resolve.S 1.1 KB

  1. /*
  2. * Stolen from glibc-2.2.2 by David Schleef <>
  3. */
  4. .text
  5. .align 4
  6. .globl _dl_linux_resolver
  7. .globl _dl_linux_resolve
  8. .type _dl_linux_resolve,@function
  9. _dl_linux_resolve:
  10. // We need to save the registers used to pass parameters, and register 0,
  11. // which is used by _mcount; the registers are saved in a stack frame.
  12. stwu 1,-64(1)
  13. stw 0,12(1)
  14. stw 3,16(1)
  15. stw 4,20(1)
  16. // The code that calls this has put parameters for 'fixup' in r12 and r11.
  17. mr 3,12
  18. stw 5,24(1)
  19. mr 4,11
  20. stw 6,28(1)
  21. mflr 0
  22. // We also need to save some of the condition register fields.
  23. stw 7,32(1)
  24. stw 0,48(1)
  25. stw 8,36(1)
  26. mfcr 0
  27. stw 9,40(1)
  28. stw 10,44(1)
  29. stw 0,8(1)
  30. bl _dl_linux_resolver@local
  31. // 'fixup' returns the address we want to branch to.
  32. mtctr 3
  33. // Put the registers back...
  34. lwz 0,48(1)
  35. lwz 10,44(1)
  36. lwz 9,40(1)
  37. mtlr 0
  38. lwz 8,36(1)
  39. lwz 0,8(1)
  40. lwz 7,32(1)
  41. lwz 6,28(1)
  42. mtcrf 0xFF,0
  43. lwz 5,24(1)
  44. lwz 4,20(1)
  45. lwz 3,16(1)
  46. lwz 0,12(1)
  47. // ...unwind the stack frame, and jump to the PLT entry we updated.
  48. addi 1,1,64
  49. bctr
  50. .LFE2:
  51. .size _dl_linux_resolve,.LFE2-_dl_linux_resolve