abootconf.sgml 4.6 KB

  1. <!DOCTYPE RefEntry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN">
  2. <refentry id="abootconf">
  3. <refmeta>
  4. <refentrytitle>abootconf</refentrytitle>
  5. <manvolnum>8</manvolnum>
  6. <refmiscinfo>abootconf</refmiscinfo>
  7. </refmeta>
  8. <refnamediv>
  9. <refname>abootconf</refname>
  10. <refpurpose>
  11. Configure the location of the configuration file for the secondary boot
  12. loader <application>aboot</application>(8) for Linux/Alpha.
  13. </refpurpose>
  14. </refnamediv>
  15. <refsynopsisdiv>
  16. <cmdsynopsis>
  17. <command>abootconf</command> <arg choice="plain">/dev/xxx num</arg>
  18. </cmdsynopsis>
  19. </refsynopsisdiv>
  20. <refsect1><title>COPYRIGHT</title>
  21. <para>
  22. <application>abootconf</application> is Copyright (C) 1996 Linus Torvalds, David Mosberger-Tang and Michael Schwingen
  23. </para>
  24. </refsect1>
  25. <refsect1><title>DESCRIPTIONS</title>
  26. <para>
  27. <indexterm><primary>abootconf</primary></indexterm>
  28. <indexterm><primary>aboot</primary></indexterm>
  29. <application>abootconf</application> is used to change the partition<indexterm><primary>partition
  30. </primary></indexterm>
  31. the alpha Linux boot loader <application>aboot</application>(8)
  32. looks for its configuration file in. The configuration file is stored
  33. in <filename>etc/aboot.conf</filename>(5)
  34. relative to the root of the file system in this partition.
  35. </para>
  36. <para>
  37. <application>abootconf</application> requires the boot device
  38. (e.g. <filename>/dev/hdb</filename>, <filename>/dev/sda</filename>) and the
  39. partition
  40. to be used (e.g. 3). Thus if you want to boot from partition E: on your second
  41. SCSI disk you would enter</para>
  42. <para>
  43. <command>
  44. abootconf <parameter>/dev/sdb 5</parameter>
  45. </command>
  46. </para>
  47. </refsect1>
  48. <refsect1><title>NOTES</title>
  49. <para>
  50. <application>abootconf</application> is not needed if you are booting
  51. your alpha system via <application>milo</application>.
  52. </para>
  53. <para>
  54. For each disk one partition can be activated to contain the configuration
  55. for <application>aboot</application>(8) which is located in
  56. <filename>etc/aboot.conf</filename>(5).
  57. The disk chosen to boot from is selected at
  58. the SRM prompt as the second argument, e.g.
  59. </para>
  60. <para>
  61. <command>
  62. boot <parameter>dqa</parameter>
  63. </command>
  64. </para>
  65. <para>
  66. to boot from your first IDE hard disk. See the HP SRM-Manual and
  67. <application>aboot</application>(8)
  68. for details.
  69. </para>
  70. <para>
  71. <application>aboot</application>(8) can load a kernel from an
  72. arbitrary partition and can even use a different
  73. root partition than the one <filename>etc/aboot.conf</filename>
  74. belongs to. Hence you would usually
  75. set up one <filename>etc/aboot.conf</filename> with all combinations and
  76. would not require <application>abootconf</application> except for initial
  77. set up. You can then
  78. boot the requested
  79. Linux kernel by giving the appropriate flags at the SRM prompt, e.g. to boot
  80. the entry labeled 2 you would use
  81. </para>
  82. <para>
  83. <command>
  84. boot <parameter>dqa -fl "2"</parameter>
  85. </command>
  86. </para>
  87. <para>
  88. See the HP SRM manual and <filename>aboot.conf</filename>(5)
  89. for details.
  90. </para>
  91. <para>
  92. To show the current setting simply omit the last argument (i.e. the partition
  93. number).
  94. </para>
  95. <para>
  96. Note that you have to rerun <application>abootconf</application> if you updated
  97. <application>aboot</application>(8).
  98. </para>
  99. <para>
  100. Strictly speaking <application>abootconf</application> is not necessary as
  101. you can specify the partition which <filename>etc/aboot.conf</filename>
  102. resides on at the SRM-Prompt by prepending the partition number and a colon
  103. in the flags-parameter, i.e. if <filename>etc/aboot.conf</filename>
  104. resided on the fourth partition and you want to boot the entry labeled 2
  105. you could also issue
  106. </para>
  107. <para>
  108. <command>
  109. boot <parameter>dqa -fl "4:2"</parameter>
  110. </command>
  111. </para>
  112. <para>
  113. at the SRM prompt.
  114. </para>
  115. <para>
  116. Note that this applies to Linux only as <ProductName>VMS</ProductName>, <ProductName>Tru64</ProductName>, *BSD and
  117. <ProductName>Windows NT</ProductName> each have their own secondary boot loader.
  118. </para>
  119. <para>
  120. Also note that for initial hard disk setup <application>abootconf</application>
  121. is no longer needed as <application>swriteboot</application>(8) contains the
  122. entire functionality of <application>abootconf</application>.
  123. </para>
  124. </refsect1>
  125. <refsect1><title>AUTHOR</title>
  126. <para>
  127. This man page was written by Helge Kreutzmann <email>debian@helgefjell.de</email> for the Debian GNU/Linux project but may be used by others.
  128. </para>
  129. </refsect1>
  130. <refsect1><title>FILES</title>
  131. <para><filename>etc/aboot.conf</filename></para>
  132. </refsect1>
  133. <refsect1><title>SEE ALSO</title>
  134. <para><application>aboot</application>(8), <application>swriteboot</application>(8), <filename>aboot.conf</filename>(5), HP SRM Manual (<ULink URL="http://h18002.www1.hp.com/alphaserver/download/srm_reference.pdf"></ULink>)</para>
  135. </refsect1>
  136. </refentry>