dl-syscall.h 10 KB

  1. /*
  2. * Copyright (C) 2000-2005 by Erik Andersen <andersen@codepoet.org>
  3. *
  4. * GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or later.
  5. */
  6. #ifndef _DL_SYSCALL_H
  7. #define _DL_SYSCALL_H
  8. /* We can't use the real errno in ldso, since it has not yet
  9. * been dynamicly linked in yet. */
  10. #include "sys/syscall.h"
  11. extern int _dl_errno;
  12. #ifdef UCLIBC_LDSO
  13. #undef __set_errno
  14. #define __set_errno(X) {(_dl_errno) = (X);}
  15. #endif
  16. /* Pull in the arch specific syscall implementation */
  17. #include <dl-syscalls.h>
  18. /* For MAP_ANONYMOUS -- differs between platforms */
  19. #define _SYS_MMAN_H 1
  20. #include <bits/mman.h>
  21. #if defined(__ARCH_HAS_DEPRECATED_SYSCALLS__) && (!defined(__UCLIBC_USE_TIME64__) || defined(__sparc__))
  22. /* Pull in whatever this particular arch's kernel thinks the kernel version of
  23. * struct stat should look like. It turns out that each arch has a different
  24. * opinion on the subject, and different kernel revs use different names... */
  25. #define kernel_stat stat
  26. #include <bits/kernel_stat.h>
  27. #include <bits/kernel_types.h>
  28. /* Protection bits. */
  29. #define S_ISUID 04000 /* Set user ID on execution. */
  30. #define S_ISGID 02000 /* Set group ID on execution. */
  31. #else
  32. /* 1. common-generic ABI doesn't need kernel_stat translation
  33. * 3. S_IS?ID already provided by stat.h
  34. */
  35. #include <fcntl.h>
  36. #include <sys/stat.h>
  37. #include <dl-string.h>
  38. #include <bits/uClibc_arch_features.h>
  39. #if defined __UCLIBC_HAVE_STATX__
  40. static __always_inline void
  41. __cp_stat_statx (struct stat *to, struct statx *from)
  42. {
  43. _dl_memset (to, 0, sizeof (struct stat));
  44. to->st_dev = ((from->stx_dev_minor & 0xff) | (from->stx_dev_major << 8)
  45. | ((from->stx_dev_minor & ~0xff) << 12));
  46. to->st_rdev = ((from->stx_rdev_minor & 0xff) | (from->stx_rdev_major << 8)
  47. | ((from->stx_rdev_minor & ~0xff) << 12));
  48. to->st_ino = from->stx_ino;
  49. to->st_mode = from->stx_mode;
  50. to->st_nlink = from->stx_nlink;
  51. to->st_uid = from->stx_uid;
  52. to->st_gid = from->stx_gid;
  53. to->st_atime = from->stx_atime.tv_sec;
  54. to->st_atim.tv_nsec = from->stx_atime.tv_nsec;
  55. to->st_mtime = from->stx_mtime.tv_sec;
  56. to->st_mtim.tv_nsec = from->stx_mtime.tv_nsec;
  57. to->st_ctime = from->stx_ctime.tv_sec;
  58. to->st_ctim.tv_nsec = from->stx_ctime.tv_nsec;
  59. to->st_size = from->stx_size;
  60. to->st_blocks = from->stx_blocks;
  61. to->st_blksize = from->stx_blksize;
  62. }
  63. #endif
  64. #endif
  65. #define AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT 0x800
  66. #define AT_EMPTY_PATH 0x1000
  67. /* Here are the definitions for some syscalls that are used
  68. by the dynamic linker. The idea is that we want to be able
  69. to call these before the errno symbol is dynamicly linked, so
  70. we use our own version here. Note that we cannot assume any
  71. dynamic linking at all, so we cannot return any error codes.
  72. We just punt if there is an error. */
  73. #define __NR__dl_exit __NR_exit
  74. static __always_inline attribute_noreturn __cold void _dl_exit(int status)
  75. {
  76. INLINE_SYSCALL(_dl_exit, 1, status);
  77. #if __GNUC_PREREQ(4, 5)
  78. __builtin_unreachable(); /* shut up warning: 'noreturn' function does return*/
  79. #else
  80. while (1);
  81. #endif
  82. }
  83. #define __NR__dl_close __NR_close
  84. static __always_inline _syscall1(int, _dl_close, int, fd)
  85. #if defined __NR_openat && !defined __NR_open
  86. static __always_inline int _dl_open(const char *fn,
  87. int flags, __kernel_mode_t mode)
  88. {
  89. return INLINE_SYSCALL(openat, 4, AT_FDCWD, fn, flags, mode);
  90. }
  91. #elif defined __NR_open
  92. # define __NR__dl_open __NR_open
  93. static __always_inline _syscall3(int, _dl_open, const char *, fn, int, flags,
  94. __kernel_mode_t, mode)
  95. #endif
  96. #define __NR__dl_write __NR_write
  97. static __always_inline _syscall3(unsigned long, _dl_write, int, fd,
  98. const void *, buf, unsigned long, count)
  99. #define __NR__dl_read __NR_read
  100. static __always_inline _syscall3(unsigned long, _dl_read, int, fd,
  101. const void *, buf, unsigned long, count)
  102. #define __NR__dl_mprotect __NR_mprotect
  103. static __always_inline _syscall3(int, _dl_mprotect, const void *, addr,
  104. unsigned long, len, int, prot)
  105. #if defined __NR_fstatat64 && !defined __NR_stat && (!defined(__UCLIBC_USE_TIME64__) || defined(__sparc__))
  106. # define __NR__dl_fstatat64 __NR_fstatat64
  107. static __always_inline _syscall4(int, _dl_fstatat64, int, fd, const char *,
  108. fn, struct stat *, stat, int, flags)
  109. static __always_inline int _dl_stat(const char *file_name,
  110. struct stat *buf)
  111. {
  112. return _dl_fstatat64(AT_FDCWD, file_name, buf, 0);
  113. }
  114. #elif defined __NR_newfstatat && !defined __NR_stat && (!defined(__UCLIBC_USE_TIME64__) || defined(__sparc__))
  115. # define __NR__dl_newfstatat __NR_newfstatat
  116. static __always_inline _syscall4(int, _dl_newfstatat, int, fd, const char *,
  117. fn, struct stat *, stat, int, flags)
  118. static __always_inline int _dl_stat(const char *file_name,
  119. struct stat *buf)
  120. {
  121. return _dl_newfstatat(AT_FDCWD, file_name, buf, 0);
  122. }
  123. #elif defined __NR_stat && (!defined(__UCLIBC_USE_TIME64__) || defined(__sparc__))
  124. # define __NR__dl_stat __NR_stat
  125. static __always_inline _syscall2(int, _dl_stat, const char *, file_name,
  126. struct stat *, buf)
  127. #elif defined __NR_statx && defined __UCLIBC_HAVE_STATX__
  128. # define __NR__dl_statx __NR_statx
  129. # include <fcntl.h>
  130. # include <statx_cp.h>
  131. static __always_inline _syscall5(int, _dl_statx, int, fd, const char *, file_name, int, flags,
  132. unsigned int, mask, struct statx *, buf);
  133. static __always_inline int _dl_stat(const char *file_name,
  134. struct stat *buf)
  135. {
  136. struct statx tmp;
  137. int rc = _dl_statx(AT_FDCWD, file_name, AT_NO_AUTOMOUNT, STATX_BASIC_STATS, &tmp);
  138. if (rc == 0)
  139. __cp_stat_statx ((struct stat *)buf, &tmp);
  140. return rc;
  141. }
  142. #endif
  143. #if defined __NR_fstat64 && !defined __NR_fstat && (!defined(__UCLIBC_USE_TIME64__) || defined(__sparc__))
  144. # define __NR__dl_fstat __NR_fstat64
  145. static __always_inline _syscall2(int, _dl_fstat, int, fd, struct stat *, buf)
  146. #elif defined __NR_fstat
  147. # define __NR__dl_fstat __NR_fstat
  148. static __always_inline _syscall2(int, _dl_fstat, int, fd, struct stat *, buf)
  149. #elif defined __NR_statx && defined __UCLIBC_HAVE_STATX__
  150. # define __NR__dl_fstatx __NR_statx
  151. static __always_inline _syscall5(int, _dl_fstatx, int, fd, const char *, file_name, int, flags, unsigned int, mask, struct statx *, buf);
  152. static __always_inline int _dl_fstat(int fd,
  153. struct stat *buf)
  154. {
  155. struct statx tmp;
  156. int rc = _dl_fstatx(fd, "", AT_EMPTY_PATH, STATX_BASIC_STATS, &tmp);
  157. if (rc == 0)
  158. __cp_stat_statx ((struct stat *)buf, &tmp);
  159. return rc;
  160. }
  161. #else
  162. static __always_inline _syscall2(int, _dl_fstat, int, fd, struct stat *, buf)
  163. #endif
  164. #define __NR__dl_munmap __NR_munmap
  165. static __always_inline _syscall2(int, _dl_munmap, void *, start, unsigned long, length)
  166. #ifdef __NR_getxuid
  167. # define __NR_getuid __NR_getxuid
  168. #endif
  169. #define __NR__dl_getuid __NR_getuid
  170. static __always_inline _syscall0(uid_t, _dl_getuid)
  171. #ifndef __NR_geteuid
  172. # define __NR_geteuid __NR_getuid
  173. #endif
  174. #define __NR__dl_geteuid __NR_geteuid
  175. static __always_inline _syscall0(uid_t, _dl_geteuid)
  176. #ifdef __NR_getxgid
  177. # define __NR_getgid __NR_getxgid
  178. #endif
  179. #define __NR__dl_getgid __NR_getgid
  180. static __always_inline _syscall0(gid_t, _dl_getgid)
  181. #ifndef __NR_getegid
  182. # define __NR_getegid __NR_getgid
  183. #endif
  184. #define __NR__dl_getegid __NR_getegid
  185. static __always_inline _syscall0(gid_t, _dl_getegid)
  186. #ifdef __NR_getxpid
  187. # define __NR_getpid __NR_getxpid
  188. #endif
  189. #define __NR__dl_getpid __NR_getpid
  190. static __always_inline _syscall0(gid_t, _dl_getpid)
  191. #if defined __NR_readlinkat
  192. # define __NR__dl_readlink __NR_readlinkat
  193. static __always_inline _syscall4(int, _dl_readlink, int, id, const char *, path,
  194. char *, buf, size_t, bufsiz)
  195. #endif
  196. #ifdef __NR_pread64
  197. #define __NR___syscall_pread __NR_pread64
  198. #ifdef __UCLIBC_SYSCALL_ALIGN_64BIT__
  199. static __always_inline _syscall6(ssize_t, __syscall_pread, int, fd, void *, buf, size_t, dummy,
  200. size_t, count, off_t, offset_hi, off_t, offset_lo)
  201. static __always_inline ssize_t
  202. _dl_pread(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset)
  203. {
  204. return __syscall_pread(fd, buf, count, 0, __LONG_LONG_PAIR((offset >> 32), (offset & 0xffffffff)));
  205. }
  206. #else
  207. static __always_inline _syscall5(ssize_t, __syscall_pread, int, fd, void *, buf,
  208. size_t, count, off_t, offset_hi, off_t, offset_lo)
  209. static __always_inline ssize_t
  210. _dl_pread(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset)
  211. {
  212. return __syscall_pread(fd, buf, count, __LONG_LONG_PAIR(offset >> 31, offset));
  213. }
  214. #endif
  215. #elif defined __NR_pread
  216. #define __NR___syscall_pread __NR_pread
  217. static __always_inline _syscall5(ssize_t, __syscall_pread, int, fd, void *, buf,
  218. size_t, count, off_t, offset_hi, off_t, offset_lo)
  219. static __always_inline ssize_t
  220. _dl_pread(int fd, void *buf, size_t count, off_t offset)
  221. {
  222. return __syscall_pread(fd, buf, count, __LONG_LONG_PAIR(offset >> 31, offset));
  223. }
  224. #endif
  225. #ifdef __UCLIBC_HAS_SSP__
  226. # include <sys/time.h>
  227. # define __NR__dl_gettimeofday __NR_gettimeofday
  228. static __always_inline _syscall2(int, _dl_gettimeofday, struct timeval *, tv,
  229. # ifdef __USE_BSD
  230. struct timezone *
  231. # else
  232. void *
  233. # endif
  234. , tz)
  235. #endif
  236. /* Some architectures always use 12 as page shift for mmap2() eventhough the
  237. * real PAGE_SHIFT != 12. Other architectures use the same value as
  238. * PAGE_SHIFT...
  239. */
  240. #ifndef MMAP2_PAGE_SHIFT
  241. # define MMAP2_PAGE_SHIFT 12
  242. #endif
  243. #define MAP_FAILED ((void *) -1)
  244. #define _dl_mmap_check_error(X) (((void *)X) == MAP_FAILED)
  245. static __always_inline
  246. void *_dl_mmap(void *addr, unsigned long size, int prot,
  247. int flags, int fd, unsigned long offset)
  248. {
  249. #if defined(__UCLIBC_MMAP_HAS_6_ARGS__) && defined(__NR_mmap)
  250. /* first try mmap(), syscall6() style */
  251. return (void *)INLINE_SYSCALL(mmap, 6, addr, size, prot, flags, fd, offset);
  252. #elif defined(__NR_mmap2) && !defined (__mcoldfire__)
  253. /* then try mmap2() */
  254. unsigned long shifted;
  255. if (offset & ((1 << MMAP2_PAGE_SHIFT) - 1))
  256. return MAP_FAILED;
  257. /* gcc needs help with putting things onto the stack */
  258. shifted = offset >> MMAP2_PAGE_SHIFT;
  259. return (void *)INLINE_SYSCALL(mmap2, 6, addr, size, prot, flags, fd, shifted);
  260. #elif defined(__NR_mmap)
  261. /* finally, fall back to mmap(), syscall1() style */
  262. unsigned long buffer[6];
  263. buffer[0] = (unsigned long) addr;
  264. buffer[1] = (unsigned long) size;
  265. buffer[2] = (unsigned long) prot;
  266. buffer[3] = (unsigned long) flags;
  267. buffer[4] = (unsigned long) fd;
  268. buffer[5] = (unsigned long) offset;
  269. return (void *)INLINE_SYSCALL(mmap, 1, buffer);
  270. #else
  271. # error "Your architecture doesn't seem to provide mmap() !?"
  272. #endif
  273. }
  274. #endif /* _DL_SYSCALL_H */