strcmp.S 3.3 KB

  1. /* strcmp.S
  2. * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Analog Devices Inc., All Rights Reserved.
  3. *
  4. * This file is subject to the terms and conditions of the GNU Library General
  5. * Public License. See the file "COPYING.LIB" in the main directory of this
  6. * archive for more details.
  7. *
  8. * Non-LGPL License also available as part of VisualDSP++
  9. *
  10. */
  11. #include <sysdep.h>
  12. /* Fast strcmp() for Blackfin.
  13. * When both strings are aligned, this processes four characters at
  14. * a time. Uses a hw loop with "very big" count to loop "forever",
  15. * until difference or a terminating zero is found.
  16. * Once the end-case word has been identified, breaks out of the
  17. * loop to check more carefully (same as the unaligned case).
  18. */
  19. .text
  20. .align 2
  21. .weak _strcmp
  22. ENTRY(_strcmp)
  23. [--sp] = (R7:4);
  24. p1 = r0;
  25. p2 = r1;
  26. p0 = -1; /* (need for loop counter init) */
  27. /* check if byte aligned */
  28. r0 = r0 | r1; /* check both pointers at same time */
  29. r0 <<= 30; /* dump all but last 2 bits */
  30. cc = az; /* are they zero? */
  31. if !cc jump .Lunaligned; /* no; use unaligned code. */
  32. /* fall-thru for aligned case.. */
  33. /* note that r0 is zero from the previous... */
  34. /* p0 set to -1 */
  35. LSETUP (.Lbeginloop, .Lendloop) lc0=p0;
  36. /* pick up first words */
  37. r1 = [p1++];
  38. r2 = [p2++];
  39. /* make up mask: 0FF0FF */
  40. r7 = 0xFF;
  41. r7.h = 0xFF;
  42. /* loop : 9 cycles to check 4 characters */
  43. cc = r1 == r2;
  44. .Lbeginloop:
  45. if !cc jump .Lnotequal4; /* compare failure, exit loop */
  46. /* starting with 44332211 */
  47. /* see if char 3 or char 1 is 0 */
  48. r3 = r1 & r7; /* form 00330011 */
  49. /* add to zero, and (r2 is free, reload) */
  50. r6 = r3 +|+ r0 || r2 = [p2++] || nop;
  51. cc = az; /* true if either is zero */
  52. r3 = r1 ^ r3; /* form 44002200 (4321^0301 => 4020) */
  53. /* (trick, saves having another mask) */
  54. /* add to zero, and (r1 is free, reload) */
  55. r6 = r3 +|+ r0 || r1 = [p1++] || nop;
  56. cc |= az; /* true if either is zero */
  57. if cc jump .Lzero4; /* leave if a zero somewhere */
  58. .Lendloop:
  59. cc = r1 == r2;
  60. /* loop exits */
  61. .Lnotequal4: /* compare failure on 4-char compare */
  62. /* address pointers are one word ahead; */
  63. /* faster to use zero4 exit code */
  64. p1 += 4;
  65. p2 += 4;
  66. .Lzero4: /* one of the bytes in word 1 is zero */
  67. /* but we've already fetched the next word; so */
  68. /* backup two to look at failing word again */
  69. p1 += -8;
  70. p2 += -8;
  71. /* here when pointers are unaligned: checks one */
  72. /* character at a time. Also use at the end of */
  73. /* the word-check algorithm to figure out what happened */
  74. .Lunaligned:
  75. /* R0 is non-zero from before. */
  76. /* p0 set to -1 */
  77. r0 = 0 (Z);
  78. r1 = B[p1++] (Z);
  79. r2 = B[p2++] (Z);
  80. LSETUP (.Lbeginloop1, .Lendloop1) lc0=p0;
  81. .Lbeginloop1:
  82. cc = r1; /* first char must be non-zero */
  83. /* chars must be the same */
  84. r3 = r2 - r1 (NS) || r1 = B[p1++] (Z) || nop;
  85. cc &= az;
  86. r3 = r0 - r2; /* second char must be non-zero */
  87. cc &= an;
  88. if !cc jump .Lexitloop1;
  89. .Lendloop1:
  90. r2 = B[p2++] (Z);
  91. .Lexitloop1: /* here means we found a zero or a difference. */
  92. /* we have r2(N), p2(N), r1(N+1), p1(N+2) */
  93. r1=B[p1+ -2] (Z);
  94. r0 = r1 - r2;
  95. (r7:4) = [sp++];
  96. rts;
  97. .size _strcmp,.-_strcmp
  98. libc_hidden_def (strcmp)
  99. #ifndef __UCLIBC_HAS_LOCALE__
  100. weak_alias (strcmp,strcoll)
  101. libc_hidden_def (strcoll)
  102. #endif