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  1. <!--#include file="header.html" -->
  2. <h3>Subversion Read/Write Access</h3>
  3. To obtain commit access, you will need to demonstrate you are serious by
  4. submitting a few good patches first. Then, you will need to select a username
  5. to use when committing changes to SVN, you will need to send me the username
  6. you have selected, you must send me your preferred contact email address, and
  7. finally, you must send me an ssh version 2 DSA key with 1024 bits (the default)
  8. or more. If you do not currently have an ssh version 2 DSA key, you can
  9. generate a key using the command<pre>ssh-keygen -t dsa</pre> This will
  10. create the files <pre>/home/&lt;USERNAME&gt;/.ssh/id_dsa
  11. /home/&lt;USERNAME&gt;/.ssh/</pre> You must then send the content
  12. of '' to me so I can setup your account. The content of 'id_dsa'
  13. should of course be kept secret.
  14. <p>
  15. Note that if you would prefer to keep your communications with me
  16. private, you can encrypt your email using my
  17. <a href="">public key</a>.
  18. <p>
  19. Once you are setup with an account, you will need to use your account to
  20. checkout a copy of uClibc from Subversion:
  21. <pre>
  22. svn list svn+ssh://</pre>
  23. <br>
  24. It goes without saying you must change <em>username</em> to your own
  25. username...
  26. <p>
  27. You can then enter the newly checked out uClibc directory, make changes, check
  28. your changes, diff your changes, revert your changes, and and commit your
  29. changes usine commands such as:
  30. <pre>
  31. svn diff
  32. svn status
  33. svn revert
  34. svn commit</pre>
  35. <p>
  36. For additional detail on how to use Subversion, please visit the
  37. <a href="">the Subversion website</a>.
  38. You might also want to read online or buy a copy of <a
  39. href="">the Subversion Book</a>...
  40. <!--#include file="footer.html" -->