the
+following tags:
+Backported from: <some commit id>
+Fetch from: <some url>
+It is also sensible to add a few words about any changes to the patch
+that may have been necessary.

+ 52 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+System requirements
+OpenADK is designed to run on Linux systems. But there is basic 
+support to run on MacOS X Maverick, Windows 7 with Cygwin, OpenBSD,
+NetBSD and FreeBSD. Main development happens on Debian/GNU Linux 7
+and MacOS X Maverick. The other host platforms are occasionally 
+OpenADK detects the host system and displays only the software
+packages, which are known to be cross-compilable on the used host.
+For example OpenJDK7 is only cross-compilable on a Linux host.
+OpenADK needs some software to be already installed on the host
+system; here is the list of the mandatory packages,
+package names may vary between host systems.
+* Build tools:
+** +bash+
+** +binutils+
+** +gcc+ 
+** `g++`
+** +GNU sed+
+** +GNU awk+
+** +GNU make+
+** +patch+
+** +gzip+
+** +perl+
+** +tar+
+** +wget+
+** +findutils (find, xargs)+
+** +ncurses5 development+
+** +zlib development+ 
+** +libc development+
+There is a check for the required versions of these tools in advance,
+though. To re-issue the checks, use +make prereq+.
+For some packages there are some optional packages required. OpenADK
+will check for the required tools in advance, when a specific package is
+choosen. For example XBMC needs java installed on the host system.
+OpenADK tries to avoid any optional required host tools and will try to
+build them when needed.
+For some host systems you can try to use ./scripts/adkprepare.sh to
+install all required software. You need to run the script as root, it
+will use the package management of your host to install the software. 

+ 1 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1 @@

+ 178 - 0

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+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Running OpenADK created Linux firmware
+The Bootloader is used to initialize the machine and load the Linux kernel.
+A list of popular Bootloaders can be found on http://elinux.org/Bootloader.
+OpenADK provides the Bootloader if necessary for a target system.
+You can find them in +make menuconfg+ under +Packages/Bootloader+.
+Some Bootloaders require the Linux kernel in a special format (SREC, ELF, ..),
+compressed or with a special header. This will be automatically done by
+OpenADK in +target/<arch>/Makefile+ while creating the firmware archives or
+Linux kernel
+The kernel is a program that constitutes the central core of a computer
+operating system. It has complete control over everything that occurs in the
+system. The Bootloader can provide some basic runtime configuration 
+parameters via the kernel commandline feature.
+The Linux kernel in OpenADK is intended to be very small in size and will
+be by default compressed with xz compression algorithm, if available for
+the target system. You can configure the compression algorithm used for the
+compression of the Linux kernel and if choosen the initramfs filesystem in
++make menuconfig+. In +Kernel configuration+ you have the choice between
+dfferent kernel versions. The latest version will be automatically used.
+There you can choose any needed addon drivers or any supported runtime
+and debugging features.
+The kernel expands itself on boot, if compressed, and then initialize the
+hardware. The additional kernel modules are loaded later by a init script.
+The kernel will autoamtically mount the virtual filesystem /dev as devtmpfs
+and then will execute +/sbin/init+ in userspace.
+init system
+The _init_ program is the first userspace program started by the kernel (it
+carries the PID number 1), and is responsible for starting the userspace
+services and programs (for example: web server, graphical applications, other
+network servers, etc.).
+OpenADK uses *Busybox* init. Amongst many programs, Busybox has an
+implementation of a basic +init+ program, which is sufficient for most embedded
+systems.  The Busybox +init+ program will read the +/etc/inittab+ file at boot
+to know what to do. The syntax of this file can be found in
+http://git.busybox.net/busybox/tree/examples/inittab (note that Busybox
++inittab+ syntax is special: do not use a random +inittab+ documentation from
+the Internet to learn about Busybox +inittab+). The default +inittab+ in
+OpenADK is generated while producing the +base-files+ package.  The main job
+the default inittab does is to start the +/etc/init.d/rcS+ shell script, and
+start one or more +getty+ programs (which provides a login prompt).
+/dev management
+On a Linux system, the +/dev+ directory contains special files, called
+_device files_, that allow userspace applications to access the
+hardware devices managed by the Linux kernel. Without these _device
+files_, your userspace applications would not be able to use the
+hardware devices, even if they are properly recognized by the Linux
+OpenADK uses *dynamic device nodes using devtmpfs and mdev*. This method relies
+on the _devtmpfs_ virtual filesystem in the kernel, which is enabled by default
+for all OpenADK generated kernels, and adds the +mdev+ userspace utility on top
+of it. +mdev+ is a program part of Busybox that the kernel will call every time
+a device is added or removed. Thanks to the +/etc/mdev.conf+ configuration
+file, +mdev+ can be configured to for example, set specific permissions or
+ownership on a device file, call a script or application whenever a device
+appears or disappear, etc.  Basically, it allows _userspace_ to react on device
+addition and removal events. +mdev+ is also important if you have devices that
+require a firmware, as it will be responsible for pushing the firmware contents
+to the kernel.  +mdev+ is a lightweight implementation (with fewer features) of
++udev+. For more details about +mdev+ and the syntax of its configuration file,
+see http://git.busybox.net/busybox/tree/docs/mdev.txt.
+The /etc/init.d/rcS script will execute all shell scripts in /etc/init.d in
+order with the parameter +autostart+. The order is identified by the +#INIT+
+comment in the script. All scripts are sourcing the +/etc/rc.conf+ file to
+determine if a service should be started on boot and which flags if any are
+used for the service. By default all services except syslog and ssh are
+disabled.  Most scripts provided by OpenADK via
++package/<pkgname>/files/<pkgname>.init+ are like:
+#PKG foo
+#INIT 60
+. /etc/rc.conf
+case $1 in
+autostop) ;;
+        test x"${foo:-NO}" = x"NO" && exit 0
+        exec sh $0 start
+        ;;
+        /usr/sbin/foo $foo_flags
+        ;;
+        kill $(pgrep -f /usr/sbin/foo )
+        ;;
+        sh $0 stop
+        sh $0 start
+        ;;
+        echo "usage: $0 (start|stop|restart)"
+        exit 1
+exit $?
+cfgfs - configuration file system
+The cfgfs application for the OpenADK system uses a special small partition on
+the block device of your embedded system (f.e. flash, sd card, compact flash
+or hard disk). Only changes made to /etc on your embedded system are saved in a
+compressed form (using LZO1 compression algorithm) in this partition. There is
+no Linux filesystem on this partition. The embedded system initialization
+process will setup /etc correctly on boot up, when cfgfs application is found.
+After making any changes to /etc, which should survive a reboot of the embedded
+system must be written to the cfgfs partition via “cfgfs commit”. Trying to
+reboot, shutdown or halt an embedded system with unsaved changes will generate
+an error, which can be circumvented. Updates to /etc via the ipkg package
+manager will be reported.
+Configuration Filesystem Utility (cfgfs), Version 1.09
+        /sbin/cfgfs commit [-f]
+        /sbin/cfgfs erase
+        /sbin/cfgfs setup [-N]
+        /sbin/cfgfs status [-rq]
+        /sbin/cfgfs { dump | restore } [<filename>]
+network configuration
+On bootup +/etc/network/interfaces+ is used to find out which network configuration
+should be used. The default is to use DHCP (via busybox +udhcpc+) on the first found
+ethernet device to configure the network. See network configuration for detailed syntax
+of +/etc/network/interfaces+. It is similar to Debian network configuration and uses
++ifupdown+ from +busybox+.
+See Appendix xref:network-configuration[]
+getting a shell on the system
+There are two method available to get a shell on your embedded system created with
+OpenADK. You can either login locally via serial console or graphical console or you
+can login remotely via secure shell.
+In both cases the default user is +root+ and the default password is
++linux123+. *You should always change the default password!!* You can do this
+either via +passwd+ on the system or you can preconfigure a password via +make
+menuconfig+ under +Runtime configuration+.
+The default shell used in OpenADK is +mksh+ from http://www.mirbsd.org/mksh/.
+You can change the shell in +make menuconfig+ under +Runtime configuration+. Be
+aware of the fact that the bootup process might use some +mksh+ features to
+speedup the system start. When you change the shell for system +/bin/sh+ the
+slower startup is used as a fallback.

+ 22 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Details on debugging your newly created firmware
+kernel module debugging
+kernel debugging

+ 12 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Starting up

+ 62 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Using OpenADK during development
+The normal operation of OpenADK is to download a tarball, extract it,
+configure, compile and install the software component found inside this
+tarball. The source code is extracted in
++build_<system>_<arch>_<libc>/w-<package>-<version>+, which is a
+temporary directory: whenever +make clean+ or one of the other clean
+targets are used, this directory is entirely removed, and recreated at
+the next +make+ invocation.
+This behavior is well-suited when OpenADK is used mainly as an
+integration tool, to build and integrate all the components of an
+embedded Linux system. However, if one uses OpenADK during the
+development of certain components of the system, this behavior is not
+very convenient: one would instead like to make a small change to the
+source code of one package, and be able to quickly rebuild the system
+with OpenADK.
+Following workflow might help to integrate your own changes, while 
+developing a new package or board support.
+Make changes directly in +build_<system>_<arch>_<libc>/w-<package>-<version>+ 
+and recompile the package with:
+ $ make package=<package> package
+When you are happy with the change, generate a patch:
+ $ make package=<package> update-patches
+For the linux kernel just change the code in 
++build_<system>_<arch>_<libc>/linux, remove the .config
+and call make again:
+ $ rm build_<system>_<arch>_<libc>/linux/.config
+ $ make
+There is no update-patches target for the kernel, you need
+to extract the kernel source from your download dir, make 
+a copy of the source tree, add your changes and create a 
+patch manually:
+ $ tar xvf dl/linux-x.y.z.tar.xz
+ $ cp -a linux-x.y.z linux-x.y.z.orig
+ $ diff -Nur linux-x.y.z.orig linux-x.y.z > target/linux/patches/x.y.z/mykernel.patch
+ $ make cleankernel 
+ $ make
+The same method can be used for toolchain components and _must_
+be used for busybox, because it contains patches, which are not
+generated via +make update-patches+.

+ 19 - 0

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+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Using the generated toolchain outside OpenADK
+You may want to compile, for your target, your own programs or other software
+that are not packaged in OpenADK. In order to do this you can use the toolchain
+that was generated by OpenADK.
+The toolchain generated by OpenADK is located by default in
++host_<gnu_host_name>/+. The simplest way to use it is to add
++host_<gnu_host_name>/bin/+ to your PATH environment variable and then to use
++<arch>-<vendor>-linux-<libcsuffix>-objdump+, etc.
+It is possible to relocate the toolchain, you just need to put
++target_<arch>_<libc>_<abi>+ into the same directory as

+ 99 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Using OpenADK
+OpenADK has a nice configuration tool similar to the one you can
+find in the http://www.kernel.org/[Linux kernel] or in
+http://www.busybox.net/[Busybox]. Note that you can *and should build
+everything as a normal user*. There is no need to be root to configure
+and use OpenADK. The first step is to run the configuration
+ $ make menuconfig
+For each menu entry in the configuration tool, you can find associated
+help that describes the purpose of the entry.
+First of all you need to choose your target architecture, your target
+system, your target C library, your target firmware type and your target
+package format. After that you can select individual packages and kernel
+settings or just use one of the predefined package collections. When you
+are ready exit and save.  You can always redefine the configuration
+using +make menuconfig+.
+Once everything is configured, the configuration tool generates a
++.config+ file that contains the description of your configuration. It
+will be used by the Makefiles to do what's needed.
+Let's go:
+ $ make
+You *should never* use +make -jN+ with OpenADK: it does not support 'top-level
+parallel make'. Instead, use the +ADK_MAKE_JOBS+ option in +Global settings+ to
+tell OpenADK to run each package compilation with +make -jN+.
+The `make` command will generally perform the following steps:
+* download source files (as required);
+* configure, build and install required host tools;
+* configure, build and install the cross-compiling toolchain;
+* build a kernel image, if selected;
+* build/install selected target packages;
+* build a bootloader, if selected;
+* create a root filesystem in selected format.
+OpenADK output is stored in several subdirectories: 
+* +firmware/+ where all the images and packages are stored.
+* +build_<system>_<arch>_<libc>/+ where all the components except for the cross-compilation toolchain are built. The directory contains one subdirectory for each of these components.
+* +target_<arch>_<libc>/+ which contains a hierarchy similar to a root filesystem
+  hierarchy. This directory contains the installation of the
+  cross-compilation toolchain and all the userspace packages selected
+  for the target. However, this directory is 'not' intended to be
+  the root filesystem for the target: it contains a lot of development
+  files, unstripped binaries and libraries that make it far too big
+  for an embedded system. These development files are used to compile
+  libraries and applications for the target that depend on other
+  libraries.
+* +root_<system>_<arch>_<libc>/+ which contains the complete root filesystem for
+  the target. One exception, it doesn't have the correct
+  permissions (e.g. setuid for the busybox binary) for some files. 
+  Therefore, this directory *should not be used on your target*.  
+  Instead, you should use one of the images or archives built in the 
+  +firmware/+ directory. If you need an
+  extracted image of the root filesystem for booting over NFS, then
+  use the tarball image generated in +firmware/+ and extract it as
+  root. Compared to +build_*/+, +target_*/+ contains only the files and
+  libraries needed to run the selected target applications: the
+  development files are (exception: if any dev packages are selected)
+  not present, the binaries are stripped.
+* +host_<gnu_host_name>/+ contains the installation of tools compiled for the host
+  that are needed for the proper execution of OpenADK, including the
+  cross-compilation toolchain.
+* +toolchain_build_<arch>_<libc>/+ contains the build directories for the various
+  components of the cross-compilation toolchain.
+* +pkg_<system>_<arch>_<libc>/+ contains stamp files and file lists for the various components.
+The command, +make menuconfig+ and +make+, are the
+basic ones that allow to easily and quickly generate images fitting
+your needs, with all the supports and applications you enabled.
+More details about the "make" command usage are given in

+ 25 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Working with OpenADK
+This section explains how you can customize OpenADK to fit your
+Hacking OpenADK
+If OpenADK does not yet fit all your requirements, you may be
+interested in hacking it to add:
+* new packages: refer to the xref:adding-packages[Developer guide]

+ 91 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+// -*- mode:doc; -*-
+// vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
+Coding style
+Overall, these coding style rules are here to help you to add new files in
+OpenADK or refactor existing ones.
++Config.in+ files contain entries for almost anything configurable in
+OpenADK. Mostly all Config.in files for packages are autogenerated and
+should not be manually edited. The following rules apply for the top level
+Config.in, for the files in target/config and target/linux/config.
+An entry has the following pattern:
+	bool "foo"
+	help
+	  This is a comment that explains what foo is.
+	  http://foo.org/foo/
+* The +bool+, +depends on+, +select+ and +help+ lines are indented
+  with one tab.
+* The help text itself should be indented with one tab and two
+  spaces.
+The +Config.in+ files are the input for the configuration tool
+used in OpenADK, which is the regular _Kconfig_. For further
+details about the _Kconfig_ language, refer to
+* Header: The file starts with a license header.
+# This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
+# material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
+* Assignment: use +=+ followed by two tabs:
+PKG_BUILDDEP+=		libfoo
+* Indentation: use tab only:
+	$(CP) $(WRKINST)/usr/lib/libfoo*.so* \
+		$(IDIR_LIBFOO)/usr/lib
+* Optional dependency:
+** Prefer multi-line syntax.
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--with-python-support
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+=	--without-python-support
+The documentation uses the
+http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/[asciidoc] format.
+For further details about the http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/[asciidoc]
+syntax, refer to http://www.methods.co.nz/asciidoc/userguide.html[].

+ 7 - 4

@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ endif # ! ifeq ($(strip $(ADK_HAVE_DOT_CONFIG)),y)
 # build all target architecture and libc combinations (toolchain only)
-	if [ -z "$(LIBC)" ];then \
+	@if [ -z "$(LIBC)" ];then \
 		libc="glibc uclibc musl"; \
 	else \
 		libc="$(LIBC)"; \
@@ -480,15 +480,18 @@ bulktoolchain:
 			mkdir -p ${TOPDIR}/firmware; \
 		    ( \
 			echo === building $$arch $$libc toolchain-$$arch on $$(date); \
-			tarch=$$(echo $$arch|sed -e "s#el##" -e "s#eb##" -e "s#mips64.*#mips#"); \
+			tarch=$$(echo $$arch|sed -e "s#el##" -e "s#eb##" -e "s#mips64.*#mips#" -e "s#hf##"); \
 			if [ -f ${TOPDIR}/firmware/toolchain_$${arch}_$${libc}.tar.xz ];then exit;fi; \
 			$(GMAKE) prereq && \
 				$(GMAKE) ARCH=$$tarch SYSTEM=toolchain-$$arch LIBC=$$libc defconfig; \
 				$(GMAKE) VERBOSE=1 all; if [ $$? -ne 0 ]; then touch .exit; break;fi; \
-				tar -cvJf ${TOPDIR}/firmware/toolchain_$${arch}_$${libc}.tar.xz host_* target_$${arch}_$${libc}*; \
+				if [ $$arch = "armhf" ];then arch=arm; else arch=$$arch;fi; \
+				tabi=$$(grep ^ADK_TARGET_ABI= .config|cut -d \" -f 2);\
+				if [ -z $$tabi ];then abi="";else abi=_$$tabi;fi; \
+				tar -cvJf ${TOPDIR}/firmware/toolchain_$${arch}_$${libc}$${abi}.tar.xz host_* target_$${arch}_$${libc}$${abi}; \
 				$(GMAKE) cleantoolchain; \
 			rm .config; \
-		    ) 2>&1 | tee $(TOPDIR)/firmware/toolchain_$${arch}_$${libc}_build.log; \
+		    ) 2>&1 | tee $(TOPDIR)/firmware/toolchain_build.log; \
 		    if [ -f .exit ];then break;fi \
 		done <${TOPDIR}/target/tarch.lst ;\
 		if [ -f .exit ];then echo "Bulk build failed!"; rm .exit; exit 1;fi \

+ 3 - 0

@@ -1,10 +1,13 @@