Makefile 1.3 KB

  1. # This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
  2. # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
  3. include $(ADK_TOPDIR)/
  4. PKG_NAME:= shairport-sync
  5. PKG_VERSION:= 3.3.6
  6. PKG_RELEASE:= 1
  7. PKG_GIT:= tag
  8. PKG_DESCR:= airplay daemon
  9. PKG_SECTION:= mm/audio
  10. PKG_DEPENDS:= libressl libpopt libdaemon libconfig jack mosquitto libavahi
  11. PKG_BUILDDEP:= libressl popt libdaemon libconfig jack mosquitto avahi
  12. PKG_URL:=
  13. PKG_SITES:=
  14. include $(ADK_TOPDIR)/mk/
  15. $(eval $(call PKG_template,SHAIRPORT_SYNC,shairport-sync,$(PKG_VERSION)-$(PKG_RELEASE),$(PKG_DEPENDS),$(PKG_DESCR),$(PKG_SECTION)))
  16. AUTOTOOL_STYLE:= autoreconf
  17. CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --with-pkg-config \
  18. --without-systemv \
  19. --without-systemd \
  20. --with-libdaemon \
  21. --with-avahi \
  22. --disable-tinysvcmdns \
  23. --with-alsa \
  24. --with-jack \
  25. --with-mqtt-client \
  26. -with-ssl=openssl
  27. shairport-sync-install:
  29. $(INSTALL_DIR) $(IDIR_SHAIRPORT_SYNC)/etc/shairport-sync
  30. $(INSTALL_BIN) $(WRKINST)/usr/bin/shairport-sync \
  31. $(IDIR_SHAIRPORT_SYNC)/usr/bin
  32. $(INSTALL_DATA) $(WRKINST)/etc/* \
  33. $(IDIR_SHAIRPORT_SYNC)/etc/shairport-sync/
  34. include $(ADK_TOPDIR)/mk/