Makefile 5.5 KB

  1. # This file is part of the OpenADK project. OpenADK is copyrighted
  2. # material, please see the LICENCE file in the top-level directory.
  3. include $(TOPDIR)/
  4. include $(TOPDIR)/mk/
  5. all: install
  6. ifeq (${ADK_64BIT_KERNEL},y)
  7. KERNEL_CFG:=kernel64.config
  8. else
  9. KERNEL_CFG:=kernel.config
  10. endif
  11. ### Kernel .config Creation
  12. # The following target combines all kernel-related variables and
  13. # config files into a single one to be used as the final kernel
  14. # configuration when building. This is how it's done:
  15. # 1) fetch all ADK_KPACKAGE_KMOD_* vars into
  16. # .kernelconfig.modules and set them to "m",
  17. # fetch all ADK_KERNEL_MOD_* vars into
  18. # .kernelconfig.modules and set them to "m"
  19. # 2) fetch all enabled ADK_KERNEL_* vars into
  20. # .kernelconfig.kernel (no conversion, as they are booleans)
  21. # 3) repeat 2) for the disabled ones and save them into
  22. # .kernelconfig.nokernel (to overwrite defaults)
  23. # 4) get the device-specific static kernel config and place it into
  24. # .kernelconfig.board
  25. # 5) prepare for merging:
  26. # * if a variable is disabled in .kernelconfig.board and
  27. # enabled in either of .kernelconfig.{modules,kernel},
  28. # remove it from .kernelconfig.board
  29. # * append ${FS_CMDLINE} to the kernel commandline inside
  30. # .kernelconfig.board
  31. # 6) merge (cat) it all together into .kernelconfig.tmp
  32. # 7) check if .kernelconfig.tmp differs from the current one
  33. # (.kernelconfig) at all, overwriting the current one
  34. # only if it does (so the timestamp stays intact)
  35. # 8) remove the temporary .kernelconfig.tmp
  36. ###
  41. config-prepare: $(TOPDIR)/.config
  42. @sed -n '/^ADK_KPACKAGE_KMOD/s//CONFIG/p' ${TOPDIR}/.config | \
  43. sed 's/=y/=m/' >${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.modules
  44. @sed -n '/^ADK_KERNEL_MOD/s//CONFIG/p' ${TOPDIR}/.config | \
  45. sed 's/=y/=m/' >>${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.modules
  46. @sed -n '/^ADK_KERNEL/s//CONFIG/p' ${TOPDIR}/.config \
  47. >${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.kernel
  48. @sed -n '/^# ADK_KERNEL/s//# CONFIG/p' ${TOPDIR}/.config \
  49. >${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.nokernel
  50. ifeq ($(ADK_NATIVE),y)
  51. @if [ -f /etc/adktarget ];then \
  52. cp $(TOPDIR)/target/$(ARCH)/${KERNEL_CFG} ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board; \
  53. else \
  54. if [ -f /proc/config.gz ];then zcat /proc/config.gz > ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board; else cp ${ADK_TARGET}/kernel.config.$(ARCH) ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board; fi; \
  55. fi
  56. else
  57. if [ -f ${ADK_TARGET_ARCH}/${KERNEL_CFG}.$(ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM) ];then \
  58. cp ${ADK_TARGET_ARCH}/${KERNEL_CFG}.$(ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM) ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board; \
  59. else \
  60. cp ${ADK_TARGET_ARCH}/${KERNEL_CFG} ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board; \
  61. fi
  62. endif
  63. @(cat ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.{modules,kernel} | \
  64. while IFS='=' read symbol value; do \
  65. sed -i -e "/^# $$symbol/d" ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board; \
  66. done;)
  67. @sed -i -e 's#^\(CONFIG_.*CMDLINE="\)\(.*\)"#\1\2 ${FS_CMDLINE}"#' \
  68. ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board
  69. ifneq ($(ADK_TARGET_CMDLINE),)
  70. @sed -i -e 's#^\(CONFIG_.*CMDLINE="\)\(.*\)"#\1\2 ${ADK_TARGET_CMDLINE}"#' \
  71. ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board
  72. endif
  74. @sed -i -e 's#^\(CONFIG_.*CMDLINE="\)\(.*\)"#\1\2 ${ADK_PACKAGE_CMDLINE}"#' \
  75. ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board
  76. endif
  77. ifeq ($(ADK_QUIET_KERNEL),y)
  78. @sed -i -e 's#^\(CONFIG_.*CMDLINE="\)\(.*\)"#\1\2 quiet"#' \
  79. ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board
  80. endif
  81. ifeq ($(ADK_KERNEL_DEBUG_WITH_KGDB),y)
  82. @sed -i -e 's#^\(CONFIG_.*CMDLINE="\)\(.*\)"#\1\2 kgdbwait kgdboc=ttyS0,115200"#' \
  83. ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board
  84. endif
  85. @cd ${BUILD_DIR} && cat .kernelconfig.board .kernelconfig.nokernel \
  86. .kernelconfig.kernel .kernelconfig.modules \
  87. >.kernelconfig.tmp
  88. @cd ${BUILD_DIR} && cmp -s .kernelconfig.tmp .kernelconfig || \
  89. cp .kernelconfig.tmp .kernelconfig
  90. @-rm -f ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.tmp
  91. else
  92. config-prepare: $(TOPDIR)/.config
  93. if [ -f ${ADK_TARGET_ARCH}/${KERNEL_CFG}.$(ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM) ];then \
  94. cp ${ADK_TARGET_ARCH}/${KERNEL_CFG}.$(ADK_TARGET_SYSTEM) ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board; \
  95. else \
  96. cp ${ADK_TARGET_ARCH}/${KERNEL_CFG} ${BUILD_DIR}/.kernelconfig.board; \
  97. fi
  98. endif
  99. prepare: $(ADK_TARGET_ARCH)-prepare
  100. compile: $(ADK_TARGET_ARCH)-compile
  101. image: $(ADK_TARGET_ARCH)-imageclean $(ADK_TARGET_ARCH)-imageinstall
  102. install: $(ADK_TARGET_ARCH)-imageclean $(ADK_TARGET_ARCH)-install $(ADK_TARGET_ARCH)-imageinstall
  103. clean: $(ADK_TARGET_ARCH)-clean $(ADK_TARGET_ARCH)-imageclean
  104. %-clean:
  105. $(TRACE) target/$(patsubst %-clean,%,$@)-clean
  106. $(MAKE) -C $(patsubst %-clean,%,$@) clean
  107. %-imageclean:
  108. $(TRACE) target/$(patsubst %-imageclean,%,$@)-imageclean
  109. $(MAKE) -C $(patsubst %-imageclean,%,$@) imageclean
  110. %-prepare:
  111. $(TRACE) target/$(patsubst %-prepare,%,$@)-prepare
  112. $(MAKE) -C $(patsubst %-prepare,%,$@) prepare
  113. %-imageprepare:
  114. $(TRACE) target/$(patsubst %-imageprepare,%,$@)-imageprepare
  115. $(MAKE) -C $(patsubst %-imageprepare,%,$@) imageprepare
  116. %-compile: %-prepare
  117. $(TRACE) target/$(patsubst %-compile,%,$@)-compile
  118. $(MAKE) -C $(patsubst %-compile,%,$@) compile
  119. %-install: %-compile
  120. $(TRACE) target/$(patsubst %-install,%,$@)-install
  121. $(MAKE) -C $(patsubst %-install,%,$@) install
  122. %-imageinstall: %-imageprepare
  123. $(TRACE) target/$(patsubst %-imageinstall,%,$@)-imageinstall
  124. $(MAKE) -C $(patsubst %-imageinstall,%,$@) imageinstall
  125. @echo 'Login as user root with password ${ADK_RUNTIME_PASSWORD} via ssh or console.'