+++ date = "2017-02-11T09:30:45+01:00" title = "Welcome to wbx page!" type = "index" +++ # Who I am? I am used to be a system engineer and open source hacker. You can find my old blog [here](http://blog.waldemar-brodkorb.de/). Get my [GnuPG key](http://waldemar-brodkorb.de/wbx.asc). You can find me on [Xing](https://www.xing.com/profile/Waldemar_Brodkorb) and [LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/waldemar-brodkorb-84b90820/). # Links to my Open Source software projects + [OpenADK](https://openadk.org) - buildsystem + [uClibc-ng](https://uclibc-ng.org) - small C library + [embedded-test](https://embedded-test.org) - shellscript for automatic testing + [waldux](https://waldux.rocks) - vintage Linux kernel fork # Wishlist for hardware + power supply for Cobalt QUBE2 12 V 3.3 A + AT power supply for old bebox mother board + new battery powered NVRAM for SUN SPARCstation IPX + VT420 or other terminal from Digital