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  1. <!--#include file="header.html" -->
  2. <ul>
  3. <li><b>13 January 2005 -- Bug and Patch Tracking</b><p>
  4. Bug reports sometimes get lost when posted to the mailing list. The
  5. developers of uClibc are busy people, and have only so much they can keep
  6. in their brains at a time. In my case, I'm lucky if I can remember my own
  7. name, much less a bug report posted last week... To prevent your bug report
  8. from getting lost, if you find a bug in uClibc, please use the
  9. <a href="">shiny new Bug and Patch Tracking System</a>
  10. to post all the gory details.
  11. <p>
  12. The same applies to patches... Regardless of whether your patch
  13. is a bug fix or adds spiffy new features, please post your patch
  14. to the Bug and Patch Tracking System to make certain it is
  15. properly considered.
  16. <p>
  17. <li> <b>12 January 2005, uClibc 0.9.27 Released</b>
  18. <br>
  19. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the release of
  20. uClibc 0.9.27. Release highlights include a new stdio core,
  21. Linux 2.6.x support, a much improved shared library loader,
  22. support for several new architectures, and of course fixes for
  23. the usual pile of bugs.
  24. <p>
  25. Due primarily to the stdio changes, this release is NOT binary
  26. compatible with uClibc 0.9.26 or any earlier release, so be
  27. prepared to recompile your software if you are still using an
  28. old version of uClibc. Sorry for the pain...
  29. <p>
  30. Updated uClibc development systems using uClibc 0.9.27, along
  31. with the uClibc buildroot and source code used to compile these
  32. development systems, have also been released and are available
  33. from the downloads area.
  34. <p>
  35. As usual, the
  36. <a href="">Changelog</a>,
  37. <a href="">detailed changelog</a>,
  38. and <a href="">source code for this release</a>
  39. are available <a href="">here</a>.
  40. <p> <li> <b>Old News</b>
  41. <br>
  42. <a href="/oldnews.html">Click here to read older news</a>
  43. <p>
  44. </ul>
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