1.2 KB

  1. # uClibc-ng math tests
  2. # Licensed under the LGPL v2.1, see the file COPYING.LIB in this tarball.
  3. # libm-test.c is a generated file used by the tests internally so skip it
  4. TESTS_DISABLED := libm-test
  5. # gamma (removed from TESTS, need to add "small errors are ok" machinery there)
  6. TESTS_DISABLED += gamma
  8. TESTS_DISABLED += test-ldouble test-ildoubl compile_test c99_test
  9. CFLAGS_basic-test := -DNO_LONG_DOUBLE
  10. endif
  11. DODIFF_rint := 1
  12. DODIFF_signgam := 1
  13. # NOTE: For basic-test we must disable the floating point optimization.
  14. # Only for sh architecture because in the other architecture are disabled.
  15. ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),sh)
  16. CFLAGS_basic-test += -mieee
  17. endif
  18. EXTRA_CFLAGS := -fno-builtin
  19. EXTRA_LDFLAGS := -lm
  20. PERL := perl
  21. MDEPS := $(wildcard test-*.c)
  22. $(MDEPS): libm-test.c
  23. ULP_SUFFIX :=
  24. ifeq ($(TARGET_ARCH),mips)
  25. ULP_SUFFIX:=$(if $(CONFIG_MIPS_N64_ABI),64,32)
  26. endif
  27. TARGET_ULP := $(if $(wildcard libm-test-ulps-$(TARGET_ARCH)$(ULP_SUFFIX)),$(TARGET_ARCH)$(ULP_SUFFIX),generic)
  28. libm-test.c: libm-test-ulps-$(TARGET_ULP)
  29. $(Q)$(PERL) ./ -u libm-test-ulps-$(TARGET_ULP) ./ -o "." 2>&1 > /dev/null
  30. EXTRA_CLEAN := libm-test.c libm-test-ulps.h