package-make-target.txt 1.6 KB

  1. // -*- mode:doc; -*-
  2. // vim: set syntax=asciidoc:
  3. [[pkg-build-steps]]
  4. Package-specific _make_ targets
  5. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  6. Running +make package=<package> package+ builds and installs that particular package.
  7. Be aware of the fact, that no build dependencies are resolved using this method!
  8. For packages relying on the OpenADK infrastructure, there are
  9. numerous special make targets that can be called independently like
  10. this:
  11. ------------
  12. $ make package=<package> <target>
  13. ------------
  14. The package build targets are (in the order they are executed):
  15. [width="90%",cols="^1,4",options="header"]
  16. |===================================================
  17. | command/target | Description
  18. | +fetch+ | Fetch the source
  19. | +extract+ | Put the source in the package build directory
  20. | +patch+ | Apply the patches, if any
  21. | +configure+ | Run the configure commands, if any
  22. | +build+ | Run the compilation commands
  23. | +fake+ | Run the installation of the package into a fake directory
  24. | +package+ | Create a package or tar archive of the package files
  25. |===================================================
  26. Additionally, there are some other useful make targets:
  27. [width="90%",cols="^1,4",options="header"]
  28. |===================================================
  29. | command/target | Description
  30. | +clean+ | Remove the whole package build directory
  31. | +hostclean+ | Remove the whole hostpackage build directory
  32. | +hostpackage+ | Build and install the host binaries and libraries
  33. |===================================================