Explorar el Código

port this to Mac OSX and various target devices, together with wbx

breaks BSD and DragonFly support (even more than it already was)
and partially breaks noformat semantics; keeps -f broken
Thorsten Glaser hace 10 años
Se han modificado 1 ficheros con 294 adiciones y 119 borrados
  1. 294 119

+ 294 - 119

@@ -24,12 +24,7 @@
 # ware Foundation.
 # Prepare a USB stick or CF/SD/MMC card or hard disc for installation
-# of OpenADK:
-# • install a Master Boot Record containing a MirBSD PBR loading GRUB
-# • write GRUB2 core.img just past the MBR
-# • create a root partition and extract the OpenADK image
-#   just built there
-# • create a cfgfs partition
+# of OpenADK
 HOST=$(gcc -dumpmachine)
@@ -60,6 +55,7 @@ ostype=$(uname -s)
@@ -68,31 +64,36 @@ panicreboot=10
 function usage {
 cat >&2 <<EOF
-Syntax: $me [-f filesystem] [-c cfgfssize] [-p panictime] [±q] [-s serialspeed]
-    [±t] -n /dev/sdb image
+Syntax: $me [-f filesystem] [-c cfgfssize] [-d datafssize] [-n]
+    [-p panictime] [±q] [-s serialspeed] [±t] <target> <device> <archive>
+Partition sizes are in MiB. Filesystem type is currently ignored (ext4).
 Defaults: -c 1 -p 10 -s 115200; -t = enable serial console
 	exit $1
-while getopts "f:c:hp:qs:nt" ch; do
+while getopts "c:d:f:hnp:qs:t" ch; do
 	case $ch {
-	(c)	if (( (cfgfs = OPTARG) < 0 || cfgfs > 5 )); then
+	(c)	if (( (cfgfs = OPTARG) < 0 || cfgfs > 16 )); then
 			print -u2 "$me: -c $OPTARG out of bounds"
 			exit 1
 		fi ;;
-	(h)	usage 0 ;;
-	(p)	if (( (panicreboot = OPTARG) < 0 || panicreboot > 300 )); then
-			print -u2 "$me: -p $OPTARG out of bounds"
+	(d)	if (( (datafssz = OPTARG) < 0 )); then
+			print -u2 "$me: -d $OPTARG out of bounds"
 			exit 1
 		fi ;;
-	(q)	quiet=1 ;;
-	(+q)	quiet=0 ;;
 	(f)	if [[ $OPTARG != @(ext2|ext3|ext4|xfs) ]]; then
 			print -u2 "$me: filesystem $OPTARG invalid"
 			exit 1
 		fs=$OPTARG ;;
+	(h)	usage 0 ;;
+	(p)	if (( (panicreboot = OPTARG) < 0 || panicreboot > 300 )); then
+			print -u2 "$me: -p $OPTARG out of bounds"
+			exit 1
+		fi ;;
+	(q)	quiet=1 ;;
+	(+q)	quiet=0 ;;
 	(s)	if [[ $OPTARG != @(96|192|384|576|1152)00 ]]; then
 			print -u2 "$me: serial speed $OPTARG invalid"
 			exit 1
@@ -106,18 +107,15 @@ while getopts "f:c:hp:qs:nt" ch; do
 shift $((OPTIND - 1))
-(( $# == 2 )) || usage 1
+(( $# == 3 )) || usage 1
-tools="mkfs.$fs tune2fs"
 case $ostype {
-	;;
-	print -u2 Sorry, not ported to the OS "'$ostype'" yet.
+	tools="bc mkfs.$fs tune2fs"
-	print -u2 Sorry, not ported to the OS "'$ostype'" yet.
+	tools="bc diskutil"
 	print -u2 Sorry, not ported to the OS "'$ostype'" yet.
@@ -135,9 +133,16 @@ for tool in $tools; do
 (( f )) && exit 1
+case $target {
+(raspberry-pi|solidrun-imx6|default) ;;
+	print -u2 "Unknown target '$target', exiting"
+	exit 1 ;;
 if [[ ! -b $tgt ]]; then
 	print -u2 "'$tgt' is not a block device, exiting"
 	exit 1
@@ -149,30 +154,48 @@ fi
 (( quiet )) || print "Installing $src on $tgt."
 case $ostype {
-	basedev=${tgt%c}
-	tgt=${basedev}c
-	part=${basedev}i
-	match=\'${basedev}\''[a-p]'
-	function mount_fs {
-		mount -t ext2fs "$1" "$2"
-	}
-	;;
+	R=/Volumes/ADKROOT
+	B=/Volumes/ADKBOOT
+	D=/Volumes/ADKDATA
-	part=${basedev}s1
+	rootpart=${basedev}s1
+	datapart=${basedev}s2
+	if [[ $target = raspberry-pi ]]; then
+		bootpart=${basedev}s1
+		rootpart=${basedev}s2
+		datapart=${basedev}s3
+	fi
 	function mount_fs {
-		fuse-ext2 "$1" "$2" -o rw+
-		sleep 3
+	}
+	function create_fs {
+		if [[ $3 = ext4 ]]; then
+			fstype=UFSD_EXTFS4
+		fi
+		if [[ $3 = vfat ]]; then
+			fstype=fat32
+		fi
+		diskutil eraseVolume $fstype "$2" "$1"
-	part=${basedev}1
+	rootpart=${basedev}1
+	datapart=${basedev}2
+	if [[ $target = raspberry-pi ]]; then
+		bootpart=${basedev}1
+		rootpart=${basedev}2
+		datapart=${basedev}3
+	fi
 	function mount_fs {
-		mount -t $fs "$1" "$2"
+		mount -t "$3" "$1" "$2"
+	}
+	function create_fs {
+		mkfs.$3 "$1"
+		tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 "$1"
@@ -190,12 +213,48 @@ if (( !quiet )); then
 	[[ $x = Yes ]] || exit 0
+if ! T=$(mktemp -d /tmp/openadk.XXXXXXXXXX); then
+	print -u2 Error creating temporary directory.
+	exit 1
+if [[ $ostype != Darwin ]]; then
+	R=$T/rootmnt
+	B=$T/bootmnt
+	D=$T/datamnt
+	mkdir -p "$R" "$B" "$D"
+# get disk size
 dksz=$(dkgetsz "$tgt")
+# partition layouts:
+# n̲a̲m̲e̲		p̲a̲r̲t̲#̲0̲		p̲̲a̲r̲t̲#̲1̲		p̲̲a̲r̲t̲#̲2̲		p̲̲a̲r̲t̲#̲3̲
+# default:	0x83(system)	0x83(?data)	-(unused)	0x88(cfgfs)
+# raspberry:	0x0B(boot)	0x83(system)	0x83(?data)	0x88(cfgfs)
+# sizes:
+# boot(raspberry) - fixed (100 MiB)
+# cfgfs - fixed (parameter, max. 16 MiB)
+# data - flexible (parameter)
+# system - everything else
+if [[ $target = raspberry-pi ]]; then
+	bootfssz=100
+	if (( grub )); then
+		print -u2 "Cannot combine GRUB with $target"
+		rm -rf "$T"
+		exit 1
+	fi
+	bootfssz=0
 (( cyls = dksz / heads / secs ))
-if (( cyls < (cfgfs + 2) )); then
+if (( cyls < (bootfssz + cfgfs + datafssz + 2) )); then
 	print -u2 "Size of $tgt is $dksz, this looks fishy?"
+	rm -rf "$T"
 	exit 1
@@ -205,12 +264,12 @@ else
 	statcmd='stat -c %s'	# GNU stat
-if ! T=$(mktemp -d /tmp/openadk.XXXXXXXXXX); then
-	print -u2 Error creating temporary directory.
-	exit 1
+if (( grub )); then
+	tar -xOzf "$src" boot/grub/core.img >"$T/core.img"
+	integer coreimgsz=$($statcmd "$T/core.img")
+	coreimgsz=65024
-tar -xOzf "$src" boot/grub/core.img >"$T/core.img"
-integer coreimgsz=$($statcmd "$T/core.img")
 if (( coreimgsz < 1024 )); then
 	print -u2 core.img is probably too small: $coreimgsz
 	rm -rf "$T"
@@ -232,17 +291,30 @@ else
 # partition offset: at least coreendsec+1 but aligned on a multiple of secs
-(( partofs = ((coreendsec / secs) + 1) * secs ))
+#(( partofs = ((coreendsec / secs) + 1) * secs ))
+# we just use 2048 all the time, since some loaders are longer
+if [[ $target = raspberry-pi ]]; then
+	(( spartofs = partofs + (100 * 2048) ))
+	spartofs=$partofs
-(( quiet )) || print Preparing MBR and GRUB2...
+(( quiet )) || if (( grub )); then
+	print Preparing MBR and GRUB2...
+	print Preparing MBR...
 dd if=/dev/zero of="$T/firsttrack" count=$partofs 2>/dev/null
+# add another MiB to clear the first partition
+dd if=/dev/zero bs=1048576 count=1 >>"$T/firsttrack" 2>/dev/null
 echo $corestartsec $coreendsec | mksh "$ADK_TOPDIR/scripts/bootgrub.mksh" \
-    -A -g $((cyls-cfgfs)):$heads:$secs -M 1:0x83 -O $partofs | \
-    dd of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
-dd if="$T/core.img" of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc seek=$corestartsec \
-    2>/dev/null
+    -A -g $((cyls - bootfssz - cfgfs - datafssz)):$heads:$secs -M 1:0x83 \
+    -O $spartofs | dd of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc 2>/dev/null
+(( grub )) && dd if="$T/core.img" of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc \
+    seek=$corestartsec 2>/dev/null
 # set partition where it can find /boot/grub
-print -n '\0\0\0\0' | \
+(( grub )) && print -n '\0\0\0\0' | \
     dd of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=$corepatchofs 2>/dev/null
 # create cfgfs partition (mostly taken from bootgrub.mksh)
@@ -286,56 +358,155 @@ while (( curptr < 16 )); do
 print -n "$ostr" | \
-    dd of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=$((0x1CE)) 2>/dev/null
+    dd of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=$((0x1EE)) 2>/dev/null
-(( quiet )) || print Writing MBR and GRUB2 to target device...
-dd if="$T/firsttrack" of="$tgt"
+if (( datafssz )); then
+	# create data partition (copy of the above :)
+	set -A thecode
+	typeset -Uui8 thecode
+	mbrpno=0
+	set -A g_code $cyls $heads $secs
+	(( psz = (cyls - cfgfs) * g_code[1] * g_code[2] ))
+	(( pofs = (cyls - cfgfs - datafssz) * g_code[1] * g_code[2] ))
+	set -A o_code	# g_code equivalent for partition offset
+	(( o_code[2] = pofs % g_code[2] + 1 ))
+	(( o_code[1] = pofs / g_code[2] ))
+	(( o_code[0] = o_code[1] / g_code[1] + 1 ))
+	(( o_code[1] = o_code[1] % g_code[1] + 1 ))
+	# boot flag; C/H/S offset
+	thecode[mbrpno++]=0x00
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = o_code[1] - 1 ))
+	(( cylno = o_code[0] > 1024 ? 1023 : o_code[0] - 1 ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = o_code[2] | ((cylno & 0x0300) >> 2) ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = cylno & 0x00FF ))
+	# partition type; C/H/S end
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = 0x83 ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = g_code[1] - 1 ))
+	(( cylno = (g_code[0] - cfgfs) > 1024 ? 1023 : g_code[0] - cfgfs - 1 ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = g_code[2] | ((cylno & 0x0300) >> 2) ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = cylno & 0x00FF ))
+	# partition offset, size (LBA)
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = pofs & 0xFF ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pofs >> 8) & 0xFF ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pofs >> 16) & 0xFF ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pofs >> 24) & 0xFF ))
+	(( pssz = psz - pofs ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = pssz & 0xFF ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pssz >> 8) & 0xFF ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pssz >> 16) & 0xFF ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pssz >> 24) & 0xFF ))
+	# write partition table entry
+	ostr=
+	curptr=0
+	while (( curptr < 16 )); do
+		ostr=$ostr\\0${thecode[curptr++]#8#}
+	done
+	print -n "$ostr" | \
+	    dd of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=$((0x1CE)) 2>/dev/null
-if [[ $basedev = /dev/svnd+([0-9]) ]]; then
-	(( quiet )) || print "Creating BSD disklabel on target device..."
-	# c: whole device (must be so)
-	# i: ext2fs (matching first partition)
-	# j: cfgfs (matching second partition)
-	# p: MBR and GRUB2 area (by tradition)
-	cat >"$T/bsdlabel" <<-EOF
-		type: vnd
-		disk: vnd device
-		label: OpenADK
-		flags:
-		bytes/sector: 512
-		sectors/track: $secs
-		tracks/cylinder: $heads
-		sectors/cylinder: $((heads * secs))
-		cylinders: $cyls
-		total sectors: $((cyls * heads * secs))
-		rpm: 3600
-		interleave: 1
-		trackskew: 0
-		cylinderskew: 0
-		headswitch: 0
-		track-to-track seek: 0
-		drivedata: 0
-		16 partitions:
-		c: $((cyls * heads * secs)) 0 unused
-		i: $(((cyls - cfgfs) * heads * secs - partofs)) $partofs ext2fs
-		j: $((cfgfs * heads * secs)) $(((cyls - cfgfs) * heads * secs)) unknown
-		p: $partofs 0 unknown
-	disklabel -R ${basedev#/dev/} "$T/bsdlabel"
+if [[ $target = raspberry-pi ]]; then
+	# move system and data partition from #0/#1 to #1/#2
+	dd if="$T/firsttrack" bs=1 skip=$((0x1BE)) count=32 of="$T/x" 2>/dev/null
+	dd of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=$((0x1CE)) if="$T/x" 2>/dev/null
+	# create boot partition (copy of the above :)
+	set -A thecode
+	typeset -Uui8 thecode
+	mbrpno=0
+	set -A g_code $cyls $heads $secs
+	psz=$spartofs
+	pofs=$partofs
+	set -A o_code	# g_code equivalent for partition offset
+	(( o_code[2] = pofs % g_code[2] + 1 ))
+	(( o_code[1] = pofs / g_code[2] ))
+	(( o_code[0] = o_code[1] / g_code[1] + 1 ))
+	(( o_code[1] = o_code[1] % g_code[1] + 1 ))
+	# boot flag; C/H/S offset
+	thecode[mbrpno++]=0x00
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = o_code[1] - 1 ))
+	(( cylno = o_code[0] > 1024 ? 1023 : o_code[0] - 1 ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = o_code[2] | ((cylno & 0x0300) >> 2) ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = cylno & 0x00FF ))
+	# partition type; C/H/S end
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = 0x0B ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = g_code[1] - 1 ))
+	(( cylno = (spartofs / 2048) > 1024 ? 1023 : (spartofs / 2048) - 1 ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = g_code[2] | ((cylno & 0x0300) >> 2) ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = cylno & 0x00FF ))
+	# partition offset, size (LBA)
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = pofs & 0xFF ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pofs >> 8) & 0xFF ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pofs >> 16) & 0xFF ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pofs >> 24) & 0xFF ))
+	(( pssz = psz - pofs ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = pssz & 0xFF ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pssz >> 8) & 0xFF ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pssz >> 16) & 0xFF ))
+	(( thecode[mbrpno++] = (pssz >> 24) & 0xFF ))
+	# write partition table entry
+	ostr=
+	curptr=0
+	while (( curptr < 16 )); do
+		ostr=$ostr\\0${thecode[curptr++]#8#}
+	done
+	print -n "$ostr" | \
+	    dd of="$T/firsttrack" conv=notrunc bs=1 seek=$((0x1BE)) 2>/dev/null
-(( quiet )) || print "Creating filesystem on ${part}..."
-(( quiet )) && q=-q
-(( noformat )) || mkfs.$fs -F $q "$part"
-partuuid=$(/sbin/fdisk -l /dev/sdc|awk '/Disk identifier/ { print $3 "-01" }'|sed -e "s#^0x##")
-(( noformat )) || tune2fs -c 0 -i 0 "$part"
+(( quiet )) || print Cleaning out partitions...
+(( datafssz )) && dd if=/dev/zero bs=1048576 count=1 \
+    seek=$((cyls - cfgfs - datafssz)) 2>/dev/null
+dd if=/dev/zero bs=1048576 count=1 seek=$((spartofs / 2048)) 2>/dev/null
+(( quiet )) || if (( grub )); then
+	print Writing MBR and GRUB2 to target device...
+	print Writing MBR to target device...
+dd if="$T/firsttrack" of="$tgt"
+case $target {
+	fwdir=$(dirname "$src")
+	dd if="$fwdir/SPL" of="$tgt" bs=1024 seek=1
+	dd if="$fwdir/u-boot.img" of="$tgt" bs=1024 seek=42
+	;;
+	(( quiet )) || print "Creating filesystem on ${bootpart}..."
+	(( noformat )) || create_fs "$bootpart" ADKBOOT vfat
+	;;
+(( quiet )) || print "Creating filesystem on ${rootpart}..."
+(( noformat )) || create_fs "$rootpart" ADKROOT ext4
+#partuuid=$(/sbin/fdisk -l /dev/$tgt | awk '/Disk identifier/ { print $3 "-01" }'|sed -e "s#^0x##")
 (( quiet )) || print Extracting installation archive...
-mount_fs "$part" "$T"
-gzip -dc "$src" | (cd "$T"; tar -xvpf -)
-cd "$T"
+mount_fs "$rootpart" "$R" ext4
+gzip -dc "$src" | (cd "$R"; tar -xpf -)
+case $target {
+	mount_fs "$bootpart" "$B" vfat
+	for x in "$R"/boot/.*; do
+		[[ -e "$x" ]] && mv -f "$R"/boot/.* "$B/"
+		break
+	done
+	for x in "$R"/boot/*; do
+		[[ -e "$x" ]] && mv -f "$R"/boot/* "$B/"
+		break
+	done
+	umount "$B"
+	;;
+	for x in "$fwdir"/*.dtb; do
+		[[ -e "$x" ]] && cp "$fwdir"/*.dtb "$R/boot/"
+		break
+	done
+	;;
+cd "$R"
 [[ -c /dev/arandom ]] && rnddev=/dev/arandom
 dd if=$rnddev bs=16 count=1 >>etc/.rnd 2>/dev/null
@@ -343,33 +514,37 @@ dd if=$rnddev bs=16 count=1 >>etc/.rnd 2>/dev/null
 chown 0:0 tmp
 chmod 1777 tmp
 [[ -f usr/bin/sudo ]] && chmod 4755 usr/bin/sudo
-(( quiet )) || print Configuring GRUB2 bootloader...
-mkdir -p boot/grub
-	print set default=0
-	print set timeout=1
-	if (( serial )); then
-		print serial --unit=0 --speed=$speed
-		print terminal_output serial
-		print terminal_input serial
-		consargs="console=ttyS0,$speed console=tty0"
-	else
-		print terminal_output console
-		print terminal_input console
-		consargs="console=tty0"
-	fi
-	print
-	print 'menuentry "GNU/Linux (OpenADK)" {'
-	linuxargs="root=PARTUUID=$partuuid $consargs"
-	(( panicreboot )) && linuxargs="$linuxargs panic=$panicreboot"
-	print "\tlinux /boot/kernel $linuxargs"
-	print '}'
-) >boot/grub/grub.cfg
+if (( grub )); then
+	(( quiet )) || print Configuring GRUB2 bootloader...
+	mkdir -p boot/grub
+	(
+		print set default=0
+		print set timeout=1
+		if (( serial )); then
+			print serial --unit=0 --speed=$speed
+			print terminal_output serial
+			print terminal_input serial
+			consargs="console=ttyS0,$speed console=tty0"
+		else
+			print terminal_output console
+			print terminal_input console
+			consargs="console=tty0"
+		fi
+		print
+		print 'menuentry "GNU/Linux (OpenADK)" {'
+		linuxargs="root=PARTUUID=$partuuid $consargs"
+		(( panicreboot )) && linuxargs="$linuxargs panic=$panicreboot"
+		print "\tlinux /boot/kernel $linuxargs"
+		print '}'
+	) >boot/grub/grub.cfg
 (( quiet )) || print Finishing up...
-umount "$T"
-(( quiet )) || print "\nNote: the rootfs UUID is: $partuuid"
+umount "$R"
 rm -rf "$T"
 exit 0