Jelajahi Sumber

nptl: remove asm from sysdep-cancel.h

Similar to a changeset planned in GNU C library remove
any assembly code from sysdep-cancel.h. This allows
to port to new architectures in a simpler way.
Waldemar Brodkorb 6 tahun lalu

+ 3 - 84

@@ -22,102 +22,23 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)				\
-	.section ".text";						\
-ENTRY (__##syscall_name##_nocancel);					\
-.Lpseudo_nocancel:							\
-	DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);					\
-.Lpseudo_finish:							\
-	cmn	x0, 4095;						\
-	b.cs	.Lsyscall_error;					\
-	.subsection 2;							\
-	.size __##syscall_name##_nocancel,.-__##syscall_name##_nocancel; \
-ENTRY (name);								\
-	SINGLE_THREAD_P(16);						\
-	cbz	w16, .Lpseudo_nocancel;					\
-	/* Setup common stack frame no matter the number of args.	\
-	   Also save the first arg, since it's basically free.  */	\
-	stp	x30, x0, [sp, -64]!;					\
-	cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (64);					\
-	cfi_rel_offset (x30, 0);					\
-	DOCARGS_##args;		/* save syscall args around CENABLE.  */ \
-	CENABLE;							\
-	mov	x16, x0;	/* save mask around syscall.  */	\
-	UNDOCARGS_##args;	/* restore syscall args.  */		\
-	DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);					\
-	str	x0, [sp, 8];	/* save result around CDISABLE.  */	\
-	mov	x0, x16;	/* restore mask for CDISABLE.  */	\
-	CDISABLE;							\
-	/* Break down the stack frame, restoring result at once.  */	\
-	ldp	x30, x0, [sp], 64;					\
-	cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-64);					\
-	cfi_restore (x30);						\
-	b	.Lpseudo_finish;					\
-	cfi_endproc;							\
-	.size	name, .-name;						\
-	.previous
-# undef PSEUDO_END
-# define PSEUDO_END(name)						\
-	cfi_endproc
-# define DOCARGS_0
-# define DOCARGS_1
-# define DOCARGS_2	str x1, [sp, 16]
-# define DOCARGS_3	stp x1, x2, [sp, 16]
-# define DOCARGS_4	DOCARGS_3; str x3, [sp, 32]
-# define DOCARGS_5	DOCARGS_3; stp x3, x4, [sp, 32]
-# define DOCARGS_6	DOCARGS_5; str x5, [sp, 48]
-# define UNDOCARGS_0
-# define UNDOCARGS_1	ldr x0, [sp, 8]
-# define UNDOCARGS_2	ldp x0, x1, [sp, 8]
-# define UNDOCARGS_3	UNDOCARGS_1; ldp x1, x2, [sp, 16]
-# define UNDOCARGS_4	UNDOCARGS_2; ldp x2, x3, [sp, 24]
-# define UNDOCARGS_5	UNDOCARGS_3; ldp x3, x4, [sp, 32]
-# define UNDOCARGS_6	UNDOCARGS_4; ldp x4, x5, [sp, 40]
 # if defined IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE	bl __pthread_enable_asynccancel
-#  define CDISABLE	bl __pthread_disable_asynccancel
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __pthread_multiple_threads
 # elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define CENABLE	bl __libc_enable_asynccancel
-#  define CDISABLE	bl __libc_disable_asynccancel
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __libc_multiple_threads
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE	bl __librt_enable_asynccancel
-#  define CDISABLE	bl __librt_disable_asynccancel
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
 # endif
 # if defined IS_IN_libpthread || !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
 extern int __local_multiple_threads attribute_hidden;
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P __builtin_expect (__local_multiple_threads == 0, 1)
-#  else
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P(R)						\
-	adrp	x##R, __local_multiple_threads;				\
-	ldr	w##R, [x##R, :lo12:__local_multiple_threads]
-#  endif
+#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P __builtin_expect (__local_multiple_threads == 0, 1)
 # else
 /*  There is no __local_multiple_threads for librt, so use the TCB.  */
-#  ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
+#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF,				\
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-#  else
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P(R)						\
-	mrs     x##R, tpidr_el0;					\
-	sub	x##R, x##R, PTHREAD_SIZEOF;				\
-#  endif
 # endif
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 /* For rtld, et cetera.  */
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P 1
@@ -125,8 +46,6 @@ extern int __local_multiple_threads attribute_hidden;
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)

+ 3 - 128

@@ -23,143 +23,20 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-# ifdef PROF
-#  define PSEUDO_PROF				\
-	.set noat;				\
-	lda	AT, _mcount;			\
-	jsr	AT, (AT), _mcount;		\
-	.set at
-# else
-#  define PSEUDO_PROF
-# endif
-/* ??? Assumes that nothing comes between PSEUDO and PSEUDO_END
-   besides "ret".  */
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)			\
-	.globl name;						\
-	.align 4;						\
-	.type name, @function;					\
-	.usepv name, std;					\
-	cfi_startproc;						\
-__LABEL(name)							\
-	ldgp	gp, 0(pv);					\
-	PSEUDO_PROF;						\
-	SINGLE_THREAD_P(t0);					\
-	bne	t0, $pseudo_cancel;				\
-	lda	v0, SYS_ify(syscall_name);			\
-	call_pal PAL_callsys;					\
-	bne	a3, SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL;			\
-__LABEL($pseudo_ret)						\
-	.subsection 2;						\
-	cfi_startproc;						\
-__LABEL($pseudo_cancel)						\
-	subq	sp, 64, sp;					\
-	cfi_def_cfa_offset(64);					\
-	stq	ra, 0(sp);					\
-	cfi_offset(ra, -64);					\
-	SAVE_ARGS_##args;					\
-	CENABLE;						\
-	LOAD_ARGS_##args;					\
-	/* Save the CENABLE return value in RA.  That register	\
-	   is preserved across syscall and the real return 	\
-	   address is saved on the stack.  */			\
-	mov	v0, ra;						\
-	lda	v0, SYS_ify(syscall_name);			\
-	call_pal PAL_callsys;					\
-	stq	v0, 8(sp);					\
-	mov	ra, a0;						\
-	bne	a3, $multi_error;				\
-	CDISABLE;						\
-	ldq	ra, 0(sp);					\
-	ldq	v0, 8(sp);					\
-	addq	sp, 64, sp;					\
-	cfi_remember_state;					\
-	cfi_restore(ra);					\
-	cfi_def_cfa_offset(0);					\
-	ret;							\
-	cfi_restore_state;					\
-__LABEL($multi_error)						\
-	CDISABLE;						\
-	ldq	ra, 0(sp);					\
-	ldq	v0, 8(sp);					\
-	addq	sp, 64, sp;					\
-	cfi_restore(ra);					\
-	cfi_def_cfa_offset(0);					\
-__LABEL($syscall_error)						\
-	cfi_endproc;						\
-	.previous
-# undef PSEUDO_END
-# define PSEUDO_END(sym)					\
-	cfi_endproc;						\
-	.subsection 2;						\
-	.size sym, .-sym
-# define SAVE_ARGS_0	/* Nothing.  */
-# define SAVE_ARGS_1	SAVE_ARGS_0; stq a0, 8(sp)
-# define SAVE_ARGS_2	SAVE_ARGS_1; stq a1, 16(sp)
-# define SAVE_ARGS_3	SAVE_ARGS_2; stq a2, 24(sp)
-# define SAVE_ARGS_4	SAVE_ARGS_3; stq a3, 32(sp)
-# define SAVE_ARGS_5	SAVE_ARGS_4; stq a4, 40(sp)
-# define SAVE_ARGS_6	SAVE_ARGS_5; stq a5, 48(sp)
-# define LOAD_ARGS_0	/* Nothing.  */
-# define LOAD_ARGS_1	LOAD_ARGS_0; ldq a0, 8(sp)
-# define LOAD_ARGS_2	LOAD_ARGS_1; ldq a1, 16(sp)
-# define LOAD_ARGS_3	LOAD_ARGS_2; ldq a2, 24(sp)
-# define LOAD_ARGS_4	LOAD_ARGS_3; ldq a3, 32(sp)
-# define LOAD_ARGS_5	LOAD_ARGS_4; ldq a4, 40(sp)
-# define LOAD_ARGS_6	LOAD_ARGS_5; ldq a5, 48(sp)
 # ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define __local_enable_asynccancel	__pthread_enable_asynccancel
-#  define __local_disable_asynccancel	__pthread_disable_asynccancel
 #  define __local_multiple_threads	__pthread_multiple_threads
 # elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define __local_enable_asynccancel	__libc_enable_asynccancel
-#  define __local_disable_asynccancel	__libc_disable_asynccancel
 #  define __local_multiple_threads	__libc_multiple_threads
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define __local_enable_asynccancel	__librt_enable_asynccancel
-#  define __local_disable_asynccancel	__librt_disable_asynccancel
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
-# endif
-# ifdef __PIC__
-#  define CENABLE	bsr ra, __local_enable_asynccancel !samegp
-#  define CDISABLE	bsr ra, __local_disable_asynccancel !samegp
-# else
-#  define CENABLE	jsr ra, __local_enable_asynccancel; ldgp ra, 0(gp)
-#  define CDISABLE	jsr ra, __local_disable_asynccancel; ldgp ra, 0(gp)
 # endif
 # if defined IS_IN_libpthread || !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
 extern int __local_multiple_threads attribute_hidden;
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
+#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
 	__builtin_expect (__local_multiple_threads == 0, 1)
-#  elif defined(__PIC__)
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P(reg)  ldl reg, __local_multiple_threads(gp) !gprel
-#  else
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P(reg)					\
-	ldah	reg, __local_multiple_threads(gp) !gprelhigh;	\
-	ldl	reg, __local_multiple_threads(reg) !gprellow
-#  endif
 # else
-#  ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
+#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
 	__builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-#  else
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P(reg)					\
-	call_pal PAL_rduniq;					\
-#  endif
 # endif
@@ -169,8 +46,6 @@ extern int __local_multiple_threads attribute_hidden;
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)

+ 1 - 95

@@ -12,107 +12,13 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-#ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
-#undef ret
-#define ret
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, nargs)			\
-   /* vanilla version */				`	\
-   ENTRY(name##_nocancel)				`	\
-      DO_CALL (__NR_##syscall_name)			`	\
-      jls  [blink]					`	\
-      b  __syscall_error@plt				`	\
-   END(name##_nocancel)					`	\
-   /* thread cancellation variant */			`	\
-   ENTRY(name)			    			`	\
-      SINGLE_THREAD_P					`	\
-      bz name##_nocancel				`	\
-      DOCARGS_##nargs  /* stash syscall args */		`	\
-      CENABLE          /* call enable_asynccancel */	`	\
-      mov r9, r0       /* Safe-keep mask */ 		`	\
-      UNDOCARGS_##nargs	/* restore syscall args */	`	\
-      DO_CALL (__NR_##syscall_name)			`	\
-      push  r0         /* save syscall return value */	`	\
-      mov   r0, r9     /* prep mask for disable_asynccancel */  `	\
-      CDISABLE	`	\
-      pop  r0           /* get syscall ret value back */  ` \
-      pop  blink	/* UNDOCARGS above left blink on stack */ `	\
-      cmp  r0, -1024	`	\
-      jls  [blink]					`	\
-      b  __syscall_error@plt				`	\
-   END(name)
-#undef	PSEUDO_END
-#define	PSEUDO_END(name)	\
 # ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE	bl __pthread_enable_asynccancel
-#  define CDISABLE	bl __pthread_disable_asynccancel
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __pthread_multiple_threads
 # elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define CENABLE	bl __libc_enable_asynccancel
-#  define CDISABLE	bl __libc_disable_asynccancel
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __libc_multiple_threads
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE	bl __librt_enable_asynccancel
-#  define CDISABLE	bl __librt_disable_asynccancel
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
 # endif
-#define DO_CALL(num)		\
-	mov	r8, num		`	\
-	cmp r0, -1024
-.macro push reg
-	st.a \reg, [sp, -4]
-.macro pop reg
-	ld.ab \reg, [sp, 4]
-#define DOCARGS_0	push blink
-/* don't pop blink at this point */
-#define UNDOCARGS_0	ld   blink, [sp]
-#define DOCARGS_1	DOCARGS_0`	push r0
-#define UNDOCARGS_1			pop  r0`	UNDOCARGS_0
-#define DOCARGS_2	DOCARGS_1`	push r1
-#define UNDOCARGS_2			pop  r1`	UNDOCARGS_1
-#define DOCARGS_3	DOCARGS_2`	push r2
-#define UNDOCARGS_3			pop  r2`	UNDOCARGS_2
-#define DOCARGS_4	DOCARGS_3`	push r3
-#define UNDOCARGS_4			pop  r3`	UNDOCARGS_3
-#define DOCARGS_5	DOCARGS_4`	push r4
-#define UNDOCARGS_5			pop  r4`	UNDOCARGS_4
-#define DOCARGS_6	DOCARGS_5`	push r5
-#define UNDOCARGS_6			pop  r5`	UNDOCARGS_5
-#define DOCARGS_7	DOCARGS_6`	push r6
-#define UNDOCARGS_7			pop  r6`	UNDOCARGS_6
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P 			\
-    THREAD_SELF r9   `				\
-    ld	   r10, [r9, MULTIPLE_THREADS_OFFSET]`	\
-    cmp    r10, 0
-/*    ld	   r2, [r1, -TLS_PRE_TCB_SIZE + MULTIPLE_THREADS_OFFSET] */
-#else	/* !__ASSEMBLER__ */
-/* TBD: Can use @__local_multiple_threads for libc/libpthread like ARM */
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P	\
+# define SINGLE_THREAD_P	\
     likely(THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, header.multiple_threads) == 0)
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLER__ */

+ 5 - 207

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+/* Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -23,222 +22,23 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-/* NOTE: We do mark syscalls with unwind annotations, for the benefit of
-   cancellation; but they're really only accurate at the point of the
-   syscall.  The ARM unwind directives are not rich enough without adding
-   a custom personality function.  */
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)				\
-  .section ".text";							\
-    PSEUDO_PROLOGUE;							\
-  .type __##syscall_name##_nocancel,%function;				\
-  .globl __##syscall_name##_nocancel;					\
-  __##syscall_name##_nocancel:						\
-    cfi_sections(.debug_frame);						\
-    cfi_startproc;							\
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);					\
-    PSEUDO_RET;								\
-    cfi_endproc;							\
-  .size __##syscall_name##_nocancel,.-__##syscall_name##_nocancel;	\
-  ENTRY (name);								\
-    SINGLE_THREAD_P;							\
-    DOARGS_##args;							\
-    bne .Lpseudo_cancel;						\
-    cfi_remember_state;							\
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, 0);						\
-    UNDOARGS_##args;							\
-    cmn r0, $4096;							\
-    PSEUDO_RET;								\
-    cfi_restore_state;							\
-  .Lpseudo_cancel:							\
-    .fnstart;								\
-    DOCARGS_##args;	/* save syscall args etc. around CENABLE.  */	\
-    CENABLE;								\
-    mov ip, r0;		/* put mask in safe place.  */			\
-    UNDOCARGS_##args;	/* restore syscall args.  */			\
-    ldr r7, =SYS_ify (syscall_name);					\
-    swi 0x0;		/* do the call.  */				\
-    .fnend;		/* Past here we can't easily unwind.  */	\
-    mov r7, r0;		/* save syscall return value.  */		\
-    mov r0, ip;		/* get mask back.  */				\
-    CDISABLE;								\
-    mov r0, r7;		/* retrieve return value.  */			\
-    RESTORE_LR_##args;							\
-    UNDOARGS_##args;							\
-    cmn r0, $4096
-/* DOARGS pushes four bytes on the stack for five arguments, eight bytes for
-   six arguments, and nothing for fewer.  In order to preserve doubleword
-   alignment, sometimes we must save an extra register.  */
-# define RESTART_UNWIND \
-  .fnend; \
-  .fnstart; \
-  .save {r7, lr}
-# define DOCARGS_0 \
-  stmfd sp!, {r7, lr}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (8); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (r7, 0); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (lr, 4); \
-  .save {r7, lr}
-# define UNDOCARGS_0
-# define RESTORE_LR_0 \
-  ldmfd sp!, {r7, lr}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-8); \
-  cfi_restore (r7); \
-  cfi_restore (lr)
-# define DOCARGS_1 \
-  stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r7, lr}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (16); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (r7, 8); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (lr, 12); \
-  .save {r7, lr}; \
-  .pad #8
-# define UNDOCARGS_1 \
-  ldr r0, [sp], #8; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-8); \
-# define RESTORE_LR_1 \
-# define DOCARGS_2 \
-  stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r7, lr}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (16); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (r7, 8); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (lr, 12); \
-  .save {r7, lr}; \
-  .pad #8
-# define UNDOCARGS_2 \
-  ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-8); \
-# define RESTORE_LR_2 \
-# define DOCARGS_3 \
-  stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r7, lr}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (24); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (r7, 16); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (lr, 20); \
-  .save {r7, lr}; \
-  .pad #16
-# define UNDOCARGS_3 \
-  ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-16); \
-# define RESTORE_LR_3 \
-# define DOCARGS_4 \
-  stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r7, lr}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (24); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (r7, 16); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (lr, 20); \
-  .save {r7, lr}; \
-  .pad #16
-# define UNDOCARGS_4 \
-  ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-16); \
-# define RESTORE_LR_4 \
-/* r4 is only stmfd'ed for correct stack alignment.  */
-# define DOCARGS_5 \
-  .save {r4}; \
-  stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r4, r7, lr}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (28); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (r7, 20); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (lr, 24); \
-  .save {r7, lr}; \
-  .pad #20
-# define UNDOCARGS_5 \
-  ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-16); \
-  .fnend; \
-  .fnstart; \
-  .save {r4}; \
-  .save {r7, lr}; \
-  .pad #4
-# define RESTORE_LR_5 \
-  ldmfd sp!, {r4, r7, lr}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-12); \
-  /* r4 will be marked as restored later.  */ \
-  cfi_restore (r7); \
-  cfi_restore (lr)
-# define DOCARGS_6 \
-  .save {r4, r5}; \
-  stmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3, r7, lr}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (24); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (r7, 16); \
-  cfi_rel_offset (lr, 20); \
-  .save {r7, lr}; \
-  .pad #16
-# define UNDOCARGS_6 \
-  ldmfd sp!, {r0, r1, r2, r3}; \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-16); \
-  .fnend; \
-  .fnstart; \
-  .save {r4, r5}; \
-  .save {r7, lr}
-# define RESTORE_LR_6 \
 # ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE	bl PLTJMP(__pthread_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE	bl PLTJMP(__pthread_disable_asynccancel)
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __pthread_multiple_threads
 # elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define CENABLE	bl PLTJMP(__libc_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE	bl PLTJMP(__libc_disable_asynccancel)
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __libc_multiple_threads
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE	bl PLTJMP(__librt_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE	bl PLTJMP(__librt_disable_asynccancel)
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
 # endif
 # if defined IS_IN_libpthread || !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
 extern int __local_multiple_threads attribute_hidden;
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P __builtin_expect (__local_multiple_threads == 0, 1)
-#  else
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
-  ldr ip, 1b;								\
-2:									\
-  ldr ip, [pc, ip];							\
-  teq ip, #0;
-#   define PSEUDO_PROLOGUE						\
-  1:  .word __local_multiple_threads - 2f - 8;
-#  endif
+#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P __builtin_expect (__local_multiple_threads == 0, 1)
 # else
 /*  There is no __local_multiple_threads for librt, so use the TCB.  */
-#  ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
+#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF,				\
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-#  else
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
-  stmfd	sp!, {r0, lr};							\
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (8);						\
-  cfi_rel_offset (lr, 4);						\
-  bl	__aeabi_read_tp;						\
-  ldr	ip, [r0, #MULTIPLE_THREADS_OFFSET];				\
-  ldmfd	sp!, {r0, lr};							\
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-8);						\
-  cfi_restore (lr);							\
-  teq	ip, #0
-#  endif
 # endif
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 /* For rtld, et cetera.  */
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P 1
@@ -246,8 +46,6 @@ extern int __local_multiple_threads attribute_hidden;
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)

+ 3 - 118

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    Contributed by Jakub Jelinek <>, 2002.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -24,131 +23,17 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)				      \
-  .text;								      \
-  ENTRY (name)								      \
-    cmpl $0, %gs:MULTIPLE_THREADS_OFFSET;				      \
-    jne L(pseudo_cancel);						      \
-  .type __##syscall_name##_nocancel,@function;				      \
-  .globl __##syscall_name##_nocancel;					      \
-  __##syscall_name##_nocancel:						      \
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);					      \
-    cmpl $-4095, %eax;							      \
-    jae SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL;						      \
-    ret;								      \
-  .size __##syscall_name##_nocancel,.-__##syscall_name##_nocancel;	      \
-  L(pseudo_cancel):							      \
-    CENABLE								      \
-    SAVE_OLDTYPE_##args							      \
-    PUSHCARGS_##args							      \
-    DOCARGS_##args							      \
-    movl $SYS_ify (syscall_name), %eax;					      \
-    ENTER_KERNEL;							      \
-    POPCARGS_##args;							      \
-    POPSTATE_##args							      \
-    cmpl $-4095, %eax;							      \
-    jae SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL;						      \
-  L(pseudo_end):
-# define SAVE_OLDTYPE_0	movl %eax, %ecx;
-# define SAVE_OLDTYPE_2	pushl %eax; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (4);
-# define PUSHCARGS_0	/* No arguments to push.  */
-# define DOCARGS_0	/* No arguments to frob.  */
-# define POPCARGS_0	/* No arguments to pop.  */
-# define _PUSHCARGS_0	/* No arguments to push.  */
-# define _POPCARGS_0	/* No arguments to pop.  */
-# define PUSHCARGS_1	movl %ebx, %edx; cfi_register (ebx, edx); PUSHCARGS_0
-# define DOCARGS_1	_DOARGS_1 (4)
-# define POPCARGS_1	POPCARGS_0; movl %edx, %ebx; cfi_restore (ebx);
-# define _PUSHCARGS_1	pushl %ebx; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (4); \
-			cfi_rel_offset (ebx, 0); _PUSHCARGS_0
-# define _POPCARGS_1	_POPCARGS_0; popl %ebx; \
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-4); cfi_restore (ebx);
-# define DOCARGS_2	_DOARGS_2 (12)
-# define _POPCARGS_2	_POPCARGS_1
-# define DOCARGS_3	_DOARGS_3 (20)
-# define POPCARGS_3	_POPCARGS_3
-# define _POPCARGS_3	_POPCARGS_2
-# define DOCARGS_4	_DOARGS_4 (28)
-# define POPCARGS_4	_POPCARGS_4
-# define _PUSHCARGS_4	pushl %esi; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (4); \
-			cfi_rel_offset (esi, 0); _PUSHCARGS_3
-# define _POPCARGS_4	_POPCARGS_3; popl %esi; \
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-4); cfi_restore (esi);
-# define DOCARGS_5	_DOARGS_5 (36)
-# define POPCARGS_5	_POPCARGS_5
-# define _PUSHCARGS_5	pushl %edi; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (4); \
-			cfi_rel_offset (edi, 0); _PUSHCARGS_4
-# define _POPCARGS_5	_POPCARGS_4; popl %edi; \
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-4); cfi_restore (edi);
-# define DOCARGS_6	_DOARGS_6 (44)
-# define POPCARGS_6	_POPCARGS_6
-# define _PUSHCARGS_6	pushl %ebp; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (4); \
-			cfi_rel_offset (ebp, 0); _PUSHCARGS_5
-# define _POPCARGS_6	_POPCARGS_5; popl %ebp; \
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-4); cfi_restore (ebp);
-# ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE	call __pthread_enable_asynccancel;
-#  define CDISABLE	call __pthread_disable_asynccancel
-# elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define CENABLE	call __libc_enable_asynccancel;
-#  define CDISABLE	call __libc_disable_asynccancel
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE	call __librt_enable_asynccancel;
-#  define CDISABLE	call __librt_disable_asynccancel
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
-# endif
-# define POPSTATE_0 \
- pushl %eax; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (4); movl %ecx, %eax; \
- CDISABLE; popl %eax; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-4);
-# define POPSTATE_2	xchgl (%esp), %eax; CDISABLE; popl %eax; \
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-4);
-# ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
+# define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-# else
-# endif
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P (1)
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)

+ 2 - 109

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -23,120 +22,16 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-/* NOTE: We do mark syscalls with unwind annotations, for the benefit of
-   cancellation; but they're really only accurate at the point of the
-   syscall.  The ARM unwind directives are not rich enough without adding
-   a custom personality function.  */
-#ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
-#undef ret
-#define ret								\
-   CMP D0Re0, #-4095;							\
-   MOVLO PC, D1RtP;							\
-   MOV D1Ar1, D0Re0;							\
-#endif /* __ASSEMBLER__ */
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)				\
-  .section ".text";							\
-  .type ___##syscall_name##_nocancel,%function;				\
-  .globl ___##syscall_name##_nocancel;					\
-  ___##syscall_name##_nocancel:						\
-    cfi_startproc;							\
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);					\
-    MOV PC, D1RtP;							\
-    cfi_endproc;							\
-  .size ___##syscall_name##_nocancel,.-___##syscall_name##_nocancel;	\
-    .globl _##name;							\
-    .type _##name, @function;						\
-name##:									\
-_##name##:								\
-    DOCARGS_##args;							\
-    SINGLE_THREAD_P;							\
-    UNDOCARGS_##args;							\
-    BNE .Lpseudo_cancel;						\
-    cfi_remember_state;							\
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, 0);						\
-    ret									\
-    cfi_restore_state;							\
-  .Lpseudo_cancel:							\
-    MSETL [A0StP++], D0FrT, D0.5;					\
-    DOCARGS_##args;	/* save syscall args etc. around CENABLE.  */	\
-    CENABLE;								\
-    MOV D0FrT, D0Re0;	/* put mask in safe place.  */			\
-    UNDOCARGS_##args;	/* restore syscall args.  */			\
-    DO_CALL(syscall_name, 0);	/* do the call.  */			\
-    MOV D0.5, D0Re0;	/* save syscall return value.  */		\
-    MOV D1Ar1, D0FrT;	/* get mask back.  */				\
-    CDISABLE;								\
-    MOV D0Re0, D0.5;	/* retrieve return value.  */			\
-    GETL D0.5, D1.5, [--A0StP];						\
-    GETL D0FrT, D1RtP, [--A0StP];
-# define DOCARGS_0
-# define UNDOCARGS_0
-# define DOCARGS_1 \
-  SETL [A0StP++], D1Ar1, D0Ar2
-# define UNDOCARGS_1 \
-  GETL D1Ar1, D0Ar2, [--A0StP]
-# define DOCARGS_2 DOCARGS_1
-# define DOCARGS_3 \
-  MSETL [A0StP++], D1Ar1, D1Ar3
-# define UNDOCARGS_3 \
-  GETL D1Ar1, D0Ar2, [--A0StP];		\
-  GETL D1Ar3, D0Ar4, [--A0StP]
-# define DOCARGS_4 DOCARGS_3
-# define DOCARGS_5 \
-  MSETL [A0StP++], D1Ar1, D1Ar3, D1Ar5
-# define UNDOCARGS_5 \
-  GETL D1Ar1, D0Ar2, [--A0StP];		\
-  GETL D1Ar3, D0Ar4, [--A0StP];		\
-  GETL D1Ar5, D0Ar6, [--A0StP]
-# define DOCARGS_6 DOCARGS_5
 # ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE	CALLR D1RtP, ___pthread_enable_asynccancel@PLT
-#  define CDISABLE	CALLR D1RtP, ___pthread_disable_asynccancel@PLT
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __pthread_multiple_threads
 # elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define CENABLE	CALLR D1RtP, ___libc_enable_asynccancel@PLT
-#  define CDISABLE	CALLR D1RtP, ___libc_disable_asynccancel@PLT
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __libc_multiple_threads
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE	CALLR D1RtP, ___librt_enable_asynccancel@PLT
-#  define CDISABLE	CALLR D1RtP, ___librt_disable_asynccancel@PLT
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
 # endif
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
+#define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0)
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
-	SETL	[A0StP++], D0FrT, D1RtP; \
-	CALLR	D1RtP, ___metag_load_tp@PLT; \
-	SUB	D0Re0, D0Re0, #TLS_PRE_TCB_SIZE;	\
-	CMP	D0Re0, #0; \
-	GETL	D0FrT, D1RtP, [--A0StP]
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 /* For rtld, et cetera.  */
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P 1
@@ -144,8 +39,6 @@ _##name##:								\
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0)

+ 9 - 111

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2014-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+/* Copyright (C) 2014-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -23,129 +22,28 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-# if !defined IS_IN_librt || !defined(PIC)
-#  define AC_STACK_SIZE  16  /* space for r15, async_cancel arg and 2 temp words */
-#  define AC_SET_GOT /* empty */
-#  define AC_RESTORE_GOT /* empty */
-# else
-#  define AC_STACK_SIZE  20  /* extra 4 bytes for r20 */
-#  define AC_SET_GOT                                                 \
-    swi   r20, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE-4;                                  \
-    mfs   r20, rpc;                                                  \
-    addik r20, r20, _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+8;
-#  define AC_RESTORE_GOT                                             \
-    lwi   r20, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE-4;
-# endif
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)                            \
-  .text;                                                             \
-  ENTRY (name)                                                       \
-    SINGLE_THREAD_P(r12);                                            \
-    bnei r12, L(pseudo_cancel);                                      \
-  .globl __##syscall_name##_nocancel;                                \
-  .type __##syscall_name##_nocancel,@function;                       \
-__##syscall_name##_nocancel:                                         \
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);                                    \
-    addik r4, r0, -4095;                                             \
-    cmpu  r4, r4, r3;                                                \
-    bgei  r4, SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL;                                   \
-    rtsd  r15, 8;                                                    \
-    nop;                                                             \
-  .size __##syscall_name##_nocancel, .-__##syscall_name##_nocancel;  \
-L(pseudo_cancel):                                                    \
-    addik r1, r1, -AC_STACK_SIZE;                                    \
-    swi   r15, r1, 0;                                                \
-    AC_SET_GOT                                                       \
-    DOCARGS_##args                                                   \
-    CENABLE;                                                         \
-    swi   r3, r1, 8;                                                 \
-    UNDOCARGS_##args                                                 \
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);                                    \
-    swi   r3, r1, 12;                                                \
-    lwi   r5, r1, 8;                                                 \
-    CDISABLE;                                                        \
-    lwi   r3, r1, 12;                                                \
-    lwi   r15, r1, 0;                                                \
-    AC_RESTORE_GOT                                                   \
-    addik r1, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE;                                     \
-    addik r4, r0, -4095;                                             \
-    cmpu  r4, r4, r3;                                                \
-    bgei  r4, SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL;                                   \
-    rtsd  r15, 8;                                                    \
-    nop;
- * Macros to save/restore syscall arguments across CENABLE
- * The arguments are saved into the caller's stack (original r1 + 4)
- */
-# define DOCARGS_0
-# define DOCARGS_1  swi   r5, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE + 4;
-# define DOCARGS_2  swi   r6, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE + 8; DOCARGS_1
-# define DOCARGS_3  swi   r7, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE + 12; DOCARGS_2
-# define DOCARGS_4  swi   r8, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE + 16; DOCARGS_3
-# define DOCARGS_5  swi   r9, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE + 20; DOCARGS_4
-# define DOCARGS_6  swi   r10, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE + 24; DOCARGS_5
-# define UNDOCARGS_0
-# define UNDOCARGS_1  lwi   r5, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE + 4;
-# define UNDOCARGS_2  UNDOCARGS_1 lwi   r6, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE + 8;
-# define UNDOCARGS_3  UNDOCARGS_2 lwi   r7, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE + 12;
-# define UNDOCARGS_4  UNDOCARGS_3 lwi   r8, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE + 16;
-# define UNDOCARGS_5  UNDOCARGS_4 lwi   r9, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE + 20;
-# define UNDOCARGS_6  UNDOCARGS_5 lwi   r10, r1, AC_STACK_SIZE + 24;
-# ifdef PIC
-#  define PSEUDO_JMP(sym)  brlid r15, sym##@PLTPC; addk r0, r0, r0
-# else
-#  define PSEUDO_JMP(sym)  brlid r15, sym; addk r0, r0, r0
-# endif
 # if defined IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE PSEUDO_JMP (__pthread_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE  PSEUDO_JMP (__pthread_disable_asynccancel)
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __pthread_multiple_threads
 # elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define CENABLE PSEUDO_JMP (__libc_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE  PSEUDO_JMP (__libc_disable_asynccancel)
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __libc_multiple_threads
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE PSEUDO_JMP (__librt_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE  PSEUDO_JMP (__librt_disable_asynccancel)
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
 # endif
-#if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread
-#  ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
+# if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread
 extern int __local_multiple_threads attribute_hidden;
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P __builtin_expect (__local_multiple_threads == 0, 1)
-#  else
-#   if !defined PIC
-#    define SINGLE_THREAD_P(reg) lwi reg, r0, __local_multiple_threads;
-#   else
-#    define SINGLE_THREAD_P(reg)                                     \
-      mfs   reg, rpc;                                                \
-      addik reg, reg, _GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_+8;                       \
-      lwi   reg, reg, __local_multiple_threads@GOT;                  \
-      lwi   reg, reg, 0;
-#   endif
-#  endif
+# define SINGLE_THREAD_P __builtin_expect (__local_multiple_threads == 0, 1)
 # else
-#  ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P                                           \
+#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P                                           \
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF,                      \
                                    header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-#  else
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P(reg)                                      \
-     lwi reg, r0, MULTIPLE_THREADS_OFFSET(reg)
-#  endif
 # endif
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P (1)
 # define NO_CANCELLATION (1)
+#define RTLD_SINGLE_THREAD_P                                        \
+  __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF,                      \
+                                   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)

+ 4 - 152

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+/* Copyright (C) 2003-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -23,165 +22,18 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-# ifdef __PIC__
-#  define PSEUDO_CPLOAD .cpload t9;
-#  define PSEUDO_ERRJMP move a0, v0; la t9, __syscall_error; jr t9;
-#  define PSEUDO_SAVEGP sw gp, 32(sp); cfi_rel_offset (gp, 32);
-#  define PSEUDO_LOADGP lw gp, 32(sp);
-# else
-#  define PSEUDO_CPLOAD
-#  define PSEUDO_ERRJMP move a0, v0; j __syscall_error;
-#  define PSEUDO_SAVEGP
-#  define PSEUDO_LOADGP
-# endif
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)				      \
-      .align 2;								      \
-  L(pseudo_start):							      \
-      cfi_startproc;							      \
-  99: PSEUDO_ERRJMP							      \
-  .type __##syscall_name##_nocancel, @function;				      \
-  .globl __##syscall_name##_nocancel;					      \
-  __##syscall_name##_nocancel:						      \
-    .set noreorder;							      \
-    PSEUDO_CPLOAD							      \
-    li v0, SYS_ify(syscall_name);					      \
-    syscall;								      \
-    .set reorder;							      \
-    bne a3, zero, 99b;					       		      \
-    ret;								      \
-  .size __##syscall_name##_nocancel,.-__##syscall_name##_nocancel;	      \
-  ENTRY (name)								      \
-    .set noreorder;							      \
-    PSEUDO_CPLOAD							      \
-    .set reorder;							      \
-    SINGLE_THREAD_P(v1);						      \
-    bne zero, v1, L(pseudo_cancel);					      \
-    .set noreorder;							      \
-    li v0, SYS_ify(syscall_name);					      \
-    syscall;								      \
-    .set reorder;							      \
-    bne a3, zero, 99b;					       		      \
-    ret;								      \
-  L(pseudo_cancel):							      \
-    SAVESTK_##args;						              \
-    sw ra, 28(sp);							      \
-    cfi_rel_offset (ra, 28);						      \
-    PSEUDO_SAVEGP							      \
-    PUSHARGS_##args;			/* save syscall args */	      	      \
-    CENABLE;								      \
-    PSEUDO_LOADGP							      \
-    sw v0, 44(sp);			/* save mask */			      \
-    POPARGS_##args;			/* restore syscall args */	      \
-    .set noreorder;							      \
-    li v0, SYS_ify (syscall_name);				      	      \
-    syscall;								      \
-    .set reorder;							      \
-    sw v0, 36(sp);			/* save syscall result */             \
-    sw a3, 40(sp);			/* save syscall error flag */	      \
-    lw a0, 44(sp);			/* pass mask as arg1 */		      \
-    CDISABLE;								      \
-    PSEUDO_LOADGP							      \
-    lw v0, 36(sp);			/* restore syscall result */          \
-    lw a3, 40(sp);			/* restore syscall error flag */      \
-    lw ra, 28(sp);			/* restore return address */	      \
-    .set noreorder;							      \
-    bne a3, zero, 99b;							      \
-     RESTORESTK;						              \
-  L(pseudo_end):							      \
-    .set reorder;
-# undef PSEUDO_END
-# define PSEUDO_END(sym) cfi_endproc; .end sym; .size sym,.-sym
-# define PUSHARGS_0	/* nothing to do */
-# define PUSHARGS_1	PUSHARGS_0 sw a0, 0(sp); cfi_rel_offset (a0, 0);
-# define PUSHARGS_2	PUSHARGS_1 sw a1, 4(sp); cfi_rel_offset (a1, 4);
-# define PUSHARGS_3	PUSHARGS_2 sw a2, 8(sp); cfi_rel_offset (a2, 8);
-# define PUSHARGS_4	PUSHARGS_3 sw a3, 12(sp); cfi_rel_offset (a3, 12);
-# define PUSHARGS_5	PUSHARGS_4 /* handled by SAVESTK_## */
-# define POPARGS_0	/* nothing to do */
-# define POPARGS_1	POPARGS_0 lw a0, 0(sp);
-# define POPARGS_2	POPARGS_1 lw a1, 4(sp);
-# define POPARGS_3	POPARGS_2 lw a2, 8(sp);
-# define POPARGS_4	POPARGS_3 lw a3, 12(sp);
-# define POPARGS_5	POPARGS_4 /* args already in new stackframe */
-# define POPARGS_6	POPARGS_5
-# define POPARGS_7	POPARGS_6
-# define STKSPACE	48
-# define SAVESTK_0 	subu sp, STKSPACE; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(STKSPACE)
-# define SAVESTK_1      SAVESTK_0
-# define SAVESTK_2      SAVESTK_1
-# define SAVESTK_3      SAVESTK_2
-# define SAVESTK_4      SAVESTK_3
-# define SAVESTK_5      lw t0, 16(sp);		\
-			SAVESTK_0;		\
-			sw t0, 16(sp)
-# define SAVESTK_6      lw t0, 16(sp);		\
-			lw t1, 20(sp);		\
-			SAVESTK_0;		\
-			sw t0, 16(sp);		\
-			sw t1, 20(sp)
-# define SAVESTK_7      lw t0, 16(sp);		\
-			lw t1, 20(sp);		\
-			lw t2, 24(sp);		\
-			SAVESTK_0;		\
-			sw t0, 16(sp);		\
-			sw t1, 20(sp);		\
-			sw t2, 24(sp)
-# define RESTORESTK 	addu sp, STKSPACE; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-STKSPACE)
-# ifdef __PIC__
-/* We use jalr rather than jal.  This means that the assembler will not
-   automatically restore $gp (in case libc has multiple GOTs) so we must
-   do it manually - which we have to do anyway since we don't use .cprestore.
-   It also shuts up the assembler warning about not using .cprestore.  */
-#  define PSEUDO_JMP(sym) la t9, sym; jalr t9;
-# else
-#  define PSEUDO_JMP(sym) jal sym;
-# endif
-# ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE	PSEUDO_JMP (__pthread_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE	PSEUDO_JMP (__pthread_disable_asynccancel)
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE	PSEUDO_JMP (__librt_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE	PSEUDO_JMP (__librt_disable_asynccancel)
-# else
-#  define CENABLE	PSEUDO_JMP (__libc_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE	PSEUDO_JMP (__libc_disable_asynccancel)
-# endif
-# ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
+# define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
 	__builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF,			\
 					 header.multiple_threads)	\
 			  == 0, 1)
-# else
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P(reg)						\
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P 1
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)

+ 3 - 232

@@ -25,171 +25,12 @@
 # include <pthreadP.h>
-#define PUSHARGS_0
-#define PUSHARGS_1	smw.adm $r0, [$sp], $r0, #0;	\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(4);	\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r0,0);		\
-			addi	$sp, $sp, -4;		\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(4);
-#define PUSHARGS_2	smw.adm $r0, [$sp], $r1, #0;	\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(8);	\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r1, 4);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r0, 0);
-#define PUSHARGS_3	smw.adm $r0, [$sp], $r2, #0;	\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(12);	\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r2, 8);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r1, 4);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r0, 0);		\
-			addi	$sp, $sp, -4;		\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(4);
-#define PUSHARGS_4	smw.adm $r0, [$sp], $r3, #0;	\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(16);	\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r3, 12);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r2, 8);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r1, 4);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r0, 0);
-#define PUSHARGS_5	smw.adm $r0, [$sp], $r4, #0;	\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(20);	\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r4, 16);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r3, 12);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r2, 8);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r1, 4);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r0, 0);		\
-			addi	$sp, $sp, -4;		\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(4);
-#define PUSHARGS_6	smw.adm $r0, [$sp], $r5, #0;	\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(24);	\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r5, 20);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r4, 16);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r3, 12);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r2, 8);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r1, 4);		\
-			cfi_rel_offset(r0, 0);
-#define POPARGS2_0
-#define POPARGS2_1	addi	$sp, $sp, 4;		\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-4);	\
-			lmw.bim $r0, [$sp], $r0, #0;	\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-4);	\
-			cfi_restore(r0);
-#define POPARGS2_2	lmw.bim $r0, [$sp], $r1, #0;	\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-8);	\
-			cfi_restore(r0);		\
-			cfi_restore(r1);
-#define POPARGS2_3	addi	$sp, $sp, 4;		\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-4);	\
-			lmw.bim $r0, [$sp], $r2, #0;	\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-12);	\
-			cfi_restore(r0);		\
-			cfi_restore(r1);		\
-			cfi_restore(r2);
-#define POPARGS2_4	lmw.bim $r0, [$sp], $r3, #0;	\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-16);	\
-			cfi_restore(r0);		\
-			cfi_restore(r1);		\
-			cfi_restore(r2);		\
-			cfi_restore(r3);
-#define POPARGS2_5	addi	$sp, $sp, 4;		\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-4);	\
-			lmw.bim $r0, [$sp], $r4, #0;	\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-20);	\
-			cfi_restore(r0);		\
-			cfi_restore(r1);		\
-			cfi_restore(r2);		\
-			cfi_restore(r3);		\
-			cfi_restore(r4);
-#define POPARGS2_6	lmw.bim $r0, [$sp], $r5, #0;	\
-			cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-24);	\
-			cfi_restore(r0);		\
-			cfi_restore(r1);		\
-			cfi_restore(r2);		\
-			cfi_restore(r3);		\
-			cfi_restore(r4);		\
-			cfi_restore(r5);
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-/* NOTE: We do mark syscalls with unwind annotations, for the benefit of
-   cancellation; but they're really only accurate at the point of the
-   syscall.  The ARM unwind directives are not rich enough without adding
-   a custom personality function.  */
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)				\
-  .align 2;                                                             \
-  ENTRY (__##syscall_name##_nocancel);					\
-  __do_syscall(syscall_name);                                           \
-  PSEUDO_RET;                                                           \
-  ret;							                \
-  END (__##syscall_name##_nocancel);					\
-  ENTRY (name);								\
-  smw.adm $r6,[$sp],$r6,0x2;                                            \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(8); 						\
-  cfi_offset(r6,-8);						\
-  cfi_offset(lp,-4);						\
-  SINGLE_THREAD_P ($r15);                                               \
-  bgtz $r15, .Lpseudo_cancel;                                           \
-  __do_syscall(syscall_name);                                           \
-  j 50f;                                                                \
-  .Lpseudo_cancel:							\
-	PUSHARGS_##args;	/* save syscall args etc. around CENABLE.  */	\
-	CENABLE ($r5);							\
-	mov55 $r6, $r0;		/* put mask in safe place.  */    	\
-	POPARGS2_##args;                                                \
-	__do_syscall(syscall_name);		/* do the call.  */	\
-	push $r0;                                                       \
-	cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(4);					\
-	cfi_rel_offset(r0, 0);						\
-	addi $sp, $sp, -4;						\
-	cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(4);					\
-        mov55	$r0, $r6;		/* save syscall return value. */\
-	CDISABLE($r5);							\
-	addi $sp, $sp, 4;						\
-	cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-4);					\
-        pop $r0;                          /* retrieve return value.  */	\
-	cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-4);					\
-	cfi_restore(r0);						\
-50:									\
-  lmw.bim $r6,[$sp],$r6, 0x2;                                           \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-8); 						\
-  cfi_restore(lp);							\
-  cfi_restore(r6);							\
-# ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-//#  if defined IS_IN_libpthread || !defined NOT_IN_libc
-//extern int __local_multiple_threads attribute_hidden;
-//#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P __builtin_expect (__local_multiple_threads == 0, 1)
-//#  else
-/*  There is no __local_multiple_threads for librt */
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF,       \
+# define SINGLE_THREAD_P __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF,       \
 				           header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-//#  endif
-# else
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P(reg)            \
-    addi reg, $r25, MULTIPLE_THREADS_OFFSET; \
-    lw   reg, [reg];
-# endif
-# ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE(reg)	jmp(reg, __pthread_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE(reg) jmp(reg, __pthread_disable_asynccancel)
-#  define __local_multiple_threads __pthread_multiple_threads
-# elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define CENABLE(reg)	jmp(reg, __libc_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE(reg)	jmp(reg, __libc_disable_asynccancel)
-#  define __local_multiple_threads __libc_multiple_threads
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE(reg)	jmp(reg, __librt_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE(reg)	jmp(reg, __librt_disable_asynccancel)
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
-# endif
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 /* For rtld, et cetera.  */
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P 1
@@ -197,77 +38,7 @@
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-#ifdef PIC
-#define PSEUDO_RET \
-	 .pic \
-   .align 2; \
-   bgez $r0, 1f; \
-   sltsi $r1, $r0, -4096;    \
-   bgtz  $r1, 1f;     \
-   PIC_jmp_err	\
-	 nop; \
-   1:
-#else  /* PIC*/
-#define PSEUDO_RET \
-   .align 2;         \
-   bgez  $r0, 1f; \
-   sltsi $r1, $r0, -4096; \
-   bgtz  $r1, 1f;     \
-   1:
-#ifdef PIC
-#define jmp(reg, symble) PIC_jmpr(reg, symble)
-/* reg: available register */
-#define PIC_jmp_err \
-   smw.adm $sp,[$sp],$sp,#0x6;  \
-   mfusr $r15, $PC;  \
-   sethi $gp,  hi20(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ + 4);  \
-   ori   $gp,  $gp,  lo12(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ + 8);  \
-   add   $gp,  $r15, $gp;  \
-   sethi $r15, hi20(SYSCALL_ERROR@PLT);  \
-   ori   $r15, $r15, lo12(SYSCALL_ERROR@PLT);  \
-   add   $r15, $r15, $gp;  \
-   jral  $r15; \
-   lmw.bim $sp,[$sp],$sp,#0x6; \
-   ret;
-#define PIC_jmp(reg, symble) \
-   mfusr $r15, $PC;  \
-   sethi reg,  hi20(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ + 4);  \
-   ori   reg,  reg,  lo12(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ + 8);  \
-   add   reg,  $r15, reg;  \
-   sethi $r15, hi20(symble@PLT);  \
-   ori   $r15, $r15, lo12(symble@PLT);  \
-   add   $r15, $r15, reg;  \
-   jr    $r15;
-#define PIC_jmpr(reg, symble) \
-   mfusr $r15, $PC;  \
-   sethi reg,  hi20(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ + 4);  \
-   ori   reg,  reg,  lo12(_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_ + 8);  \
-   add   reg,  $r15, reg;  \
-   sethi $r15, hi20(symble@PLT);  \
-   ori   $r15, $r15, lo12(symble@PLT);  \
-   add   $r15, $r15, reg;  \
-   jral  $r15;
-#define jmp(reg, symble) jal symble

+ 3 - 103

@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 /* Assembler macros with cancellation support, Nios II version.
    Copyright (C) 2003-2016 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -24,117 +23,18 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-#ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)				      \
-  .type __##syscall_name##_nocancel, @function;				      \
-  .globl __##syscall_name##_nocancel;					      \
-  __##syscall_name##_nocancel:						      \
-    cfi_startproc;                                                            \
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);                                             \
-    ret;                                                                      \
-    cfi_endproc;                                                              \
-  .size __##syscall_name##_nocancel,.-__##syscall_name##_nocancel;	      \
-  ENTRY (name)								      \
-    SINGLE_THREAD_P(r2);						      \
-    bne r2, zero, pseudo_cancel;					      \
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);					      \
-    ret;								      \
-  pseudo_cancel:							      \
-    SAVESTK_##args;                 /* save syscall args and adjust stack */  \
-    SAVEREG(ra, 0);                     /* save return address */             \
-    SAVEREG(r22, 4);                    /* save GOT pointer */                \
-    nextpc r22;                                                               \
-1:  movhi r2, %hiadj(_gp_got - 1b);					      \
-    addi r2, r2, %lo(_gp_got - 1b);					      \
-    add r22, r22, r2;                                                         \
-    CENABLE;                                                                  \
-    callr r3;                                                                 \
-    stw r2, 8(sp);                      /* save mask */                       \
-    LOADARGS_##args;                                                          \
-    movi r2, SYS_ify(syscall_name);                                           \
-    trap;                                                                     \
-    stw r2, 12(sp);                     /* save syscall result */             \
-    stw r7, 16(sp);                     /* save syscall error flag */         \
-    ldw r4, 8(sp);                      /* pass mask as argument 1 */         \
-    CDISABLE;                                                                 \
-    callr r3;                                                                 \
-    ldw r7, 16(sp);                     /* restore syscall error flag */      \
-    ldw r2, 12(sp);                     /* restore syscall result */          \
-    ldw ra, 0(sp);                      /* restore return address */          \
-    ldw r22, 4(sp);                     /* restore GOT pointer */             \
-    RESTORESTK_##args;                                                        \
-# undef PSEUDO_END
-# define PSEUDO_END(sym) \
-  END (sym)
-#define SAVEREG(REG, LOC) stw REG, LOC(sp); cfi_rel_offset (REG, LOC)
-#define SAVESTK(X) subi sp, sp, X; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(X)
-#define SAVESTK_0 SAVESTK(20)
-#define SAVEARG_1 SAVEREG(r4, 20)
-#define SAVEARG_2 SAVEREG(r5, 24); SAVEARG_1
-#define SAVEARG_3 SAVEREG(r6, 28); SAVEARG_2
-#define SAVEARG_4 SAVEREG(r7, 32); SAVEARG_3
-#define SAVESTK_5 SAVESTK_4
-#define SAVESTK_6 SAVESTK_5
-#define LOADARGS_0
-#define LOADARGS_1 ldw r4, 20(sp)
-#define LOADARGS_2 LOADARGS_1; ldw r5, 24(sp)
-#define LOADARGS_3 LOADARGS_2; ldw r6, 28(sp)
-#define LOADARGS_4 LOADARGS_3; ldw r7, 32(sp)
-#define LOADARGS_5 LOADARGS_4; ldw r8, 36(sp)
-#define LOADARGS_6 LOADARGS_5; ldw r9, 40(sp)
-#define RESTORESTK(X) addi sp, sp, X; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-X)
-# endif
-# ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE	ldw r3, %call(__pthread_enable_asynccancel)(r22)
-#  define CDISABLE	ldw r3, %call(__pthread_disable_asynccancel)(r22)
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE	ldw r3, %call(__librt_enable_asynccancel)(r22)
-#  define CDISABLE	ldw r3, %call(__librt_disable_asynccancel)(r22)
-# elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define CENABLE	ldw r3, %call(__libc_enable_asynccancel)(r22)
-#  define CDISABLE	ldw r3, %call(__libc_disable_asynccancel)(r22)
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
-# endif
-# ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
+# define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
 	__builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF,			\
 					 header.multiple_threads)	\
 			  == 0, 1)
-# else
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P(reg)						\
-# endif
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P 1
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)

+ 3 - 81

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -23,94 +22,17 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)                                     \
-ENTRY(__##syscall_name##_nocancel);                                           \
-L(pseudo_nocancel):                                                           \
-  DO_CALL(syscall_name);                                                      \
-  l.j     L(pseudo_finish);                                                   \
-   l.nop;                                                                     \
-END(__##syscall_name##_nocancel);                                             \
-ENTRY(name);                                                                  \
-  SINGLE_THREAD_P(r13);                                                       \
-  l.sfeq  r13,r0;                                                             \
-  l.bnf   L(pseudo_nocancel);                                                 \
-   l.nop;                                                                     \
-  /* Reserve the same amount of stack space, effectivly disregarding          \
-   * how many args we're supposed to push. This makes the code easier. */     \
-  l.addi  r1,r1,-28;                                                          \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(28);                                                  \
-  PUSHARGS_##args; /* CENABLE is a function call, save args for syscall. */   \
-  CENABLE;                                                                    \
-  l.sw    24(r1),r11;                                                         \
-  POPARGS_##args;                                                             \
-  DO_CALL(syscall_name);                                                      \
-  l.lwz   r3,24(r1); /* pass return value from CENABLE to CDISABLE. */        \
-  l.sw    24(r1),r11; /* save syscall return value for after CDISABLE. */     \
-  CDISABLE;                                                                   \
-  l.lwz   r11,24(r1); /* restore syscall return value. */                     \
-  cfi_adjust_cfa_offset(-28);                                                 \
-  l.addi  r1,r1,28;                                                           \
-L(pseudo_finish):                                                             \
-  /* if -4096 < ret < 0 holds, it's an error */                               \
-  l.sfgeui r11,0xf001;                                                        \
-    L(pseudo_end);                                                      \
-   l.nop
-# undef PSEUDO_END
-# define PSEUDO_END(name) \
-L(pseudo_end): \
-  l.ori r3,r11,0; \
-  END(name)
-# define PUSHARGS_0     /* nothing to do */
-# define PUSHARGS_1     PUSHARGS_0 l.sw   0(r1),r3;
-# define PUSHARGS_2     PUSHARGS_1 l.sw   4(r1),r4;
-# define PUSHARGS_3     PUSHARGS_2 l.sw   8(r1),r5;
-# define PUSHARGS_4     PUSHARGS_3 l.sw   12(r1),r6;
-# define PUSHARGS_5     PUSHARGS_4 l.sw   16(r1),r7;
-# define PUSHARGS_6     PUSHARGS_5 l.sw   20(r1),r8;
-# define POPARGS_0      /* nothing to do */
-# define POPARGS_1      POPARGS_0 l.lwz   r3,0(r1);
-# define POPARGS_2      POPARGS_1 l.lwz   r4,4(r1);
-# define POPARGS_3      POPARGS_2 l.lwz   r5,8(r1);
-# define POPARGS_4      POPARGS_3 l.lwz   r6,12(r1);
-# define POPARGS_5      POPARGS_4 l.lwz   r7,16(r1);
-# define POPARGS_6      POPARGS_5 l.lwz   r8,20(r1);
-# define PSEUDO_JMP(sym) l.jal sym; l.nop;
-# ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE       PSEUDO_JMP (__pthread_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE      PSEUDO_JMP (__pthread_disable_asynccancel)
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE       PSEUDO_JMP (__librt_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE      PSEUDO_JMP (__librt_disable_asynccancel)
-# else
-#  define CENABLE       PSEUDO_JMP (__libc_enable_asynccancel)
-#  define CDISABLE      PSEUDO_JMP (__libc_disable_asynccancel)
-# endif
-# ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
+# define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
                                    header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-# else
-/* It's not super nice to have "r10" hardcoded here */
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P(reg) l.lwz reg, MULTIPLE_THREADS_OFFSET(r10)
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P 1
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
                                    header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)

+ 3 - 81

@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
 /* Cancellable system call stubs.  Linux/PowerPC version.
    Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    Contributed by Franz Sirl <>, 2003.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -25,94 +24,17 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)				\
-  .section ".text";							\
-  ENTRY (name)								\
-    SINGLE_THREAD_P;							\
-    bne- .Lpseudo_cancel;						\
-  .type __##syscall_name##_nocancel,@function;				\
-  .globl __##syscall_name##_nocancel;					\
-  __##syscall_name##_nocancel:						\
-    DO_CALL (SYS_ify (syscall_name));					\
-    PSEUDO_RET;								\
-  .size __##syscall_name##_nocancel,.-__##syscall_name##_nocancel;	\
-  .Lpseudo_cancel:							\
-    stwu 1,-48(1);							\
-    cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (48);						\
-    mflr 9;								\
-    stw 9,52(1);							\
-    cfi_offset (lr, 4);							\
-    DOCARGS_##args;	/* save syscall args around CENABLE.  */	\
-    CENABLE;								\
-    stw 3,16(1);	/* store CENABLE return value (MASK).  */	\
-    UNDOCARGS_##args;	/* restore syscall args.  */			\
-    DO_CALL (SYS_ify (syscall_name));					\
-    mfcr 0;		/* save CR/R3 around CDISABLE.  */		\
-    stw 3,8(1);								\
-    stw 0,12(1);							\
-    lwz 3,16(1);	/* pass MASK to CDISABLE.  */			\
-    CDISABLE;								\
-    lwz 4,52(1);							\
-    lwz 0,12(1);	/* restore CR/R3. */				\
-    lwz 3,8(1);								\
-    mtlr 4;								\
-    mtcr 0;								\
-    addi 1,1,48;
-# define DOCARGS_0
-# define UNDOCARGS_0
-# define DOCARGS_1	stw 3,20(1); DOCARGS_0
-# define UNDOCARGS_1	lwz 3,20(1); UNDOCARGS_0
-# define DOCARGS_2	stw 4,24(1); DOCARGS_1
-# define UNDOCARGS_2	lwz 4,24(1); UNDOCARGS_1
-# define DOCARGS_3	stw 5,28(1); DOCARGS_2
-# define UNDOCARGS_3	lwz 5,28(1); UNDOCARGS_2
-# define DOCARGS_4	stw 6,32(1); DOCARGS_3
-# define UNDOCARGS_4	lwz 6,32(1); UNDOCARGS_3
-# define DOCARGS_5	stw 7,36(1); DOCARGS_4
-# define UNDOCARGS_5	lwz 7,36(1); UNDOCARGS_4
-# define DOCARGS_6	stw 8,40(1); DOCARGS_5
-# define UNDOCARGS_6	lwz 8,40(1); UNDOCARGS_5
-# ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE	bl __pthread_enable_asynccancel@local
-#  define CDISABLE	bl __pthread_disable_asynccancel@local
-# elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define CENABLE	bl __libc_enable_asynccancel@local
-#  define CDISABLE	bl __libc_disable_asynccancel@local
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE	bl __librt_enable_asynccancel@local
-#  define CDISABLE	bl __librt_disable_asynccancel@local
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
-# endif
-# ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
+# define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF,				\
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-# else
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P						\
-  lwz 10,MULTIPLE_THREADS_OFFSET(2);					\
-  cmpwi 10,0
-# endif
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P (1)
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)

+ 2 - 132

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -23,146 +22,17 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-# define _IMM12 #-12
-# define _IMM16 #-16
-# define _IMP16 #16
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args) \
-  .text; \
-  ENTRY (name); \
-  .Lpseudo_start: \
-    bf .Lpseudo_cancel; \
-    .type __##syscall_name##_nocancel,@function; \
-    .globl __##syscall_name##_nocancel; \
-    __##syscall_name##_nocancel: \
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args); \
-    mov r0,r1; \
-    mov _IMM12,r2; \
-    shad r2,r1; \
-    not r1,r1; \
-    tst r1,r1; \
-    bt .Lsyscall_error; \
-    bra .Lpseudo_end; \
-     nop; \
-    .size __##syscall_name##_nocancel,.-__##syscall_name##_nocancel; \
- .Lpseudo_cancel: \
-    sts.l pr,@-r15; \
-    cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (4); \
-    cfi_rel_offset (pr, 0); \
-    add _IMM16,r15; \
-    cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (16); \
-    SAVE_ARGS_##args; \
-    CENABLE; \
-    LOAD_ARGS_##args; \
-    add _IMP16,r15; \
-    cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-16); \
-    lds.l @r15+,pr; \
-    cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-4); \
-    cfi_restore (pr); \
-    DO_CALL(syscall_name, args); \
-    sts.l pr,@-r15; \
-    cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (4); \
-    cfi_rel_offset (pr, 0); \
-    mov.l r0,@-r15; \
-    cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (4); \
-    cfi_rel_offset (r0, 0); \
-    CDISABLE; \
-    mov.l @r15+,r0; \
-    cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-4); \
-    lds.l @r15+,pr; \
-    cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-4); \
-    cfi_restore (pr); \
-    mov r0,r1; \
-    mov _IMM12,r2; \
-    shad r2,r1; \
-    not r1,r1; \
-    tst r1,r1; \
-    bf .Lpseudo_end; \
- .Lsyscall_error: \
- .Lpseudo_end:
-# undef PSEUDO_END
-# define PSEUDO_END(sym) \
-  END (sym)
-# define SAVE_ARGS_0	/* Nothing.  */
-# define SAVE_ARGS_1	SAVE_ARGS_0; mov.l r4,@(0,r15); cfi_offset (r4,-4)
-# define SAVE_ARGS_2	SAVE_ARGS_1; mov.l r5,@(4,r15); cfi_offset (r5,-8)
-# define SAVE_ARGS_3	SAVE_ARGS_2; mov.l r6,@(8,r15); cfi_offset (r6,-12)
-# define SAVE_ARGS_4	SAVE_ARGS_3; mov.l r7,@(12,r15); cfi_offset (r7,-16)
-# define SAVE_ARGS_5	SAVE_ARGS_4
-# define SAVE_ARGS_6	SAVE_ARGS_5
-# define LOAD_ARGS_0	/* Nothing.  */
-# define LOAD_ARGS_1	LOAD_ARGS_0; mov.l @(0,r15),r4
-# define LOAD_ARGS_2	LOAD_ARGS_1; mov.l @(4,r15),r5
-# define LOAD_ARGS_3	LOAD_ARGS_2; mov.l @(8,r15),r6
-# define LOAD_ARGS_4	LOAD_ARGS_3; mov.l @(12,r15),r7
-# define LOAD_ARGS_5	LOAD_ARGS_4
-# define LOAD_ARGS_6	LOAD_ARGS_5
-# ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define __local_enable_asynccancel	__pthread_enable_asynccancel
-#  define __local_disable_asynccancel	__pthread_disable_asynccancel
-# elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define __local_enable_asynccancel	__libc_enable_asynccancel
-#  define __local_disable_asynccancel	__libc_disable_asynccancel
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define __local_enable_asynccancel	__librt_enable_asynccancel
-#  define __local_disable_asynccancel	__librt_disable_asynccancel
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
-# endif
-# define CENABLE \
-	mov.l 1f,r0; \
-	bsrf r0; \
-	 nop; \
-     0: bra 2f; \
-	 mov r0,r2; \
-	.align 2; \
-     1: .long __local_enable_asynccancel - 0b; \
-     2:
-# define CDISABLE \
-	mov.l 1f,r0; \
-	bsrf r0; \
-	 mov r2,r4; \
-     0: bra 2f; \
-	 nop; \
-	.align 2; \
-     1: .long __local_disable_asynccancel - 0b; \
-     2:
-# ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
+# define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-# else
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
-	stc gbr,r0; \
-	mov.w 0f,r1; \
-	sub r1,r0; \
-	mov.l @(MULTIPLE_THREADS_OFFSET,r0),r0; \
-	bra 1f; \
-	 tst r0,r0; \
-     0: .word TLS_PRE_TCB_SIZE; \
-     1:
-# endif
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P (1)
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)

+ 3 - 75

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2002, 2003, 2004, 2006 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    Contributed by Jakub Jelinek <>, 2002.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -24,88 +23,17 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)	\
-	.text;					\
-	.globl		__syscall_error;	\
-ENTRY(name)					\
-	ld [%g7 + MULTIPLE_THREADS_OFFSET], %g1;\
-	cmp %g1, 0;				\
-	bne 1f;					\
-.type	__##syscall_name##_nocancel,@function;	\
-.globl	__##syscall_name##_nocancel;		\
-__##syscall_name##_nocancel:			\
-	 mov SYS_ify(syscall_name), %g1;	\
-	ta 0x10;				\
-	bcc 8f;					\
-	 mov %o7, %g1;				\
-	call __syscall_error;			\
-	 mov %g1, %o7;				\
-8:	jmpl %o7 + 8, %g0;			\
-	 nop;					\
-.size	__##syscall_name##_nocancel,.-__##syscall_name##_nocancel;\
-1:	save %sp, -96, %sp;			\
-	cfi_def_cfa_register(%fp);		\
-	cfi_window_save;			\
-	cfi_register(%o7, %i7);			\
-	CENABLE;				\
-	 nop;					\
-	mov %o0, %l0;				\
-	COPY_ARGS_##args			\
-	mov SYS_ify(syscall_name), %g1;		\
-	ta 0x10;				\
-	bcc 1f;					\
-	 mov %o0, %l1;				\
-	CDISABLE;				\
-	 mov %l0, %o0;				\
-	call __syscall_error;			\
-	 mov %l1, %o0;				\
-	b 2f;					\
-	 mov -1, %l1;				\
-1:	CDISABLE;				\
-	 mov %l0, %o0;				\
-2:	jmpl %i7 + 8, %g0;			\
-	 restore %g0, %l1, %o0;
-# ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE	call __pthread_enable_asynccancel
-#  define CDISABLE	call __pthread_disable_asynccancel
-# elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define CENABLE	call __libc_enable_asynccancel
-#  define CDISABLE	call __libc_disable_asynccancel
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE	call __librt_enable_asynccancel
-#  define CDISABLE	call __librt_disable_asynccancel
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
-# endif
-#define COPY_ARGS_0	/* Nothing */
-#define COPY_ARGS_1	COPY_ARGS_0 mov %i0, %o0;
-#define COPY_ARGS_2	COPY_ARGS_1 mov %i1, %o1;
-#define COPY_ARGS_3	COPY_ARGS_2 mov %i2, %o2;
-#define COPY_ARGS_4	COPY_ARGS_3 mov %i3, %o3;
-#define COPY_ARGS_5	COPY_ARGS_4 mov %i4, %o4;
-#define COPY_ARGS_6	COPY_ARGS_5 mov %i5, %o5;
-# ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
+# define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF,				      \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-# else
-# endif
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P (1)
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)

+ 3 - 60

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
-/* Copyright (C) 2002-2006, 2009 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
+/* Copyright (C) 2002-2017 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
    Contributed by Jakub Jelinek <>, 2002.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
@@ -24,87 +23,31 @@
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-/* The code to disable cancellation depends on the fact that the called
-   functions are special.  They don't modify registers other than %rax
-   and %r11 if they return.  Therefore we don't have to preserve other
-   registers around these calls.  */
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)				      \
-  .text;								      \
-  ENTRY (name)								      \
-    SINGLE_THREAD_P;							      \
-    jne L(pseudo_cancel);						      \
-  .type __##syscall_name##_nocancel,@function;				      \
-  .globl __##syscall_name##_nocancel;					      \
-  __##syscall_name##_nocancel:						      \
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);					      \
-    cmpq $-4095, %rax;							      \
-    jae SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL;						      \
-    ret;								      \
-  .size __##syscall_name##_nocancel,.-__##syscall_name##_nocancel;	      \
-  L(pseudo_cancel):							      \
-    /* We always have to align the stack before calling a function.  */	      \
-    subq $8, %rsp; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (8);				      \
-    CENABLE								      \
-    /* The return value from CENABLE is argument for CDISABLE.  */	      \
-    movq %rax, (%rsp);							      \
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);					      \
-    movq (%rsp), %rdi;							      \
-    /* Save %rax since it's the error code from the syscall.  */	      \
-    movq %rax, %rdx;							      \
-    CDISABLE								      \
-    movq %rdx, %rax;							      \
-    addq $8,%rsp; cfi_adjust_cfa_offset (-8);				      \
-    cmpq $-4095, %rax;							      \
-    jae SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL;						      \
-  L(pseudo_end):
 # ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE	call __pthread_enable_asynccancel;
-#  define CDISABLE	call __pthread_disable_asynccancel;
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __pthread_multiple_threads
 # elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define CENABLE	call __libc_enable_asynccancel;
-#  define CDISABLE	call __libc_disable_asynccancel;
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __libc_multiple_threads
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE	call __librt_enable_asynccancel;
-#  define CDISABLE	call __librt_disable_asynccancel;
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
 # endif
 # if defined IS_IN_libpthread || !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
 extern int __local_multiple_threads attribute_hidden;
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
+#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
   __builtin_expect (__local_multiple_threads == 0, 1)
-#  else
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P cmpl $0, __local_multiple_threads(%rip)
-#  endif
 # else
-#  ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
 #   define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-#  else
-#  endif
 # endif
-#elif !defined __ASSEMBLER__
 # define SINGLE_THREAD_P (1)
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)

+ 2 - 123

@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 /* Copyright (C) 2003 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-   This file is part of the GNU C Library.
    The GNU C Library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
    modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
@@ -17,142 +16,25 @@
 #include <sysdep.h>
 #include <tls.h>
-/* #include <pt-machine.h> */
 #ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
 # include <pthreadP.h>
 #if !defined NOT_IN_libc || defined IS_IN_libpthread || defined IS_IN_librt
-#ifdef __ASSEMBLER__
-#if defined(__XTENSA_WINDOWED_ABI__)
-/* CENABLE/CDISABLE in PSEUDO below use call8, stack frame size must be
- * at least 32.
- */
-#if FRAMESIZE < 32
-#define FRAMESIZE 32
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)				      \
-  .text;								      \
-  ENTRY (name)								      \
-    SINGLE_THREAD_P(a15);						      \
-    bnez     a15, .Lpseudo_cancel; 					      \
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);					      \
-    bgez     a2, .Lpseudo_done; 					      \
-    movi     a4, -4095;							      \
-    blt      a2, a4, .Lpseudo_done; 					      \
-    j        SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL;					      \
-  .Lpseudo_done: 							      \
-    retw;								      \
-  .Lpseudo_cancel: 							      \
-    /* The syscall args are in a2...a7; no need to save */		      \
-    CENABLE;								      \
-    /* The return value is in a10 and preserved across the syscall */	      \
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);					      \
-    CDISABLE;								      \
-    bgez     a2, .Lpseudo_end;                                                \
-    movi     a4, -4095;							      \
-    blt      a2, a4, .Lpseudo_end;                                            \
-    j        SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL;					      \
-  .Lpseudo_end:
-# define CENABLE	movi    a8, CENABLE_FUNC;		\
-			callx8  a8
-# define CDISABLE	movi    a8, CDISABLE_FUNC;		\
-			callx8  a8
-#elif defined(__XTENSA_CALL0_ABI__)
-# undef PSEUDO
-# define PSEUDO(name, syscall_name, args)				      \
-  .text;								      \
-  ENTRY (name)								      \
-    SINGLE_THREAD_P(a10);						      \
-    bnez     a10, .Lpseudo_cancel;					      \
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);					      \
-    bgez     a2, .Lpseudo_done;						      \
-    movi     a4, -4095;							      \
-    blt      a2, a4, .Lpseudo_done;					      \
-    j        SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL;					      \
-  .Lpseudo_done:							      \
-    ret;								      \
-  .Lpseudo_cancel:							      \
-    addi     a1, a1, -32;						      \
-    /* The syscall args are in a2...a7; save them */			      \
-    s32i     a0, a1, 0;							      \
-    s32i     a2, a1, 4;							      \
-    s32i     a3, a1, 8;							      \
-    s32i     a4, a1, 12;						      \
-    s32i     a5, a1, 16;						      \
-    s32i     a6, a1, 20;						      \
-    s32i     a7, a1, 24;						      \
-    CENABLE;								      \
-    /* Move return value to a10 preserved across the syscall */		      \
-    mov      a10, a2;							      \
-    l32i     a2, a1, 4;							      \
-    l32i     a3, a1, 8;							      \
-    l32i     a4, a1, 12;						      \
-    l32i     a5, a1, 16;						      \
-    l32i     a6, a1, 20;						      \
-    l32i     a7, a1, 24;						      \
-    DO_CALL (syscall_name, args);					      \
-    s32i     a2, a1, 4;							      \
-    mov      a2, a10;							      \
-    CDISABLE;								      \
-    l32i     a2, a1, 4;							      \
-    l32i     a0, a1, 0;							      \
-    addi     a1, a1, 32;						      \
-    bgez     a2, .Lpseudo_end;                                                \
-    movi     a4, -4095;							      \
-    blt      a2, a4, .Lpseudo_end;                                            \
-    j        SYSCALL_ERROR_LABEL;					      \
-  .Lpseudo_end:
-# define CENABLE	movi    a0, CENABLE_FUNC;		\
-			callx0  a0
-# define CDISABLE	movi    a0, CDISABLE_FUNC;		\
-			callx0  a0
-#error Unsupported Xtensa ABI
 # ifdef IS_IN_libpthread
-#  define CENABLE_FUNC	__pthread_enable_asynccancel
-#  define CDISABLE_FUNC	__pthread_disable_asynccancel
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __pthread_multiple_threads
 # elif !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  define CENABLE_FUNC	__libc_enable_asynccancel
-#  define CDISABLE_FUNC	__libc_disable_asynccancel
 #  define __local_multiple_threads __libc_multiple_threads
-# elif defined IS_IN_librt
-#  define CENABLE_FUNC	__librt_enable_asynccancel
-#  define CDISABLE_FUNC	__librt_disable_asynccancel
-# else
-#  error Unsupported library
 # endif
 # if defined IS_IN_libpthread || !defined NOT_IN_libc
-#  ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
 extern int __local_multiple_threads attribute_hidden;
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P __builtin_expect (__local_multiple_threads == 0, 1)
-#  else
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P(reg) movi reg, __local_multiple_threads; \
-			        l32i reg, reg, 0;
-#  endif
+#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P __builtin_expect (__local_multiple_threads == 0, 1)
 # else
-#  ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
+#  define SINGLE_THREAD_P \
 	__builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 			  header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)
-#  else
-#   define SINGLE_THREAD_P(reg) \
-	rur reg, threadptr; \
-#  endif
 # endif
@@ -163,9 +45,6 @@ extern int __local_multiple_threads attribute_hidden;
-#ifndef __ASSEMBLER__
   __builtin_expect (THREAD_GETMEM (THREAD_SELF, \
 				   header.multiple_threads) == 0, 1)