Makefile 1.0 KB

  1. # This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
  2. # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
  3. include $(ADK_TOPDIR)/
  4. PKG_NAME:= schedtool
  5. PKG_VERSION:= 1.3.0
  6. PKG_RELEASE:= 1
  7. PKG_HASH:= 4e002a2a619d592f7c9b9d284381ffc004d8a71c38945aa95d5d53f2e4c0c8cf
  8. PKG_DESCR:= scheduler tool
  9. PKG_SECTION:= sys/misc
  10. #PKG_DEPENDS:= add dependendant package names
  11. #PKG_BUILDDEP:= add packages which need to be compiled
  12. PKG_URL:=
  13. PKG_SITES:=
  14. # if downloaded package is not ending with .tar.xz use following
  15. DISTFILES:= $(PKG_NAME)-$(PKG_VERSION).tar.bz2
  16. include $(ADK_TOPDIR)/mk/
  17. $(eval $(call PKG_template,SCHEDTOOL,schedtool,$(PKG_VERSION)-$(PKG_RELEASE),$(PKG_DEPENDS),$(PKG_DESCR),$(PKG_SECTION)))
  18. CONFIG_STYLE:= manual
  19. schedtool-install:
  21. $(INSTALL_BIN) $(WRKINST)/bin/schedtool \
  22. $(IDIR_SCHEDTOOL)/bin
  23. include $(ADK_TOPDIR)/mk/