OpenADK is Copyright © 2008-2024 Waldemar Brodkorb All rights reserved. This licence file covers all of the OpenADK meta distribution source code (including Makefiles and documentation). Binary firmware images are composed of the meta distribution OpenADK and downloaded distfiles from third party sources, which may be covered by various differing licence terms, but since the firmware image only aggregates differently licenced packages on the same medium we believe it is redistributable as long as the licences of the different packages are honoured. OpenADK itself is developed by Waldemar Brodkorb and covered by the GNU General Public License, Version 2 or later, as shown in the file COPYING in this directory. Individual files may be covered by the LGPL or BSD-style licences instead. OpenADK also contains tools that are possibly covered by non-GPL-compatible, but OSD/DFSG-compliant, licences. OpenADK is based upon several other projects which are listed below, in no particular order. If you think you should be listed here but I have forgotten you, please forgive and drop me an email. • The FreeWRT Project • The OpenWrt Project • The Buildroot Project • The Aboriginal Linux Project • The MirOS Project and contributors