import sys import serial import struct import time ERROR_FILE_TOO_LARGE = 0xEFFF0001 MAX_PORTS = 100 CDC_DATA_OUT_EP_SIZE = 70 CDC_DATA_IN_EP_SIZE = 38 IN_BUFFER_FLUSH_DELAY = 0.05 IO_DIRECTION_OUT = 0 IO_DIRECTION_IN = 1 MODE_00 = 0x00 # Setting for SPI bus Mode 0,0 MODE_01 = 0x01 # Setting for SPI bus Mode 0,1 MODE_10 = 0x02 # Setting for SPI bus Mode 1,0 MODE_11 = 0x03 # Setting for SPI bus Mode 1,1 SPI_FOSC_64 = 0x02 SMPMID = 0x00 CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_OPEN = 0 CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_CLOSE = 1 CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_GETSTRING = 2 CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_PUTSTRING = 3 CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_GETSTRING_ATADDRESS = 4 CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_PUTSTRING_ATADDRESS = 5 CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_GET_CHAR = 6 CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_PUT_CHAR = 7 CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_SET_IO_DIR = 8 CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_SET_IO_VALUE = 9 CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_GET_IO_VALUE = 10 CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_GET_ALL_IO_VALUES = 11 CONFIG_IN_PACKET_STATUS = 0 CONFIG_IN_PACKET_BUFFER = 1 CONFIG_IO_PIN_SI = 0 CONFIG_IO_PIN_SO = 1 CONFIG_IO_PIN_CS = 2 CONFIG_IO_PIN_CLK = 3 CONFIG_IO_PIN_PROGB = 4 CONFIG_IO_PIN_DONE = 5 CONFIG_IO_PIN_INITB = 6 IO_DIRECTION_OUT = 0 IO_DIRECTION_IN = 1 DEV_ID_M45PE10VMN6P = 0x114020 DEV_ID_ATMEL_AT45DB021D = 0x231F DEV_ID_ATMEL_AT45DB161D = 0x261F DEV_ID_MICRON_M25P16 = 0x152020 FLASH_ALGORITHM_M45PE10VMN6P = 0x01 FLASH_ALGORITHM_ATMEL_DATAFLASH = 0x02 FLASH_ALGORITHM_M25P16 = 0x03 #Generic SPI flash commands SPI_FLASH_READ_ID_9F = 0x9F #Atmel Dataflash specific ATMEL_DATAFLASH_READ = 0x03 ATMEL_DATAFLASH_READ_STATUS = 0xD7 ATMEL_DATAFLASH_BUFFER_WRITE = 0x84 ATMEL_DATAFLASH_PAGE_PROGRAM = 0x83 #M45PE10VMN6P Specific M45PE10VMN6P_WRITE_ENABLE = 0x06 M45PE10VMN6P_WRITE_DISABLE = 0x04 M45PE10VMN6P_READ_ID = 0x9F M45PE10VMN6P_READ_STATUS = 0x05 M45PE10VMN6P_READ = 0x03 M45PE10VMN6P_FAST_READ = 0x0B M45PE10VMN6P_PAGE_WRITE = 0x0A M45PE10VMN6P_PAGE_PROGRAM = 0x02 M45PE10VMN6P_PAGE_ERASE = 0xDB M45PE10VMN6P_SECTOR_ERASE = 0xD8 M45PE10VMN6P_DEEP_PWR_DOWN = 0xB9 M45PE10VMN6P_REL_DEEP_PWR_DOWN = 0xB9 #M25P16 Specific M25P16_WRITE_ENABLE = 0x06 M25P16_WRITE_DISABLE = 0x04 M25P16_READ_ID = 0x9F M25P16_READ_STATUS = 0x05 M25P16_READ = 0x03 M25P16_FAST_READ = 0x0B M25P16_PAGE_PROGRAM = 0x02 M25P16_SECTOR_ERASE = 0xD8 M25P16_BULK_ERASE = 0xC7 M25P16_DEEP_PWR_DOWN = 0xB9 M25P16_REL_DEEP_PWR_DOWN = 0xAB #-------------------------- class MimasV2ConfigDownloader ---------------------# class MimasV2ConfigDownloader: 'Configuration downloader class' def __init__(self, Port): 'Try to open the port and initialize the object' self.PortObj = serial.Serial(Port, 19200, timeout=1) if self.PortObj is None : print("Unable to open port " + Port) exit(1) def SendData(self, Data): 'The lowest level routine to send raw data to Mimas V2' 'Returns total number of writes written' i = 0 bytesWritten = 0; #Send data 30 bytes at a time. Mimas V2 can recieve maximum 30 bytes per transaction while i < len(Data): bytesWritten += self.PortObj.write(Data[i:i+30]) i += 30 return bytesWritten def ReadData(self, count): return def SendCommand(self, Command): 'Send a command to Mimas V2' 'This routine will add padding to make all commands 70 bytes long' if(len(Command) < 70): Command += b" " * (70 - len(Command)) if self.SendData(Command) == 70: return 0 else: return 1 def SpiOpen(self): 'Set up SPI peripheral inside PIC18 chip on Mimas V2' #Packet Structure : Sync Byte, PacketType, SpiNum, SyncMode, BusMode, SmpPhase # ~ , 0x00 , 0x01 , 0x02 , 0x00 , 0x00 return self.SendCommand(b"\x7e\x00\x01\x02\x00\x00") def SpiClose(self): 'Deinitialize and free resources allocated with SpiOpen command' #Packet Structure : Sync Byte, PacketType, SpiNum # ~ , 0x01 , 0x01 return self.SendCommand(b"\x7e\x01\x01") def SpiSetIoDirection(self, Io, Direction): 'Set direction of IOs that are needed for configuration process' #Packet Structure : Sync Byte, PacketType, SpiNum, Io, Direction # ~ , 0x08 , 0x01 , Io, Direction return self.SendCommand(b"\x7e\x08\x01" + struct.pack('BB', Io, Direction)) def SpiSetIoValue(self, Io, Value): 'Set value of IOs that are needed for configuration process' #Packet Structure : Sync Byte, PacketType, SpiNum, Io, Value # ~ , 0x09 , 0x01 , Io, Value return self.SendCommand(b"\x7e\x09\x01" + struct.pack('BB', Io, Value)) def FlushInBuffer(self): 'Flush input buffer of the port' #Sometimes flushInput fails to actually flush the contents of the buffer #unless a slight delay is given time.sleep(IN_BUFFER_FLUSH_DELAY) self.PortObj.flushInput() def CheckStatus(self, LastCmd = None): 'Checks the satus of the last command sent. Use this routine only with commands' 'that returns generic status response.' #Try to read 100 bytes from the input buffer. The maximum amount of data expected #is 38 bytes. If we receive more than 38 bytes, that means the input buffer has #response from more than one commands. This is means input buffer is not flushed #before sending the last command. Input buffer can flushed by either calling #FlushInBuffer() routine or by reading large enough data from the input buffer. #In most cases, simply calling CheckStatus() should clear the input buffer. response = mimasport.ReadData(100) print (response) if len(response) > 38: return 1 else: if (response[0:1] == b'~') and (response[1:2] == struct.pack('B', CONFIG_IN_PACKET_STATUS)) and (response[3:4] == struct.pack('B', 0)): if LastCmd == None: return 0 else: if response[4:5] == struct.pack('B', LastCmd): return 0 else: return 1 else: return 1 def ToggleCS(self): 'Toggles Chip Select' #Set CS to output if self.SpiSetIoDirection(CONFIG_IO_PIN_CS, IO_DIRECTION_OUT): return 1; #De-assert CS if self.SpiSetIoValue(CONFIG_IO_PIN_CS, 1): return 1 #Assert CS return self.SpiSetIoValue(CONFIG_IO_PIN_CS, 0) def SpiPutChar(self, Char): 'Writes a character to SPI port' #Packet Structure : Sync Byte, PacketType, SpiNum, Char # ~ , 0x07 , 0x01 , Char if self.SendCommand(b"\x7e\x07\x01" + struct.pack('B', Char)): return 1 def SpiPutString(self, Buffer, Length): 'Writes a string/buffer to SPI port' #Packet Structure : Sync Byte, PacketType, SpiNum, Char # ~ , 0x03 , 0x01 , Length, Res0, Res1, data if self.SendCommand(b"\x7e\x03\x01" + struct.pack('B', Length) + b"\x00\x00" + Buffer[0:Length]): return 1 def GetString(self, Length): 'Reads a string/buffer from SPI' #Send CONFIG_OUT_PACKET_SPI_GETSTRING command #Packet Structure : Sync Byte, PacketType, SpiNum, Length # ~ , 0x02 , 0x01 , Length if self.SendCommand(b"\x7e\x02\x01" + struct.pack('B', Length)): return (1, None) #Read the response and extract data response = self.ReadData(38) if len(response) != 38: return (1, None) return (0, response[6:6+Length]) def FlashReadID9Fh(self): 'Reads flash ID using command 9Fh' #Toggle CS to get SPI flash to a known state if self.ToggleCS(): return 1 #Write command 9Fh if self.SpiPutChar(SPI_FLASH_READ_ID_9F): return 1 #Flush input buffer self.FlushInBuffer(); #Read three bytes from SPI flash status, string = self.GetString(3) if status: return None else: idTuple = struct.unpack("=I", string + b'\x00') return idTuple[0] def M25P16WriteEnable(self): 'Enable write for SPI flash M25P16' #Toggle CS to get SPI flash to a known state if self.ToggleCS(): return 1 #Send write enable code if self.SpiPutChar(M25P16_WRITE_ENABLE): return 1 #De-assert CS if self.SpiSetIoValue(CONFIG_IO_PIN_CS, 1): return 1 return 0 def M25P16ReadStatus(self): 'Reads M25P16 Status register' #Toggle CS to get SPI flash to a known state if self.ToggleCS(): return 1 #Write M25P16_READ_STATUS command if self.SpiPutChar(M25P16_READ_STATUS): return 1 #Flush input buffer self.FlushInBuffer(); #Read one byte from SPI flash status, string = self.GetString(1) if status: return None else: statusTuple = struct.unpack("B", string) return int(statusTuple[0]) def M25P16sectorErase(self, EndAddress): 'Erases sectors up to the sector that contains EndAddress' EndAddress |= 0xFFFF; i = 0 for i in range(0, EndAddress, 0xFFFF): #Do write enable if self.M25P16WriteEnable(): return 1 #Toggle CS to get SPI flash to a known state if self.ToggleCS(): return 1 #Send Sector Erase command if self.SpiPutChar(M25P16_SECTOR_ERASE): return 1 #Send address address = struct.pack("i", i) if self.SpiPutChar(address[2]): return 1 if self.SpiPutChar(address[1]): return 1 if self.SpiPutChar(address[0]): return 1 #De-assert CS if self.SpiSetIoValue(CONFIG_IO_PIN_CS, 1): return 1 #Wait for sector erase to complete while self.M25P16ReadStatus() & 0x01: time.sleep(0.01) return 0 def M25P16PageProgram(self, Buffer, Address, Length): 'SPI Flash page program' if Length > 0x100: return 1 #Do write enable if self.M25P16WriteEnable(): return 1 #Toggle CS to get SPI flash to a known state if self.ToggleCS(): return 1 #Send page program command if self.SpiPutChar(M25P16_PAGE_PROGRAM): return 1 #Send address address = struct.pack("i", Address) if self.SpiPutChar(address[2]): return 1 if self.SpiPutChar(address[1]): return 1 if self.SpiPutChar(address[0]): return 1 #Send data 64 bytes at a time i = 0 j = 0 while Length: j = 64 if Length > 64 else Length if self.SpiPutString(Buffer[i:i+64], j): return(1) i += j Length -= j; #De-assert CS if self.SpiSetIoValue(CONFIG_IO_PIN_CS, 1): return 1 def M25P16VerifyFlash(self, buffer): 'Reads the contents of flash and compare with data in buffer' #Toggle CS to get SPI flash to a known state if self.ToggleCS(): return 1 #Send page program command if self.SpiPutChar(M25P16_READ): return 1 #Send address bytes if self.SpiPutChar(0): return 1 if self.SpiPutChar(0): return 1 if self.SpiPutChar(0): return 1 #Flush input buffer self.FlushInBuffer(); readLength = len(buffer) readBuffer = b"" while readLength: j = 32 if readLength > 32 else readLength status, string = self.GetString(j) if status: return 1 readBuffer += string readLength -= j if readBuffer == buffer: return 0 else: return 1 def ConfigureMimasV2(self, FileName): 'Configures Mimas V2' #Set PROGB to output if self.SpiSetIoDirection(CONFIG_IO_PIN_PROGB, IO_DIRECTION_OUT): print ("Unable to set PROGB direction") exit(1) #Pull PROGB Low while Flash is being programmed if self.SpiSetIoValue(CONFIG_IO_PIN_PROGB, 0): print ("Unable to assert PROGB") exit(1) #Open SPI port if self.SpiOpen(): print ("Unable to openSPI port") exit(1) id = self.FlashReadID9Fh() if id == None: print("Unable to read SPI Flash ID") exit(1) elif id == DEV_ID_MICRON_M25P16: print("Micron M25P16 SPI Flash detected") FlashAlgorithm = FLASH_ALGORITHM_M25P16 else: print("Unknown flash part, exiting...") exit(1) #Execute device specific programming algorithm if FlashAlgorithm == FLASH_ALGORITHM_M25P16: #Open the binary file and load the contents to buffer print("Loading file " + FileName + "...") file = open(FileName, "rb") if file == None: print("Could not open file " + FileName) #Find out the size of the file, 2) fileSize = file.tell() fileSizeForProgressInd = fileSize #Read file in to buffer, 0) dataBuff = file.close() #Erase flash sectors print("Erasing flash sectors...") if self.M25P16sectorErase(fileSize): print ("Unable to erase flash sectors") exit(1) i, j, address = 0, 0, 0 while fileSize: j = 0x100 if fileSize > 0x100 else fileSize self.M25P16PageProgram(dataBuff[address:address+j], address, j) address += j fileSize -= j #Wait for page program to complete while self.M25P16ReadStatus() & 0x01: time.sleep(0.01) sys.stdout.write("Writing to flash " + str(int((address/fileSizeForProgressInd)*100)) + "% complete...\r") sys.stdout.flush() #verify the flash contents print("\nVerifying flash contents...") if self.M25P16VerifyFlash(dataBuff): print("Flash verification failed...") else: print("Flash verification successful...\nBooting FPGA...") #Set CS to input if self.SpiSetIoDirection(CONFIG_IO_PIN_CS, IO_DIRECTION_IN): return 1 #De-assert PROGB if self.SpiSetIoValue(CONFIG_IO_PIN_PROGB, 1): return 1 print("Done.") def __del__(self): self.PortObj.close() #-------------------------- End class MimasV2ConfigDownloader -----------------# def main(): print("****************************************") print("* Numato Lab Mimas V2 Configuration Tool *") print("****************************************") if(len(sys.argv) != 3): print("ERROR: Invalid number of arguments.\n") print("Usage : \n") print("PORT - The serial portcorresponds to Mimas V2 (Eg: COM1)\n") print("Binary File - Binary file to be downloaded. Please see Mimas V2") print("documentation for more details on generating binary file from") print("your design.") exit(1) MimasV2configObj = MimasV2ConfigDownloader(sys.argv[1]) MimasV2configObj.ConfigureMimasV2(sys.argv[2]) if __name__ == "__main__": main()