oldnews.html 51 KB

  1. <!--#include file="header.html" -->
  2. <ul>
  3. <li> <b>20 April 2004, uClibc 0.9.26 based Debian uwoody</b>
  4. <br>
  5. CodePoet Consulting (i.e. Erik) is pleased to announce the immediate
  6. availability of an x86 port of Debian woody compiled with uClibc 0.9.26.
  7. This was originally announced a couple of months ago, but has been updated
  8. a few times since to correct several small problems. If you want an easy
  9. way to start building your own uClibc based applications, this is it. This
  10. even supports building your own packages using 'apt-get', and using
  11. 'apt-get' to install already compiled packages from uclibc.org. You can
  12. find Erik's uwoody distribution <a
  13. href="http://www.uclibc.org/dists/">uwoody distribution here</a>. Assembling
  14. this Debian/uClibc system required a <em>lot</em> of work, so if you
  15. think this is the coolest thing since the invention of water, feel free to
  16. <a href="http://uclibc.org/FAQ.html#support">let us know</a>.
  17. <p>
  18. <li> <b>3 January 2004, uClibc 0.9.26 Released</b>
  19. <br>
  20. CodePoet Consulting is sorry to announce there was a pthread bug that
  21. slipped though our extensive testing and was only noticed a few hours after
  22. the previous release. As a result, we are now releasing uClibc 0.9.26
  23. which fixes this bug, and is otherwise identical to the previous release.
  24. <p>
  25. This release remains binary compatible with uClibc 0.9.21-25, as long as
  26. you take care to avoid any configuraton changes that will break things.
  27. Please be aware we <b>will</b> break binary compatibilty in the upcoming
  28. 0.9.27 release to implement a few necessary changes we have been
  29. postponing. That will hopefully be the last ABI change before we freeze
  30. the ABI for the upcoming 1.0.x stable uClibc series.
  31. <p>
  32. As usual, the
  33. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>,
  34. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog.full">detailed changelog</a>,
  35. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.26.tar.bz2">source code for this release</a>
  36. are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  37. <li> <b>3 January 2004, uClibc 0.9.25 Released</b>
  38. <br>
  39. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  40. uClibc 0.9.25. This contains many bug fixes and cleanups, and is
  41. recommended for anyone using uClibc. This release remains binary
  42. compatible with uClibc 0.9.21-24 (as long as you take care to avoid any
  43. configuraton changes that will break things). We <b>were</b> planning to break
  44. binary compatibilty in this release, but decided to hold those changes so
  45. we could push out a bugfix release.
  46. <p>
  47. Please be aware we <b>will</b> break binary compatibilty in the upcoming
  48. 0.9.26 release to implement a few changes we have been postponing. That
  49. will hopefully be the last ABI change before we freeze the ABI for the
  50. upcoming 1.0.x stable uClibc series.
  51. <p>
  52. As usual, the
  53. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>,
  54. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog.full">detailed changelog</a>,
  55. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.25.tar.bz2">source code for this release</a>
  56. are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  57. <p>
  58. <li> <b>19 December 2003, dev systems updated to uClibc 0.9.24</b>
  59. <br>
  60. Current uClibc development systems have been posted for
  61. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_i386.bz2">i386</a>,
  62. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_powerpc.bz2">powerpc</a>,
  63. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_arm.bz2">arm</a>,
  64. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_mips.bz2">mips</a>,
  65. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_mipsel.bz2">mipsel</a>, and
  66. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_sh4.bz2">sh4</a>.
  67. The powerpc dev system mostly works, but there are still some
  68. problems with the shared library loader that have not yet been resolved.
  69. Details on what these are and how to use them can be found in the
  70. <a href="/FAQ.html#dev_systems">FAQ</a>
  71. <p>
  72. <li> <b>15 December 2003, uClibc 0.9.24 Released</b>
  73. <br>
  74. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  75. uClibc 0.9.24. This contains various minor updates and fixes for a few
  76. silly configuration problems. Arm users should notice a speed increase
  77. since some arm optimized string functions have been added. And several
  78. bugs have been fixed.
  79. <p>
  80. This release continues to be binary compatible with uClibc 0.9.21 to 0.9.23
  81. -- as long as you pick compatible configuration options. The next release
  82. will <b>not</b> be binary compatible. We've been saving up a few needed
  83. changes that will be going into the next release, so while you will not
  84. need to recompile all your applications and libraries just yet, keep in
  85. mind we will have a flag day soon...
  86. <p>
  87. As usual, the
  88. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>,
  89. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog.full">detailed changelog</a>,
  90. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.24.tar.bz2">source code for this release</a>
  91. are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  92. <li> <b>13 November 2003, uClibc 0.9.23 Released</b>
  93. <br>
  94. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  95. uClibc 0.9.23. Of course, we are somewhat less than pleased that there
  96. were configuration problems in the previous release that made such it
  97. necessary to release .23 so quickly. Updated uClibc development systems
  98. using uClibc 0.9.23 are being built and will be posted shortly. And Erik
  99. has built Debian stable (woody) for x86 with uClibc and it runs great.
  100. <p>
  101. This release continues to be binary compatible with uClibc 0.9.21 and
  102. 0.9.22 -- as long as you pick compatible configuration options. Enabling
  103. or disabling things like soft-float, locale, wide char support, or changing
  104. cpu optimizations are all good examples of binary incompatible
  105. configuration options. If have changed any of those sorts of options (or
  106. if you are not sure!) you will need to recompile all your applications and
  107. libraries.
  108. <p>
  109. As usual, the
  110. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>,
  111. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog.full">detailed changelog</a>,
  112. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.23.tar.bz2">source code for this release</a>
  113. are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  114. <p>
  115. <p>
  116. <li> <b>8 November 2003, uClibc 0.9.22 Released</b>
  117. <br>
  118. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  119. uClibc 0.9.22. This release has been cooking for a couple of months now
  120. and is looking quite solid. We have done quite a lot of testing with this
  121. release and things are looking good. And Erik has built Debian stable
  122. (woody) for x86 with uClibc and it runs great. Expect that to be released
  123. in the next few days.
  124. <p>
  125. This release is binary compatible with uClibc 0.9.21 -- as long as you pick
  126. compatible configuration options. Enabling or disabling things like
  127. soft-float, locale, wide char support, or changing cpu optimizations are
  128. all good examples of binary incompatible configuration options. If have
  129. changed any of those sorts of options (or if you are not sure!) you will
  130. need to recompile all your applications and libraries.
  131. <p>
  132. Updated uClibc development systems using uClibc 0.9.22 will be made
  133. available within a few days. Meanwhile, we invite you to try out uClibc
  134. with the latest <a href="http://ltp.sourceforge.net/">Linux Test Project
  135. test suite</a> (you will need to apply a small <a
  136. href="http://www.uclibc.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/buildroot/sources/ltp-testsuite.patch?rev=1.3">patch</a>.
  137. And also give the latest Perl and Python test suites a try as well.
  138. If you find any bugs in uClibc, PLEASE let us know!
  139. <p>
  140. As usual, the
  141. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>,
  142. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog.full">detailed changelog</a>,
  143. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.22.tar.bz2">source code for this release</a>
  144. are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  145. <p>
  146. <p>
  147. <li> <b>30 September 2003, dev systems updated to uClibc 0.9.21+</b>
  148. <br>
  149. The uClibc development systems for
  150. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_i386.bz2">i386</a>,
  151. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_powerpc.bz2">powerpc</a>,
  152. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_arm.bz2">arm</a>,
  153. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_mipsel.bz2">mips</a>,
  154. have been updated to uClibc 0.9.21 (plus all the CVS updates up to
  155. today). Several problems have been fixed up,
  156. gcc has been updated to version 3.3.1, binutils was updated to, and
  157. <em>tada</em> everything finally works for cross compiling. These were
  158. all cross compiled (which really makes things faster since the older
  159. mipsel releases used to take 2 days to build!)
  160. <p>
  161. These are ~100 MB ext2 filesystems that run natively on the specified
  162. architecture. They contains all the development software you need to build
  163. your own uClibc applications, including bash, coreutils, findutils,
  164. diffutils, patch, sed, ed, flex, bison, file, gawk, tar, grep gdb, strace,
  165. make, gcc, g++, autoconf, automake, ncurses, zlib, openssl, openssh perl,
  166. and more. And of course, everything is dynamically linked against uClibc.
  167. By using a uClibc only system, you can avoid all the painful
  168. cross-configuration problems that have made using uClibc somewhat painful
  169. in the past. If you want to quickly get started with testing or using
  170. uClibc you should give these images a try. You can loop mount and them
  171. you can chroot into them, you can boot into with using user-mode Linux,
  172. and you can even 'dd' them to a spare partition and use resize2fs to make
  173. them fill the drive. Whatever works for you.
  174. <p> If you would like to build your own custom uClibc system, you can
  175. use <a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/buildroot/">buildroot</a>, which is
  176. how these uClibc development systems were created.
  177. <p>
  178. <p>
  179. <li> <b>9 September 2003, uClibc 0.9.21 Released</b>
  180. <br>
  181. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  182. uClibc 0.9.21. This release has been brewing for several months now, and
  183. provides quite a lot of additional functionality and quite a few bug fixes
  184. as well. Many people will be pleased that this release fixes the
  185. "dlopen()'ing libraries that depend on libraries" problem.
  186. <p>
  187. The biggest thing in this release (and I do mean that literally) is that
  188. uClibc now has full ANSI/ISO C99 locale support. Well, except for
  189. wcsftime() and collating items in regex, which are not done yet. Adding
  190. support for the default set of locales (169 UTF-8 locales and 144 locales
  191. using other codesets) will enlarge uClibc by around 300k. Still, if you
  192. need locale support, that is still much better than the roughly 30MB the
  193. comparable set of locale date occupies with glibc. And you can of course
  194. reduce the 300k by reducing the number of supported locales.
  195. <p>
  196. As usual, this release has many improvements, both large and small. At
  197. this point, most applications that compile and work with glibc will also
  198. compile and run with uClibc. Both Perl and Python pass all the tests in
  199. their test suites (both with and without locale support enabled). We
  200. invite you to grab a copy of the latest <a
  201. href="http://ltp.sourceforge.net/"> Linux Test Project test suite</a> and
  202. give uClibc some abuse. We are not yet perfect, but we are getting pretty
  203. darn close.
  204. <p>
  205. This release is not binary compatible with earlier releases. Depending on
  206. your configuration, you may actually still be binary compatible, but it
  207. would be a good idea to recompile your applications when moving to the
  208. uClibc 0.9.21 release. We are sorry about that, but we have never promised
  209. to provide binary compatibility until we hit version 1.0. And even then,
  210. if you change your uClibc configuration, you still still generally need to
  211. recompile...
  212. <p>
  213. As usual, the
  214. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>,
  215. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog.full">detailed changelog</a>,
  216. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.21.tar.bz2">source code for this release</a>
  217. are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  218. <p>
  219. Updated uClibc development systems using uClibc 0.9.21 will be made
  220. available within a few days.
  221. <p>
  222. <p>
  223. <li> <b>30 June 2003, uClibc 0.9.20 Released</b>
  224. <br>
  225. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  226. uClibc 0.9.20. This is primarily a bug-fix release. This release remains
  227. binary compatible with 0.9.18 and 0.9.19 (as long as you leave the
  228. new UCLIBC_HAS_TM_EXTENSIONS option disabled), so you don't have to recompile
  229. everything if you don't really feel like it.
  230. <p>
  231. This release has many small improvements. At this point, most applications
  232. that compile and work with glibc will also compile and run with uClibc.
  233. Perl and Python even pass all the tests in their test suites.
  234. <p>
  235. There is currently one notable exception. Applications that use dlopen()
  236. to load libraries that themselves depend on other libraries, may have weak
  237. symbols within those depended-upon libraries resolved incorrectly. This
  238. problem is currently being worked on. Other than that, everything seems
  239. to now be working as expected....
  240. <p>
  241. As usual, the
  242. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>,
  243. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog.full">detailed changelog</a>,
  244. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.20.tar.bz2">source code for this release</a>
  245. are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  246. <p>
  247. <p>
  248. <li> <b>30 June 2003, dev systems updated to uClibc 0.9.20</b>
  249. <br>
  250. The uClibc development systems for
  251. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_i386.bz2">i386</a>,
  252. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_powerpc.bz2">powerpc</a>,
  253. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_arm.bz2">arm</a>,
  254. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_mipsel.bz2">mips</a>,
  255. have been updated to uClibc 0.9.20. Several problems have been fixed up,
  256. gcc has been updated to version 3.3, and Perl 5.8.0 is now included.
  257. <p>
  258. This is a 150 MB ext2 filesystem that runs natively on the specified
  259. architecture. It contains all the development software you need to build
  260. your own uClibc applications, including bash, coreutils, findutils,
  261. diffutils, patch, sed, ed, flex, bison, file, gawk, tar, grep gdb, strace,
  262. make, gcc, g++, autoconf, automake, ncurses, zlib, openssl, openssh perl,
  263. and more. And of course, everything is dynamically linked against uClibc. By
  264. using a uClibc only system, you can avoid all the painful
  265. cross-configuration problems that have made using uClibc somewhat painful
  266. in the past. If you want to quickly get started with testing or using
  267. uClibc you should give these images a try. You can loop mount and then
  268. chroot into them, you can boot into them using user-mode Linux, and you can
  269. even 'dd' them to a spare partition and use resize2fs to make them fill the
  270. drive. Whatever works for you.
  271. <p> If you would like to build your own custom uClibc system, you can
  272. use <a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/buildroot/">buildroot</a>, which is
  273. how the uClibc development systems were created.
  274. <p>
  275. <p>
  276. <li> <b>6 March 2003, development system updates</b>
  277. <br>
  278. The uClibc development systems for
  279. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_i386.bz2">i386</a>,
  280. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_powerpc.bz2">powerpc</a>,
  281. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_arm.bz2">arm</a>,
  282. and now for the first time
  283. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_mipsel.bz2">mips</a>,
  284. have been updated to uClibc 0.9.19. Several smaller problems
  285. have also been fixed up.
  286. <p>
  287. This is an ext2 filesystem that runs natively on the specified
  288. architecture. It contains all the development software you need to build
  289. your own uClibc applications, including bash, coreutils, findutils,
  290. diffutils, patch, sed, ed, flex, bison, file, gawk, tar, grep gdb, strace,
  291. make, gcc, g++, autoconf, automake, ncurses, zlib, openssl, openssh and
  292. more. And of course, everything is dynamically linked against uClibc. By
  293. using a uClibc only system, you can avoid all the painful
  294. cross-configuration problems that have made using uClibc somewhat painful
  295. in the past. If you want to quickly get started with testing or using
  296. uClibc you should give these images a try. You can loop mount and
  297. then chroot into them, you can boot into them using user-mode Linux,
  298. you can even 'dd' them to a spare partition and use resize2fs to
  299. make them fill the drive. Whatever works best for you.
  300. <p>
  301. Have Fun.
  302. <p>
  303. <p>
  304. <li> <b>3 March 2003, uClibc 0.9.19 Released</b>
  305. <br>
  306. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  307. uClibc 0.9.19. This is once again primarily a bug-fix release. Several
  308. critical problems with system calls were fixed, the pthreads library was
  309. improved, debugging of applications using uClibc's pthreads library is
  310. now possible (requires gdb 5.3 or newer that is compiled using uClibc),
  311. and a number of other random fixes are included. This release retains
  312. binary compatibility with uClibc 0.9.18 (except for mips, which didn't
  313. work properly with uClibc 0.9.18 anyways). Updated development system
  314. images compiled with uClibc 0.9.19 will be released shortly.
  315. <p>
  316. As usual, the
  317. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a> and <a
  318. href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.19.tar.bz2">source code for this release</a>
  319. are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  320. <p>
  321. <p>
  322. <li> <b>17 February 2003, development system updates</b>
  323. <br>
  324. The uClibc development systems for
  325. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_i386.bz2">i386</a>
  326. and
  327. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_powerpc.bz2">powerpc</a>,
  328. and
  329. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_arm.bz2">arm</a>
  330. have been again updated. This time around a few broken symlinks
  331. (one preventing C++ code from compiling) have been fixed, several
  332. system calls related to uids and gid have been fixed, the powerpc
  333. system call mechanism has been updated, and GNU tar and GNU grep
  334. have been added. gcc, gcc+, ssh, etc are all still included and
  335. things remain binary compatible with uClibc 0.9.18.
  336. Have Fun.
  337. <p>
  338. <p>
  339. <li> <b>12 February 2003, development system updates</b>
  340. <br>
  341. The uClibc development system has had a number of problems
  342. fixed, and has been updated for uClibc 0.9.18. The
  343. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_i386.bz2">i386</a>
  344. and
  345. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_powerpc.bz2">powerpc</a>,
  346. and
  347. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_arm.bz2">arm</a>
  348. devel systems are updated and ready to download and use.
  349. Have Fun.
  350. <p>
  351. <p>
  352. <li> <b>12 February 2003, uClibc 0.9.18 Released</b>
  353. <br>
  354. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  355. uClibc 0.9.18. This is primarily a bug-fix release, as there were a few
  356. directory handling problem that could cause application using uClibc 0.9.17
  357. to either segfault or lose the first character when reading directry names.
  358. Unfortunately, once again, this release is _NOT_ binary compatible with
  359. earlier uClibc releases. I _think this will be the last time (with the
  360. possible exception of some future changes to our locale support...)
  361. <p>
  362. As usual, the
  363. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>
  364. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.18.tar.bz2">source code</a>
  365. for this release are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  366. You might want to download uClibc from the closest
  367. <a href="http://kernel.org/mirrors/">kernel.org mirror site</a>.
  368. Just pick the closest mirror site, and then go to
  369. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/">
  370. http://www.XX.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/</a>
  371. to download uClibc, where XX is your two letter country code.
  372. <p>
  373. <p>
  374. <p>
  375. <li> <b>25 January 2003, uClibc 0.9.17 Released</b>
  376. <br>
  377. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  378. uClibc 0.9.17. The biggest piece of news with this release, thanks to
  379. Manuel Novoa's continuing hard work, is that we now have fully standards
  380. compliant locale support (optional of course). The support works nicely,
  381. (though configuring the locales you wish to support is still manual -- a
  382. task for the next release). Full locale data for over 300 locales adds
  383. approximately 250k. The collation data for all supported locales is
  384. roughly 180k. This may seem rather large to some -- but it is much smaller
  385. than the approximately 40 MB needed by Glibc to provide the same data. And
  386. if you don't need it, you can either disable locale support entirely, or
  387. enable a smaller set of locales.
  388. <p>
  389. This release also fixes <em>lots and lots</em> of bugs. The arm
  390. architecture support (I am embarrassed to note) was totally broken in the
  391. last release, but is now working as expected. A security problem (a
  392. buffer overflow in getlogin_r) was fixed. And there were architecture
  393. updates across the board (x86, arm, powerpc, cris, h8300, sparc, and mips).
  394. And of course, this release includes the usual pile of bug fixes. Many
  395. thanks for the large number of patches and fixes that were contributed!
  396. <p>
  397. Unfortunately, this release is not binary compatible with earlier uClibc
  398. releases. As noted as item 3 <a href="downloads/Glibc_vs_uClibc_Differences.txt">here</a>,
  399. uClibc does not (yet) attempt to
  400. ensure binary compatibility across releases. We will eventually do that
  401. (once we reach the "1.0" release) but not yet. A few bugs turned up that
  402. needed to be fixed, and the only good way to fix them was to change some
  403. fundamental data structure sizes. As a result, this release is _NOT_
  404. binary compatible with earlier releases -- you will need to recompile your
  405. applications. The x86, arm, powerpc, and mips architectures (i.e. the
  406. systems Erik has available in his office for testing) have been tested and
  407. are known to work following this change. Other architectures <em>may</em>
  408. need additional updates. Sorry about that, but it had to be done.
  409. <p>
  410. As usual, the
  411. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>
  412. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.17.tar.bz2">source code</a>
  413. for this release are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  414. You might want to download uClibc from the closest
  415. <a href="http://kernel.org/mirrors/">kernel.org mirror site</a>.
  416. Just pick the closest mirror site, and then go to
  417. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/">
  418. http://www.XX.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/</a>
  419. to download uClibc, where XX is your two letter country code.
  420. <p>
  421. <p>
  422. <li> <b>25 January 2003, dev system updates, arm image released</b>
  423. <br>
  424. A number of additional problems have been fixed and the arm build
  425. is now, finally, compiling and working as expected. As such,
  426. I have updated the <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_i386.bz2">
  427. i386 development system image</a>, the
  428. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_powerpc.bz2">
  429. powerpc development system image</a>, and I am also releasing
  430. upon an unsuspecting world the brand new
  431. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_arm.bz2">
  432. arm development system image</a>!
  433. Have fun!
  434. <p>
  435. All three development system images were compiled and built using the stock
  436. <a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/buildroot/">buildroot</a> system. These were also
  437. built using the (about to be announced in a couple on minutes) uClibc
  438. 0.9.17 release, so if you want to begin compiling and testing stuff with
  439. uClibc, but you don't feel like spending the _hours_ it takes to download,
  440. configure, and build your own uClibc based development system -- then you
  441. may want to download these and give them a try. They each contain a 100 MB
  442. ext2 filesystem with everything you need to begin compiling your own
  443. applications. I have (at least minimally) tested each of them and verified
  444. that the included gcc and g++ compilers produce working uClibc linked
  445. executables.
  446. <p>
  447. Oh, and I have also have updated the uClibc/gcc toolchain builders, so
  448. if you just want a simple uClibc/gcc toolchain,
  449. <a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/toolchain/">one of these should work for you.</a>
  450. <p>
  451. <p>
  452. <li> <b>10 January 2003, dev system updates, powerpc image released</b>
  453. <br>
  454. A few problems showed up in yesterday's development system release
  455. (adduser was broken, gdb didn't work, libstdc++ shared libs were missing,
  456. etc). So I've updated the <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_i386.bz2">
  457. i386 development system image</a> to fix these problems.
  458. Also, the <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_powerpc.bz2">
  459. powerpc development system image</a> has finally finished compiling
  460. and is now released upon an unsuspecting world. Have fun!
  461. <p>
  462. <p>
  463. <li> <b>9 January 2003, uClibc development system released</b>
  464. <br>
  465. CodePoet Consulting (i.e. Erik) has been working hard on <a
  466. href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/buildroot/">buildroot</a> recently, and is pleased to
  467. offer a full stand-alone uClibc-only development system. This is an ext2
  468. filesystem for i386 containing all the development software you need to
  469. build your own uClibc applications. With bash, awk, make, gcc, g++,
  470. autoconf, automake, ncurses, zlib, openssl, openssh, gdb, strace, valgrind,
  471. busybox, GNU coreutils, and more, this should have pretty much everything
  472. you need to get started building your own applications linked against
  473. uClibc. By using a uClibc only system, you can avoid all the painful
  474. cross-configuration problems that have made using uClibc somewhat painful
  475. in the past. A powerpc and an arm version are in progress. Expect them
  476. to be released shortly....
  477. <p>
  478. The <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/root_fs_i386.bz2">
  479. uClibc development system is an 18MB bzip2 compressed ext2 filesystem</a>,
  480. so be prepared to wait if you are on a slow link. If you wish to have more
  481. space, you can loop mount it and 'cp -a' the contents to their own
  482. partition, or do what I did... <EM>WARNING, the following can be very
  483. dangerous. Please be sure you know what you are doing before trying this.
  484. I am not responsible if you lose all your important data.</EM>I had a spare
  485. hard drive (in my case /dev/hdg but you'll want to adapt this to your own
  486. needs), so I partitioned it with a single ext2 partition filling the drive
  487. (in my case /dev/hdg1). Then I ran:<PRE>
  488. bzcat root_fs_i386.bz2 | dd of=/dev/hdg1
  489. e2fsck -f /dev/hdg1
  490. resize2fs -p /dev/hdg1</PRE>
  491. which overwrote everything on /dev/hdg with the new uClibc devel system,
  492. and then expanded the filesystem with the uClibc devel system till it
  493. filled the whole drive.
  494. <p>
  495. <p>
  496. <li> <b>8 November 2002, uClibc 0.9.16 Released</b>
  497. <br>
  498. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  499. uClibc 0.9.16. This release adds full support (including a native shared
  500. library loader) for the CRIS architecture, contributed by Tobias Anderberg.
  501. Stefan Allius contributed a number of patches to fix the initialization
  502. order for shared library global constructors and destructors as well as a
  503. large number of SuperH fixes and cleanups. uClibc now compiles with
  504. newer versions of gcc (i.e. RedHat 8.0). Thanks to Christian Michon,
  505. uClibc no longer requires perl to compile. Steven J. Hill fixed dlopen for
  506. mips. Several problems with pty and tty handling were fixed. Manuel Novoa
  507. added new support for an /etc/TZ file to globally set the system timezone,
  508. and fixed up a number of remaining wide char issues. Manuel is still hard
  509. at work on bringing full locale support (optional of course) to uClibc.
  510. And of course, this release includes the usual pile of bug fixes. Many thanks
  511. for the large number of patches and fixes that were contributed!
  512. <p>
  513. Erik and Manuel have been working on a
  514. <a href="downloads/Glibc_vs_uClibc_Differences.txt">
  515. document describing some of the differences between uClibc and glibc.</a>
  516. It's not yet 100% complete, and it hasn't been nicely formatted yet. But
  517. it contains a lot of helpful information and is worth a look.
  518. <p>
  519. And finally, the the old uClibc configuration system has been completely
  520. removed (and there was much rejoicing). It was replaced with an entirely
  521. new system based on <a href="http://www.xs4all.nl/~zippel/lc/">LinuxKernelConf</a>,
  522. which has since been included into Linux 2.5.45, so it looks like Erik made
  523. the right choice. Of course, those who have existing build systems using uClibc
  524. will need to make a few changes... We think the change is worth it.
  525. <p>
  526. As usual, the
  527. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>
  528. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.16.tar.bz2">source code</a>
  529. for this release are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  530. You might want to download uClibc from the closest
  531. <a href="http://kernel.org/mirrors/">kernel.org mirror site</a>.
  532. Just pick the closest mirror site, and then go to
  533. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/">
  534. http://www.XX.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/</a>
  535. to download uClibc, where XX is your two letter country code.
  536. <p>
  537. Updated gcc-3.2 and gcc-2.95 toolchains will be released shortly.
  538. <p>
  539. <p>
  540. <li> <b>16 September 2002, gcc-3.2 and gcc-2.95 toolchains released</b>
  541. <br>
  542. CodePoet Consulting (i.e. Erik) has released updated gcc-3.2 and gcc-2.95
  543. uClibc toolchains. These toolchains build real gcc cross compilers (i.e.
  544. not just a wrapper) and create executables linked vs uClibc. The new
  545. gcc-3.2 provides uClibc support with the latest and greatest compiler
  546. available from the gcc team. The gcc-2.95 toolchain has been updated to
  547. the latest version of uClibc and now provides full C++ support, using the
  548. <a href="http://www.stlport.org/">STLport</a> standard C++ library.
  549. <p>
  550. This toolchain should make it easy for anyone to build uClibc based
  551. applications.
  552. <a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/toolchain/"> Source code can be downloaded here</a>.
  553. Be aware that much of the needed source code will actually be downloaded on
  554. when you compile the toolchains. To build a toolchain, simply
  555. grab the source, edit the Makefile to select where you would like
  556. the toolchain installed, run 'make', and then go watch TV, eat
  557. dinner, or visit with your friends while it compiles. It takes
  558. about 15 minutes for Erik to compile the gcc-3.2 toolchain (w/C++ support)
  559. on his Athlon XP 1600 (not counting the time it takes to download
  560. source code).
  561. <p>
  562. <p>
  563. <li> <b>27 August 2002, uClibc 0.9.15 Released</b>
  564. <br>
  565. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability
  566. of uClibc 0.9.15. This release fixes a number of problems that turned
  567. up since the last release. The good news is that uClibc now
  568. passes all tests in the perl 5.8 and Python 2.2.1 test suites, both with
  569. and without pthreads. So without any further ado....
  570. <p>
  571. The
  572. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>
  573. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.15.tar.bz2">source code</a>
  574. for this release are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  575. <p>
  576. Have fun!
  577. <p>
  578. <p>
  579. <li> <b>12 August 2002, uClibc 0.9.14 Released</b>
  580. <br>
  581. CodePoet Consulting is slightly less pleased then usual to announce the
  582. immediate availability of uClibc 0.9.14. This is, unfortunately, a bugfix
  583. release intended to fix the couple of dumb things that slipped into the
  584. previous release. Version 0.9.13 of uClibc would fail to compile when
  585. enabling both RPC and Pthreads. There was also a problem with RPC thread
  586. local storage (but noone noticed since it didn't compile ;-). Also, the
  587. thread locking in exit(), onexit() and atexit() was broken, and wasn't
  588. actually locking anything. This release also fixes uClibc's gcc wrapper
  589. to use crtbeginS.o and crtendS.o when compiling PIC code, fixing a subtle
  590. bug (that was much less subtle on powerpc). Finally, this release includes a
  591. few minor compile warning cleanups.
  592. <p>
  593. The
  594. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>
  595. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.14.tar.bz2">source code</a>
  596. for this release are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  597. <p>
  598. Have fun!
  599. <p>
  600. <li> <b>12 August 2002, Native uClibc/gcc-3.1.1 toolchain released</b>
  601. <br>
  602. CodePoet Consulting (i.e. Erik) has released an updated native
  603. uClibc/gcc-3.1.1 toolchain. This toolchain builds a real gcc cross
  604. compiler (i.e. not just a wrapper) and creates executables linked vs
  605. uClibc. This toolchain has been (briefly) tested as working on x86, arm,
  606. mips, and arm7tdmi (uClinux). This toolchain provides a number of
  607. improvements over previous releases. In particular, Steven J. Hill found
  608. and fixes a number of "glibc-isms" in the libstdc++ math support which
  609. caused a number of math functions to be mapped to the non-standard named
  610. under GNU libc. This release also includes greatly improved uClinux
  611. "elf2flt" support, and it now produces working flat binaries for my
  612. uClinux/arm7tdmi system. The native uClibc/gcc-2.95 toolchain will be
  613. updated in a few days, and will include STLport which will allow that
  614. toolchain to also provide full C++ support.
  615. <p>
  616. This toolchain should make it easy for anyone to build uClibc based
  617. applications.
  618. <a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/toolchain/">Source code can be downloaded here</a>.
  619. Be aware that much of the needed source code will actually be downloaded on
  620. demand when you compile things. To build the toolchain, simply
  621. grab the source, edit the Makefile to select where you would like
  622. the toolchain installed, run 'make', and then go watch TV, eat
  623. dinner, or visit with your friends while it compiles. It takes
  624. about 15 minutes for Erik to compile the gcc-3.1.1 toolchain (w/C++ support)
  625. on his Athlon XP 1600 (not counting the time it takes to download
  626. source code). Your results may vary...
  627. <p>
  628. <li> <b>9 August 2002, uClibc now mirrored on kernel.org!</b>
  629. <br>
  630. uClibc is now available from the kernel.org mirrors! This should make
  631. uClibc downloads much faster. The kernel.org mirrors will have all
  632. uClibc release versions (everything but the daily snapshots).
  633. Here is a list of all the <a href="http://kernel.org/mirrors/">kernel.org mirror sites</a>.
  634. Just pick the closest mirror site, and then go to "/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/"
  635. to download uClibc.
  636. Just pick the closest mirror site, and then go to
  637. <a href="http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/">
  638. http://www.XX.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/uclibc/</a> to download the latest
  639. uClibc release from a nice fast system.
  640. <p>
  641. <p>
  642. <p>
  643. <li> <b>9 August 2002, uClibc 0.9.13 Released</b>
  644. <br>
  645. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  646. uClibc 0.9.13. After several days of testing, this release is looking very
  647. solid. This release fixes three security vulnerabilites in previous
  648. releases. There was an off-by-one buffer overflow in the group handling
  649. code, and integer overflows in calloc() and xdr_array().
  650. <p>
  651. This release adds native shared library support for the Hitachi
  652. SuperH architecture, thanks to Stefan Allius and Edie C. Dost. A
  653. new mmap based malloc was implemented by Miles Bader. This is much
  654. smarter than the old "malloc-simple" and is now the default for
  655. mmu-less systems, where it should greatly help reduce memory
  656. fragmentation and wastage. In addition to these larger items, there
  657. has been a <em>lot</em> of work done to make uClibc a cleaner, more
  658. capable, library. Most applications now compile and run without
  659. any trouble.
  660. <p>
  661. The
  662. <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>
  663. and <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/uClibc-0.9.13.tar.bz2">source code</a>
  664. for this release are available <a href="http://www.uclibc.org/downloads/">here</a>.
  665. <p>
  666. Have fun!
  667. <p>
  668. <li> <b>11 July 2002, Native uClibc toolchains updated</b>
  669. <br>
  670. CodePoet Consulting (i.e. Erik) has released updated native
  671. uClibc/gcc-3.1 and uClibc/gcc-2.95 toolchains. These toolchains
  672. build real gcc cross compilers (i.e. not just a wrapper) and create
  673. executables linked vs uClibc. These toolchains have been tested
  674. and found working on x86, arm, and mmu-less arm. They should work
  675. (at least in theory!) for all architectures supported by uClibc.
  676. <p>
  677. These toolchains should make it easy to anyone to build uClibc based
  678. applications.
  679. <a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/toolchain/">Source code can be downloaded here</a>.
  680. Be aware that much of the needed source code will actually be downloaded on
  681. demand when you compile things. To build the toolchain, simply
  682. grab the source, edit the Makefile to select where you would like
  683. the toolchain installed, run 'make', and then go watch TV, eat
  684. dinner, or visit with your friends while it compiles. It takes
  685. about 15 minutes for Erik to compile the gcc-3.1 toolchain (w/C++ support)
  686. on his Athlon XP 1600 (not counting the time it takes to download
  687. source code). Your results may vary...
  688. <p>
  689. <P>
  690. <li> <b>20 June 2002, uClibc 0.9.12 Released</b>
  691. <br>
  692. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  693. uClibc 0.9.12. This release adds an i960 port, an initial alpha port,
  694. fully working mips shared library support, shared library support fixes
  695. for on powerpc, and many other improvements. One very exciting new feature
  696. is nearly complete locale support, thanks to a lot of hard work by Manuel
  697. Novoa III. uClibc's locale support is <em>much</em> smaller than glibc's,
  698. though it is also slightly less flexible. This release was delayed by a
  699. month due to the arrival of a new baby at Erik's house. For those that
  700. have been anxiously waiting, this release should certainly be worth the
  701. wait. Have fun!
  702. <p>
  703. The <a href="downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>
  704. and <a href="downloads/uClibc-0.9.12.tar.bz2">source code</a>
  705. for this release are available <a href="downloads/">here</a>.
  706. <li> <b>28 May 2002, Native uClibc/gcc-3.1 toolchain</b>
  707. <br>
  708. CodePoet Consulting has released source code and a Makefile to build a
  709. gcc-3.1 toolchain that natively targets uClibc. Additionally, the
  710. gcc-3.0.4 and gcc-2.95 toolchains have also been updated. These toolchains
  711. make it easy to build uClibc based applications.
  712. <a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/toolchain/">Source code can be downloaded here</a>.
  713. and is now much smaller,
  714. since much of the needed binutils and gcc source code is now downloaded on
  715. demand. To build the toolchain, simply grab the source, edit the Makefile
  716. to select where you would like the toolchain installed, and then run 'make'
  717. and wait for it to compile.
  718. <p>
  719. <p><li> <b>10 April 2002, uClibc 0.9.11 Released</b>
  720. <br>
  721. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate availability of
  722. uClibc 0.9.11. This release is primarily focused on fixing the issues that
  723. have turned up since the last release. Several bugs in the gcc wrapper
  724. have been fixed, allowing applications such as iproute2 and XFree86 to link properly.
  725. Large file support has been improved, and a thread locking bug was
  726. fixed that could cause s*printf calls to deadlock when threading was
  727. enabled. Several bugs were also fixed with the powerpc, h8300, m68k,
  728. sparc, and mips architecture support. Many additional applications now
  729. compile and run perfectly and have been added to the <a
  730. href="uClibc-apps.html">working applications list</a> .
  731. <p>
  732. The <a href="downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>
  733. and <a href="downloads/uClibc-0.9.11.tar.bz2">source code</a>
  734. for this release are available <a href="downloads/">here</a>.
  735. <p>
  736. <li> <b>10 April 2002, Native uClibc/gcc-3.0.4 toolchain</b>
  737. <br>
  738. CodePoet Consulting has released source code and a Makefile
  739. to build a gcc-3.0.4 toolchain that natively targets uClibc.
  740. This brings with it full C++ support for uClibc, including the
  741. libstdc++ library. A gcc-2.95.x toolchain will also be released
  742. shortly, but is not yet ready. At this time, only source code and
  743. a Makefile for the native uClibc toolchain is being released (i.e.
  744. no binaries, sorry).
  745. <a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/toolchain/">Source code can be downloaded here</a>.
  746. <p>
  747. To build the toolchain, simply grab the source, edit the Makefile
  748. to select where you would like the toolchain installed. Then
  749. run 'make' and wait for it to compile. If you do not have a copy
  750. of uClibc already, it will download the latest daily snapshot.
  751. <p>
  752. <li> <b>21 March 2002, uClibc 0.9.10 Released!</b>
  753. <br>
  754. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate
  755. availability of uClibc 0.9.10. This release adds pthreads support
  756. (including pthreads support for mmu-less systems!). Additionally,
  757. thanks to Manuel Novoa III, we now have a completely new stdio
  758. library, which is small, standards compliant, supports pthreads,
  759. wide/narrow streams, large files, and can even operate in a
  760. low-memory unbuffered mode. Many, many bugs have been fixed and a
  761. number of additional applications now compile and run perfectly.
  762. Even with all these changes, uClibc continues to be very small.
  763. On x86, a default build of the uClibc C library is still just 168k.
  764. <p>
  765. To make things more interesting, the release also adds support for
  766. C++ constructors and destructors. To make it easy to use uClibc
  767. when developing C++ applications, this release also provides a
  768. wrapper for the GNU C++ compiler. Of course, for more complex C++
  769. applications, such as those using iostreams, a standard C++ library
  770. (libstdc++) is required. A native GNU toolchain (binutils/gcc) that
  771. provides libstdc++ linked with uClibc 0.9.10 will be released in the
  772. next couple of days, so stay tuned.
  773. <p>
  774. The <a href="downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>
  775. and <a href="downloads/uClibc-0.9.10.tar.bz2">Source code</a>
  776. for this release are available <a href="downloads/">here</a>.
  777. <p>
  778. <p>
  779. <li> <b>4 February 2002, uClibc 0.9.9 Released!</b>
  780. <br>
  781. CodePoet Consulting is pleased to announce the immediate
  782. availability of uClibc 0.9.9. With this release,
  783. <a href="uClibc-apps.html">just about
  784. everything we have tested now compiles and runs</a>. In fact,
  785. there are now so many programs on the working application list that
  786. rather than continue to add to this list, from now on we
  787. will only be adding applications to the <em>not working list</em>. Most applications
  788. on the <em>not working list</em> either require pthreads, or require
  789. wide-character support. Work on wide-character support is
  790. well underway, and will hopefully be moving into CVS in the next week or
  791. two. Full pthreads support and rentrancy are on the TODO list
  792. and are expected to be complete in the next couple of months.
  793. <p>
  794. The <a href="downloads/Changelog">Changelog</a>
  795. and <a
  796. href="downloads/uClibc-0.9.9.tar.bz2">Source code</a>
  797. for this release are available <a href="downloads/">here</a>.
  798. <p>
  799. One final bit on news -- as some of you may have noticed, uclibc.org
  800. has been a bit overloaded and somewhat slow recently. The server should
  801. be getting colocated tomorrow, which will eliminate the speed problem.
  802. During the move, there may be some temporary disruption of service...
  803. <p>
  804. Have Fun!
  805. <p>
  806. <li> <b>22 December 2001, uClibc 0.9.8 Released!</b>
  807. <br>
  808. After many months of initial development, we are pleased to announce the
  809. release of uClibc 0.9.8. This release should be quite solid, and is very
  810. usable. This also, hopefully, marks a transition from a slow incubation
  811. phase to a more methodical release cycle. From now one, there should be
  812. approximately one release per month.
  813. <p>
  814. The source code for this release is available
  815. <a href="downloads/">here</a>.
  816. <p>
  817. <li> <b>26 November 2001, powerpc shared libraries fully working</b>
  818. <br>
  819. Dave Schleef finished off the the work needed for shared library support on
  820. powerpc. There had been a few problems remaining, and those are now squashed.
  821. So shared libs on powerpc should be working fully now.
  822. <p>
  823. <li> <b>14 November 2001, m68 compiles again, Large file support working</b>
  824. <br>
  825. About a month ago I synced the header files with glibc 2.2.4 for better
  826. C++ support and better standards compliance. I forgot to sync up m68k,
  827. sparc, powerpc, and mipsel. Dave Schleef fixed powerpc while he was fixing
  828. up the shared lib loader. I just fixed up m68k, sparc, and mipsel so they
  829. should all compile again.
  830. <p>
  831. I also finished up fixing large file support (just enable DOLFS in your
  832. Config file to enable it) and it is working just great, and greatly increases
  833. the number of glibc applications that will work "out-of-the-tarball" without
  834. needing any changes.
  835. <li> <b>12 November 2001, powerpc shared lib support</b>
  836. <br>
  837. Thanks to David Schleef, uClibc now has full shared library support
  838. on powerpc. This brings full shared library support to x86, ARM, and
  839. now powerpc. Thanks Dave!
  840. <p>
  841. <li> <b>7 November 2001, uClibc application list</b>
  842. <br>
  843. uClibc now has a <a href="uClibc-apps.html">list of applications</a>
  844. that are known to work. If you have any applications to add to the
  845. list, submissions are welcome!
  846. <p>
  847. <li> <b>18 October 2001, buildroot uClibc example system</b>
  848. <br>
  849. Those wanting an easy way to test out uClibc and give it
  850. a test drive can download and compile
  851. <a href="/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/trunk/buildroot/">buildroot</a>.
  852. This is a nifty buildsystem that will automagically download and build
  853. a <a href="http://user-mode-linux.sourceforge.net/">User-Mode Linux</a>
  854. kernel, and will then download source for and compile up a fully
  855. working uClibc based root filesystem. This should make it easy for
  856. people to create their own projects. I hope that this build system
  857. will allow people to more easily use and build uClibc based systems.
  858. As an example of how nicely this works, the
  859. <a href="http://tuxscreen.net/">Tuxscreen Project</a> is using a
  860. <a href="http://cvs.sourceforge.net/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/tuxscreen/buildroot-tux/">slightly adjusted variant of the buildroot system</a> to cross
  861. compile the blob bootloader, linux kernel, and a uClibc based jffs2
  862. root filesystem (busybox, tinylogin, udhcp, lrzsz, pcmcia-cs and
  863. microwindows) for ARM. Pretty cool.
  864. <p>
  865. <li> <b>11 October 2001, v850 architecture support</b>
  866. <br>
  867. Miles Bader has contributed support for the v850 architecture.
  868. <p>
  869. <li> <b>25 Spetember 2001, header files updated</b>
  870. <br>
  871. uClibc's header files are now in sync with glibc 2.2.4,
  872. allowing better standards compliance, better portibility, and
  873. better C++ support.
  874. <p>
  875. <li> <b>4 July 2001, ARM shared library support</b>
  876. <br>
  877. uClibc now has full shared library support on ARM.
  878. <p>
  879. <li> <b>9 May 2001, libm added</b>
  880. <br>
  881. uClibc now has a very complete math library.
  882. <p>
  883. <p> <li> <b>9 May 2001, ld.so added</b>
  884. <br>
  885. uClibc now has a native ld.so. It currently is only ported to work on x86,
  886. but porting to other architectures should not be too difficult.
  887. <p> <li> <b>15 March 2001, powerpc port added</b>
  888. <br>
  889. David Schleef contributed a powerpc port, which is now in CVS.
  890. <p> <li> <b>19 February 2001, SH port added</b>
  891. <br>
  892. Jean-Yves Avenard contributed an SH port. See his email
  893. with the initial patch <a href="/lists/uclibc/2001-February/000409.html">here</a>.
  894. <p> <li> <b>16 January 2001, uClibc as a shared library</b>
  895. <br>
  896. As if January 16, uClibc can now be used (at least on x86) as a shared
  897. library. See the <a href="/lists/uclibc/2001-January/000126.html">email</a>
  898. announcing this achievement.
  899. <p> <li> <b>11 January 2001, gcc wrapper added</b>
  900. <br>
  901. Manuel Novoa III has created a wrapper for gcc that makes compiling apps vs uClibc
  902. as simple as just setting "CC" to gcc-uClibc-&lt arch&gt. This even works when cross
  903. compiling! Very cool.
  904. <p> <li> <b>3 January 2001, uClibc now has a web page</b>
  905. <br>
  906. A lot of work has been going on under the hood with uClibc,
  907. so I decided to put together this webpage to let the world know
  908. that it exists and is getting to be usable.
  909. </ul>
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