932 B

  1. # uClibc API tests
  2. # Licensed under the LGPL v2.1, see the file COPYING.LIB in this tarball.
  3. SHELL_TESTS := shell_tst-API
  4. run: $(SHELL_TESTS)
  5. define get_codes
  6. $(subst .,,$(sort $(suffix $(subst -,.,$(foreach x,$(1),$(if $(findstring -,$(x)),$(x),))))))
  7. endef
  8. sym_files = $(patsubst %.syms,%,$(wildcard *.syms))
  9. stds = $(patsubst .%,%,$(sort $(suffix $(sym_files))))
  10. tests=$(foreach s,$(stds),$(patsubst %.$(s),%,$(sym_files)))
  11. codes=$(call get_codes,$(tests))
  12. shell_tst-API: uclibc_out=$(patsubst shell_%,%,$@).out
  13. shell_tst-API: glibc_out=$(patsubst shell_%,%_glibc,$@).out
  14. shell_tst-API:
  15. @exec echo "DISABLED for now, needs improvement"
  16. shell_tst-API_DISABLED:
  17. $(showtest)
  18. $(Q)top_builddir=$(top_builddir) AWK=$(AWK) \
  19. uclibc_out=$(uclibc_out) glibc_out=$(glibc_out) \
  20. $(SHELL) \
  21. $(patsubst shell_%,,$@) $(stds) "$(tests)"
  22. $(do_showdiff) $(glibc_out) $(uclibc_out) ; \
  23. exec diff -u "$(glibc_out)" "$(uclibc_out)"